12 years ago
[event] found someone's closet and is playing dress up with their clothes!
latest #636
12 years ago
blinks down at the tiny girl in her clothes. "Hello?"
Madeline has
12 years ago
on a jean miniskirt (not so mini on her short legs, mind you), a flag print shirt, and oversized heels. She startles a little at the voice
12 years ago
and is quick to turn around, blinking up at her. "H-hello..." she answers back shyly, not sure who this woman was but immediately looking
12 years ago
up to her with admiration.
12 years ago
blinks down at her and for a moment looks terribly confused-- this girl looked so much like Maddie when they were little..... "Oh you're so
12 years ago
so so so cute, hunny, in my clothes awwww they're so big on you."
12 years ago
flushes a little and shifts on her feet. "They fit perfectly you mean!" She smiles, fixing the shirt.
12 years ago
smiles at this and leans down reaching out to spin the skirt around her waist till it's turned in the right direction. "Well you do look
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super cute, huh?" She smiles and tucks the girl's hair behind her ear. "So what's your name little one?"
12 years ago
blinks at her, smiling shyly with the help, running her fingers through her long, messy hair nervously. "Madeline..."
12 years ago
smiles at her and sits down on the floor, pulling the little girl into her lap. "As I thought, you must be little Maddie. Don't you
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recognize your big sister?" She laughs and gives her the heroine smile. "It's me! Alicia! I have grown up a rather lot though."
12 years ago
blinks and lets herself be pulled into the woman's lap, getting comfortable before looking up at her and studying her face. "Alicia...?" she
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asks with wide eyes. "W-what...?" She brings her hands up to Alicia's cheeks, to see if she was real.
12 years ago
smiles at this and lets the child touch her face and explore to verify. "It's me, really. Remember say..." Oh this Maddie looked so young;
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what would she remember? "... Hmmm that time you spilled juice on the curtain and I helped you bury it so Annie wouldn't get mad at you" She
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laughs. "You cried like anything."
12 years ago
gently runs her fingers over her face, before pulling them back after a moment. She gasps and looks fretful at just the memory. "Y-you
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didn't tell anyone, right?"
12 years ago
grins and taps her nose, humming softly. She doesn't quite tell her that 'Annie a bear got in and stole the curtains' probably gave them
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away back then- but who could punish such cute littler girls really- and instead she says, "Of course I didn't, silly. I promised I wouldn't
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didn't I?"
12 years ago
fidgets a little, thought she looks very relieved when Alicia tells her it's fine. "G-good, I don;t want Annie to hate me..."
12 years ago
smiles and kisses her forehead. "Annie couldn't hate you. You're much too cute for that." She pushes her hair behind her ear. "Say, you're
12 years ago
really small. What year is it little one?"
12 years ago
smiles and blushes lightly at the kiss, blinking up at her. "1673!"
12 years ago
smiles at her and pushes her hair behind her ear. "Oh well that was a good year." She winks. "I'm a time traveler you know~"
12 years ago
gasps and covers her mouth with her hands in surprise. "A time traveller?" she asks in awe. She knew her sister was awesome... but woah!
12 years ago
laughs softly at how cute she is. Oh man, she hadn't realized when she was younger. "Yes. A time traveler, obviously. Say, why don't you
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stay at my house and I'll take good care of you hun, till we get you put back in your proper time huh?"
12 years ago
nods enthusiastically and hugs her. "Oh please! That would be fun." She missed having sleep overs with her sister.
12 years ago
laughs delightedly and hugs her tight, standing up with the little girl in her arms. "And it's starting to get warm and we can play in the
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pool." She kisses the top of her head and brings her to her room to continue the dress-up-- With make up!
12 years ago
giggles and clings on tight as she's suddenly a lot higher up. "I don't have a bathing suit, though.." she blinks up at her.
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about that- well shit none of hers would fit. "How about this? We'll go buy you one right now huh? We'll get you some cute modern clothes!"
12 years ago
smiles at this. She did always like receiving a new dress! "Can I wear this?" she asks, motioning to her current outfit.
12 years ago
laughs and looks her over. "Well it's a little bit big on you, but you can wear this while we shop. I'll find you something just as cute
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made just to fit a little lady like you?" She lifts Maddy up higher to put the little girl on her shoulders.
12 years ago
nods, laughing a little as she's hoisted up even higher. She wraps her tiny arms around Alicia's head for balance. "O-oh I do hope
12 years ago
there are pretty ones! Annie always choses such dull colours..."
12 years ago
laughs again, amused at this. "She does choose such dull colors. But don't worry. They've got the spring clothes out now. What's your
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favorite color?"
12 years ago
smiles, playing with a stray strand of Alicia's hair. "I like red," she hums.
12 years ago
nods and laughs. "I'm sure we can find you a pretty red dress then." She carries her, trying to decide if it was nice enough to walk or if
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they should take the car. She only has to think a minute. Shopping could end up with a lot of bags. "We'll take my car," she says, heading
12 years ago
for the garage.
12 years ago
blinks at this, leaning over a little to try and look her in the face, though it didn't work very well. "...your what? "she asked,
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genuinely curious.
12 years ago
giggles as she gets a little bit of the edge of her face in her vision. "My car. It's like a carriage without horses." She pulls open the
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garage door and walks over to a very nice little red car.
12 years ago
gasps upon seeing the large metal contraption, peeking at it from behind Alicia's head. " can have a carriage without horses? Are you
12 years ago
12 years ago
hums softly and moves to open the passenger door. "Well I'm a little bit magic, but this is actually a machine. Like Annie's pocket watch
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but much bigger and more complicated."
12 years ago
clings to Alicia with all the moving around, feeling like she probably needed to get down but not knowing how to. She nods. "Oh...."
12 years ago
reaches up and picks the girl up, gently setting her in the seat in the front. "Now here, you put this around you to keep you safe." She
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buckles the girl into the seat.
12 years ago
lets herself be placed, blinking and watching as Alicia strapped her in. She frowns though and wiggles under the belt. "This isn't
12 years ago
very nice feeling...."
12 years ago
kisses the top of her head and moves to the driver side. "It's much better than those bumpy carriage rides though, I promise." She
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buckles in and says, "You'll get used to it."
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hums, blushing a little at the kiss and squirming into a good spot in her seat. "If you say so then..."
12 years ago
nods and pulls out, humming happily as she gets out onto the road. She glances over to see what Madeline thinks because really this was
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much pleasanter than 1670.
12 years ago
gasps, trying to crawl to her knees to look out the window as they go, though the seatbelt made it harder. She presses her face against the
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glass, marvelling both at how fast they were going, and the sights whizzing by.
12 years ago
giggles at how curious she is, how amazed she is. She remembered being that age still. She watches the road and rather soon they're pulling
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into the mall, and she quickly finds a parking spot.
12 years ago
's eyes dart around taking everything in, blinking as they pull up to a stop. She flops back into her seat, excited for what other
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cool things she was going to see!
12 years ago
smiles at her and reaches over to unbuckle her. "Okay you have to stay close to me in the store okay? THere are lots of people and you're
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such a cute, so someone might try to snatch you up if you're wandering around alone."
12 years ago
stays still to let her get that strange belt from her, moving to try and figure out the door when she's free. She stops though,
12 years ago
blinking over at Alicia. "Like a Boogeyman?" she asks with wide eyes.
12 years ago
blinks back at her. While on the one hand that was a very good explanation, on the other she really didn't want Maddie looking for boogeymen
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in the mall. "More like bad humans that just want to take pretty kids home with them. Greedy humans like that?" She smiles and kisses the
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top of her head. "I'll keep you safe, just don't wander off okay?"
12 years ago
nods solemnly at that. "O-oh.... well that's okay, most people don't see me anyways," she smiles, at an age yet where she hasn't grown
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tired of the invisible game. She blushes a little at the kiss though, nodding. "I'll stay close!"
12 years ago
smiles and lifts the girl up into her arms and climbs out of the car. She locks it with a button and heads into the mall. "Good girl.
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We'll have fun huh? Shopping is fun."
12 years ago
gasps as she's lifted up, clinging to Alicia with a giggle. She watches in surprise as the lightson the car flash at them, but she nods. "Do
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you think there will be other people here that came in these carriages?"
12 years ago
laughs at her gently and kisses her forehead. "Of course! I think everyone did probably." She points to the part of the parking lot that's
12 years ago
starting to fill up.
12 years ago
smiles and blushes lightly at the kiss, nodding. "Oh! I am excited to meet them, then!" She has yet to realize the population
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density is a lot higher than she's used to.
12 years ago
laughs softly at this. "Well we can't meet everyone silly. That'd take way too long. But maybe you can make some friends." She carries her
12 years ago
into the mall, holding the little girl in her arms to keep her from getting lost in the crowd.
12 years ago
blinks up at her at this in wonder at how many people could possibly be in a shop, but nods and curls into her arms happily. She watches
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everything curiously as they pass.
Amelia is
12 years ago
pleased she seems so curious- curious kids learned more. She carries her through the food court- which is incredibly loud and packed with
12 years ago
teenagers hanging out. She carries her through to the store she wants,
12 years ago
cringes a little in surprise at how loud it is, shying away into Alicia's shoulder though she can't help but continue to peek.
12 years ago
laughs and hugs her tight to comfort her, leading her into the children's section of one of her favorite stores. She finally sets Maddie on
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her feet in front of racks of colorful dresses and skirts, knowing that pants would probably be awkward feeling to her if she were from that
12 years ago
12 years ago
gains her balance again, though gasping as she looked up at the selection. How would she ever be able to choose with so many dresses? oAo
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kneels down next to her. "Which ones do you want to try on first huh?" she asks, squeezing her hand gently. She giggles at her wide eyed
12 years ago
12 years ago
looks around, squeezing her hand back. "...c-can I choose any of them?" oAo
12 years ago
laughs softly and nods. "Or all of them. We'll just keep trying them on until we find the perfect ones."
12 years ago
looks around in awe, nodding as she ventured forward to look at the dresses. She found a pretty pink one, glancing to Alicia to
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see if she could get approval first before actually saying she liked it.
Amelia gives
12 years ago
her a warm smile when the girl looked up at her, and she looks at the dress. "Do you like this one? It's very cute~!"
12 years ago
smiles once she has the approval, nodding. "Yes please!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and picks it up. "Okay we'll try this one on then. Which other ones do you want to try huh?"
12 years ago
nods, looking through the racks with awe, picking out more dresses absentmindedly, including nearly one of every colour. She only pauses
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after she can't find one on a rack, blinking up at the quickly growing pile she was handing to Alicia. "...o-oh, I'll put some back..."
12 years ago
smiles and just takes each of the dresses, humming happily. She liked shopping. She shakes her head. "Let's go try them on and we'll see
12 years ago
which ones you like best huh?"
12 years ago
blinks up at her and nods, smiling again. "O-oh okay!" she answers, but stepping up to walk beside Alicia, clinging to her pantleg.
12 years ago
smiles at that and leads the little girl to the dressing room and takes her into one. She lifts the girl up onto the area meant for sitting
12 years ago
on after she hangs the dresses up. "Which one first?"
12 years ago
smiles and lets herself be seated, looking up at her. "Uhhmmm I don't know.. pick for me?" she asks. oAo
12 years ago
laughs and picks her up again, trying to get her to stand on the chair so it was easier for her to reach Maddie to help her change. "Hmmm,
12 years ago
well let's try this pretty blue one huh?"
12 years ago
blinks at this and lets herself be manouvered, and nods. "Okay!" she replies, holding her arms out for help.
12 years ago
smiles at this and helps her get changed, being careful of her hair. "Here sweetie~"
12 years ago
smiles as she waits for Alicia to do up the clasps, before standing up proudly. "How do I look?"
12 years ago
smiles and turns her toward the mirror. "You look positively adorable~ Look at this pretty girl~" She laughs. "Does it fit well huh?"
12 years ago
turns to the mirror, gasping at her reflection. "Oh, I like it!" she answers, thinking that was a good enough answer.
12 years ago
laughs softly and pulls her hair back, humming gently. "Well you do look terribly cute in it."
12 years ago
smiles, letting Alicia play with her hair. "O-oh, thank you," she tries turning a little despite the hands in her hair now.
12 years ago
releases her hair to let the little girl turn around to look at the back, humming at her. Oh she was cute.
12 years ago
smiles, looking up at Alicia. "Can I try on more?" she asks hopefully.
12 years ago
smiles and nods. "We'll keep this blue one in mind though." She moves to help her take off the dress again.
12 years ago
nods too, eagerly helping get the dress off so she can try on any of the other numbers she picked out.
12 years ago
smiles and hands her a pretty red one.
12 years ago
smiles and hurries to put it on, though managing to get her arm through the head hole and trying to fit her head through the arm hole.
12 years ago
giggles at this and moves to gently guide her, putting her arms and head in the right spots. "You're so cute~!"
12 years ago
blinks and moves with her, smiling when it's on right. "Y-you're cuter!" she argues, pointing up at her.
12 years ago
laughs at this and kisses her fingertip. "No, you're much cuter. Now, why don't you look in the mirror and see how you like that dress.
12 years ago
blushes at the little kiss, shaking her head as she turned to the mirror. She smiles when she sees the dress though. "Oh, I like this one
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "Well then this one is a keeper. Let's try on some more okay??" She moves to help get it off.
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helps get it off quickly, getting better at this already. She smiles and tugs a green one out of the pile next.
Amelia is
12 years ago
glad that the child appears to be having fun. She moves to help her get the green dress on. "You're so cute."
12 years ago
smiles and helps get the dress on, shaking her head. "No you are!" she insists again, her crush showing a little.
12 years ago
giggles and shakes her head, tsking at her. "Come on silly. You're like a little princess. You're adorbs." She straightens her dress for her
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and turns her toward the mirror.
12 years ago
hums at this, turning to see herself. "But you're like a knight in shining armour!"
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giggles. "But knights aren't cute are they?" She fixes the girl's hair a bit. "So clearly you're the cute one."
12 years ago
pouts at her. "Knights can be cute...."
12 years ago
giggles again at her little pout and kisses her cheek. Who can argue with that really? She tucks her hair behind her ear. "Okay, okay maybe
12 years ago
knights can be cute, but you're cute."
12 years ago
blushes with the kiss, humming at her. "M-maybe," she turns, looking at her dress in the mirror again.
12 years ago
giggles at her maybe and plays with her hair again. "Isn't this a pretty dress hunny?"
12 years ago
nods, smiling at her reflection. The green of the dress really brought out the purple in her eyes. "I like this one!" she
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nods, even if it was slightly too big.
12 years ago
giggles and nods. "I like this one too. Okay then. which one next? We can try on all of them." She taps her nose.
12 years ago
giggles a little at the nose touch. She smiles, tugging another one from the pile.
12 years ago
smiles and has found a place for 'keepers' and a place for the ones they're going to put back. she comes back over to help her change.
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wiggles out of the green dress and into the new one, though this one has a zipper that she hadn't noticed and is falling off of
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her shoulders already.
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giggles at her. "Havin some problems huh?" She turns and pokes her side through the undone zipper up the seam of the dress. "Silly," She
12 years ago
zips it up for her.
12 years ago
giggles at the poke, squirming a little as Alicia does up the dress. Oh that was better! "I'm not silly..." she protests.
12 years ago
laughs at this and hums. "You're not silly? Not even a little? I thought all kids were a bit silly at least.
12 years ago
shakes her head, standing up straight. "No, I'm perfectly reasonable," she confirms, though a smile is trying to peek through.
12 years ago
hmmmmmss at her and then leans forward. "Really? Are you sure?" And then she begins to tickle her. >u<
12 years ago
nods, very sure of herself right up until Alicia starts tickling. Then she giggles like a crazy. "H-hey!!"
12 years ago
keeps tickling her. "What's up huh? Whatcha laughing about huh? I thought you weren't silly~!"
12 years ago
gasps and giggles loudly, trying to escape. "Y-you're tickling me!!" she protests.
12 years ago
snatches her up into her arms and cradles her against her chest, kissing her all over her face. "I'm not tickling~!" she says between kisses
12 years ago
I'm not!"
12 years ago
yelps at first but giggles and clings to her, squirming at the kisses. "Y-you were thoguh!"
12 years ago
giggles at this and just cuddles her tight again. "Oh but you were having fun huh?"
12 years ago
smiles anyways and hugs her back. "Y-you're being bad!"
12 years ago
hugs her tight and rubs her back. "I'm very good. I'm the best sister ever, don't you think??"
12 years ago
smiles and keeps her arms around her neck, nuzzling her face against her shoulder. "Y-yes..."
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses the top of her head, voice affectionate. "Good, but you're a pretty good sister yourself huh, little lady?"
12 years ago
blushes at the cute kiss, humming at her. "I-I am...!"
12 years ago
smiles warmly and nods. "I think you're the best sister ever hun." She taps her nose and sets her down. "Next dress?"
12 years ago
nods, wiggling out of her current dress right away.
12 years ago
blushes though, pausing to shake her head. "You're the best sister ever!"
12 years ago
smiles at her and taps her nose. "How about this then. You're the best sister for me, and I'm the best sister for you? Deal?" She hands her
12 years ago
a pretty red dress.
12 years ago
blinks and giggles at the tap, eventually nodding in agreement. "O-okay!" She eagerly gets into the red dress, needing help again.
12 years ago
smiles as she thinks that over and helps her get into her dress. "that means that we're both perfect huh?"
12 years ago
smiles, wiggling a bit as Alicia helped. "Y-yes!" She turns around to see the mirror, gasping at the dress. "I want this one!" she decides,
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even though the shoulder pieces were trying to slip off from being a little to big.
12 years ago
smiles at her and actually realizes this one is too big. "I think I can get it in a size smaller for you??" If there isn't one well she
Amelia likes
12 years ago
it so.... "But we'll definitely get this one huh?"
12 years ago
nods, smiling up at her. "Do I look like a princess yet?" she asks, tugging at Alicia's shirt.
12 years ago
grins at her and nods. "You definitely look like a little princess." She pauses. "But you are missing one teensy thing-- A crown!"
12 years ago
gasps at this. "Y-you're right!" She tries to look up at her head, hands goign to her hair.
12 years ago
smiles at this and just hums. "We'll get you a crown okay? I know we can find one here." She takes the dresses she's decided to buy for the
12 years ago
little one. "Wanna go look for one?
12 years ago
nods, ready to wear the one she had on out into the store, unaware that wasn't normal. "Yes please," she smiles.
12 years ago
smiles at this and leans out of the dressing room to tell one of the shop ladies that the little would wanted to leave in dress if that was
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quite alright. She puts the ones they aren't buying on the rack and brings the other swith her, taking Maddie's hand to lead her.
12 years ago
clings to Alicia's hand quite happily, following with her. She fiddles with the tags on the dress with her other hand, staying quiet.
12 years ago
lets them ring up the dresses, living Maddie up at one point to get the dress scanned and de-tagged. The other dresses go into the bag and
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she picks her tiny sister up. "Let's go hunny~"
12 years ago
blinks and lets herself be de-tagged, amused by it all. She smiles and clings to Alicia as she's picked up, kissing her
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cheek. "Thank you," she smiles, hugging her.
12 years ago
smiles at the sweet little peck to her cheek and rubs her hair, stroking it back away from her face. "You're welcome, little princess." She
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hugs her back.
12 years ago
blushes at the little touches and smiles. "Are you gonna be a princess too?"
12 years ago
smiles and thinks for a moment. "Well I thought I was a prince but.... Sure, I'll be a princess with you." >u<
12 years ago
blinks, shaking her head as if she meant to take back her statement now. "O-oh if you want to be a prince, t-that works
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too!" She wouldn't mind Alicia being her prince...
12 years ago
smiles at this and tucks her hair behind her ear. "Whatever you want me to be then hun," she says, smiling at her and leading her into a
12 years ago
toy store.
12 years ago
"Princes," she decides, nodding her head and maybe a little serious. she liked that idea best now.
12 years ago
12 years ago
giggles at this and kisses her nose. "Okay. I'll be Prince, and you'll be a cute princess." She carries her to the aisle with dress up
12 years ago
things in it."
12 years ago
blushes and giggles at the kiss, clings to Alicia as she got distracted looking around at all the shiny new things.
12 years ago
watches Madeline gaze around at all the shiny toys and things and finally sets her down on her feet in front of crowns and sceptors and
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so forth. "Let's pick you some things out huh?"
12 years ago
looks around in awe, unused to so many bright sparkly things, especially in one place. "Okay..."
12 years ago
smiles at her and pats her head. "We need a crown first don't we huh?"
12 years ago
nods, flushing a bit at the pat. "A silver one?" she suggests.
12 years ago
smiles and looks, around, pointing at one. "How about this huh? It's got little red gem-y things on it."
12 years ago
nods enthusiastically. "Oooh yes!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and passes it down to her. "Look and see if there's any more dress up things you need." Alicia finds herself a more princely
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crown and a little red robe. It was ridiculously short on her of course but she figured that Maddie would approve anyways.
Madeline is
12 years ago
distracted for a moment, placing the crown including tags on her head as she picks out a little staff and cute
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plush cat. When she does at last turn back to Alicia she gets a wide smile at seeing the little robe.
12 years ago
seems pleased with it as well and she looks down at her. A cat and a little staff, how cute. She leans down and picks up Maddie's hand to
12 years ago
kiss her knuckles. "Does this make you happy, lil princess? All well here?"
12 years ago
blinks as Alicia takes her hand, and blushes bright red. "O-oh uhm oui, I approve very much...."
12 years ago
smiles at this and pulls Maddie over to fix her little tiara. "good then. Let's go buy this stuff huh? We can go home and eat cake."
12 years ago
smiles shyly as she looks down at the ground while Alicia fixes her tiara. "Yes please...!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses her forehead before picking the little girl up. "What sort of cake do princesses like?" she asks.
12 years ago
giggles and clings to Alicia as she's hoisted up again. "Uhhhm.. princesses like one with maple frosting," she nods.
12 years ago
blinks at this and laughs. "Some things never change do they?" she says, kissing her cheek. "Maple frosting it is." She carries her to the
12 years ago
register and checks out, They'll just wear their purchases out thanks.
12 years ago
blinks at the laugh and blushes, feeling silly even though she didn't know why. "....w-we can have something else..." she adds quietly.
12 years ago
cups her cheek and gives her a comically very serious look. "I like maple frosting too! We can have that." She smiles and nods. "So don't
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worry your little self about it.
12 years ago
blushes darker at the kiss and squirms a little, nodding. "O-oh... alright...."
12 years ago
smiles at this and gives her an Eskimo kiss to try and make her giggle and stop being so shy and blushy- because shy was the only reason to
12 years ago
be blushing right. "Tea? Or Cola huh?"
12 years ago
flusters still, scrunching her face up in embarrassment. She does pause at the question though, looking lost. "....w-what is cola?"
12 years ago
blinks at this and tilts her head. "Right. You wouldn't have had it back then." She tilts her head. "Would you like to try some?"
12 years ago
hesitates a moment, looking up at her. " you like it?"
12 years ago
meets her eyes and nods. "It was invented in my country. I like it very very much." She brushes a bit of hair out of her face and walks into
12 years ago
a little cupcake shop. She didn't know where to get actual cake with maple on it but this cupcake place sold them. She buys them a half
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dozen of maple cupcakes.
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "I will try it then." She clings to Alicia, eyes going wide again as they entered the store of tiny cakes. *A *
12 years ago
looks down at her and pauses the woman at the counter. "YOu can have a maple cupcake and a chocolate one or vanilla one. IF you wanted more
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than one flavor hunny."
12 years ago
blinks and looks around with wide eyes still. "...a-are there strawberry ones?" she asks quietly.
12 years ago
looks back to the lady at the counter who nods, the woman working there positively delighted by Maddie. Alicia smiles. "So a maple and
12 years ago
strawberry one for you Maddie? And Oh, two maples, two strawberry and one of whatever this is with the mini oreo on it and one red velvet."
12 years ago
clings shyly to Alicia, smiling as she looked at all the little cakes. She didn't know what an oreo was, but that looked delicious too.
12 years ago
would share with her, even though she was too small to eat too many cupcakes. She watches the lady box and bag the order,
12 years ago
stroking Maddie's hair distractedly.
12 years ago
blushes lightly at the hand in her hair, though relaxing against her. She watches too, interested, but she would likely only be
12 years ago
able to eat about one.
12 years ago
takes and pays for the cupcakes and heads back toward the car. She expects her little sister to fall asleep in the car on the trip back.
12 years ago
"You've been so good all day, hun."
12 years ago
clings to Alicia, comfortable like this still. She likely would fall asleep again, somehow the motion of the vehicle lulled her to sleep
12 years ago
easily. She smiles at the compliment though. "I'm trying to be a good princess..."
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "Well you're a perfect princess, hun," she tells her. Most kids weren't even half so well behaved. she finally is
12 years ago
back to her car, putting the litle girl inside and buckling her in. She opens the back to put her bags down and grabs a little stuffed alien
12 years ago
for Madeline to snuggle.
12 years ago
smiles wider, blushing a little as she let Alicia place her back down in the car. She plays with her new dress as her sister puts away the
12 years ago
bags, though she pauses and blinks at the toy when it's presented to her. "...what's that?" she asks curiously.
12 years ago
smiles at her and kisses her forehead. "It's an alien come down from space. He'll keep you safe if you hug him enough." ...And he'll be a
12 years ago
comfy pillow for when you fall asleep.
12 years ago
's eyes widen at that, holding the toy at arm's length to examine it. "An alien...?" she asks in awe, obviously wondering if they were real!
12 years ago
smiles at this and pats her head. "Yep, a little alien to keep you safe." She pecks her cheek and moves to stand to go to her own seat.
12 years ago
still looks a little starry eyed, but she hugs the toy to her chest and settles down in her seat.
12 years ago
shuts the door and moves to the other side to slide into the drivers seat. She pulls out, humming gently as she goes. She's amused that the
12 years ago
other seems so happy about the toy.
12 years ago
settles into her seat, holding the toy against her. It wasn't until now that she realized she missed her pet Lynx.
12 years ago
smiles at her, watching her out of the corner of her eye. She maybe wanted to get a picture of sleeping baby Maddy.
12 years ago
takes a little while, but eventually calms down and starts to doze off. Her arms are still wrapped around the toy, and her head lolls to the
12 years ago
side and leans against the seatbelt.
12 years ago
smiles and waits till they're paused at a stoplight to snap a picture of the baby girl cuddled up next to her. She drives the little babe
12 years ago
home and pulls into the driveway.
12 years ago
stays asleep through the whole ride, shifting a little when the finally park but not yet awake.
12 years ago
smiles at this and climbs out of the car, moving around to her side to gently pick the girl up, trying to let her sleep still.
12 years ago
just moves with her, still fast asleep as she curls into Alicia's arms.
12 years ago
smiles at this and strokes her hair. "You're so cute," she mumbles, getting their bags and bringing them inside. They can eat the cupcakes
12 years ago
((is there more?))
12 years ago
together when she wakes up.
12 years ago
clings to her in her sleep, though she'd feel bad about not helping her with getting inside.
12 years ago
doesn't mind it even a little of course, carrying her in and setting her gently down on the couch. "Ahhh so cute," she murmurs, kissing the
12 years ago
top of her little blonde head before moving to put the cupcakes somewhere cool.
12 years ago
settles on to the couch easily, though she's finally starting to stir again with all that movement. She turns over, burying her face
12 years ago
into the couch.
12 years ago
sits in the other room drinking lemonade. She'd wait for the little one to wake up.
12 years ago
starts to sit up after a while, but she's alone in a room she doesn't recognize now, and has opted to hide, several pillows surrounding her.
12 years ago
comes back in a bit later, looking around. "Maddie?" she says when she sees the couch is empty. "Hunny?"
12 years ago
hesitates a moment, wiping her eyes before poking her head out. "A-Alicia?"
12 years ago
blinks around, following the tiny voice. "Baby?" She reaches out towards her. "Baby come here what's wrong?!"
12 years ago
reaches out and clings to her, sniffling a little. "I-I had a bad dream a-and when I woke up you weren't around and I didn't know where
12 years ago
I-I was..." she mumbles, clinging to Alicia.
12 years ago
frowns and picks her up, cuddling her tight against her chest. "Oh baby I'm so sorry. I forgot youhadn't explored my house yet. Sugar
12 years ago
r I'm so sorry. I've got you now okay?" She kisses the top of her head.
12 years ago
wipes at her eyes again, letting herself be picked up and clinging to her. "I-I'm glad you're h-here.."
12 years ago
holds her close and comforts her, stroking her hair and kissing her cheeks. "Yes, I'm here baby. It's okay."
12 years ago
blushes lightly with the little kisses, calming down. She stays quiet a moment, just wrapped around her.
12 years ago
smiles when she seems to have calmed down. "Now," she says softly. "Who wants cupcakes huh?"
12 years ago
pulls a little away from her, nodding slowly. "Yes please..."
12 years ago
smiles at this and carries her into the kitchen. "We'll make you all happy again huh?"
12 years ago
clings to her, nodding a little. "Sweets are good for that...."
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods, pecking the top of her head and setting her in a chair. "I agree. Now here..." She retrieves a cupcake and sets a
12 years ago
cola in front of her.
12 years ago
blushes lightly at the kiss agian, sitting down. She blinks at the dark cola, peering at it suspiciously.
12 years ago
giggles at her reaction to the cola. "It's good I promise. Give it a try huh?"
12 years ago
nods a little. If Alicia liked it, she could too! She sips at the drink, surprised by it's sweetness.
12 years ago
giggles again, just watching her. "How's it taste huh?"
12 years ago
makes a face. "It's really sweet!
12 years ago
laughs softly at that expression. "You don't like sweet?"
12 years ago
blinks up at her. "I'm not used to it in drinks..."
12 years ago
blinks back at this. "things are so different these days. Kids never drink bitter drinks. Would you rather some tea or lemonade, sweetheart"
12 years ago
hums softly. "Ah, lemonade please.." she smiles. Truthfully she'd have put a ton of sugar in her drink,had Ann ever let her.
12 years ago
smiles at this and gets her some lemonade, humming happily. She takes her coke and starts drinking it as she gets her own cupcake and sits
12 years ago
down with her
12 years ago
12 years ago
thanks her for the lemonade, taking a sip of it and smiling. She looks at the cupcake though, stealing a bit of icing with her finger
12 years ago
first to test.
12 years ago
giggles. "It's sweet you know."
12 years ago
nods, blinking at that. "I can see that," she giggles, though this is the sort of sweet she liked.
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Please go ahead and eat it then.~" she coos softly, wondering if she'd end up with frosting all over her face like a cutie.
12 years ago
nods, peeling back the paper carefully, trying to see if she could eat it daintily. She still tries to, but of course ends
12 years ago
up with icing on her cheeks, nose, fingers...
12 years ago
giggles a little, figuring it would happen. It's hard to not get it everywhere when your mouth is so small compared to the cake. She is a
12 years ago
lot neater but even she ends up with icing on her cheek.
12 years ago
pouts a little when she notices how much icing she's getting everywhere, wiping at her mouth with her hand in an attempt to clean it
12 years ago
off. She doesn't notice Alicia has some too, yet.
12 years ago
takes a picture of her before she can get it off- or smear it whatever. She thinks that's adorably cute.
12 years ago
flusters when she notices Alicia looking at her, turning her back to her as she tries to wipe the rest off. If Alicia didn't help soon
12 years ago
though, it would end up on Madeline's new dress too....
12 years ago
giggles when she turns her face away and says, "Come now lemme help you okay?" She turns her toward her, moving to help clean her face and
12 years ago
12 years ago
blushes still. "I-I've got it..." she mumbles in protest, though turning to Alicia obediently. She squrms a little as Alicia cleans her up,
12 years ago
but otherwise behaves.
12 years ago
giggles again. "I'll help you~! I can see your face much better than you can." She gets her clean and smiles. "There you go."
12 years ago
nods a little, shy again now. "T-thank you, prince Alicua.."
12 years ago
smiles at this and taps her cheek. "You're welcome Princess Maddie."
12 years ago
blushes again at that, though a shy smile makes its way back to her lips.
Amelia likes
12 years ago
that sweet little smile. Jeez Maddie was the cutest kid ever.
12 years ago
"Want a strawberry one now?"
12 years ago
blinks up at her, surprised. "I'm allowed to have another...?" Annie would never have allowed that.
12 years ago
blinks down at her and puts a finger over her mouth in a shhhh fashion. "It'll be a secret just between us okay?"
12 years ago
gasps and covers her mouth, nodding. Secret cupcake!
12 years ago
giggles again. How'd this kid get so cute?? She gets her a strawberry cupcake and sets it in front of her.
12 years ago
smiles and thanks her, though she waits for Alicia to get own again before taking a bite of hers.
12 years ago
smiles at how polite she is, getting her own and carefully taking the strawberry slice off first. She'd eat it after.
12 years ago
blinks when she notices Alicia do so, looking at her own cupcake and doing the same. She attempts to eat this time by picking off chunks of
12 years ago
the cake instead of biting into it all at once, trying to avoid the icing all over her face.
12 years ago
smiles and keeps an eye on her, knowing if she got food on her pretty dress the poor girl would probably cry. She hums and eats her own,
12 years ago
glad that the little Maddie was happy too.
Madeline is
12 years ago
doing pretty well, though crumbs were getting all over the table this time. She manages to get halfway through the cupcake before she
12 years ago
starts to feel too full to continue.
12 years ago
hums and pops her strawberry slice into her mouth. "Can't finish it huh?" she asks when she sees her picking at it. "Why don't you eat your
12 years ago
strawberry and call it quits huh?"
12 years ago
hesitates, not wanting to waste it, but she nods. "Can we save the rest?" she asks, munching on her strawberry.
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses the top of her head. "Sure. I'll put it up for you huh?" She takes it, moving to put it in a little tupperware
12 years ago
bowl and setting in the door of the fridge so it wouldn't get hard.
12 years ago
nods, thanking her and watching as Alicia put it away. She wipes at her mouth again, trying to make sure she hadn't been messy.
12 years ago
smiles at her and comes over to make sure as well, a bit of frosting on her own cheek still. "Was that good?"
12 years ago
lets her clean it off, though she smiles a little when she spots the icing, reaching up to mimic Alicia and wipe it off for her. "It was
12 years ago
delicious, thank you..."
12 years ago
closes her eyes as she wipes her face for her. "You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it." She picks the little girl up. "What should we play
12 years ago
now Princess?"
12 years ago
giggles as she's picked up, clinging to Alicia happily. "Uhmmm. What do you want to play?" she offers, always thinking of her sister first.
12 years ago
smiles at her and kisses the top of her head. "I want to......... play your favorite game!" She says, tapping her cheek.
12 years ago
blushes a little at the kiss and smiles. "That's cheating!" she laughs, wiggling a little. "Could we make something?"
12 years ago
laughs too and lifts her high above her head. "We could make something~! Like a castle or a doll or anything you like!" She nudges the
12 years ago
girl's nose with her own.
12 years ago
giggles and shrieks in delighted surprise as she's lifted so high, clinging to Alicia's wrists. "L-let's make a doll!" she giggles, blushing
12 years ago
and giving eskimo kisses back.
12 years ago
giggles with her and spins a little as she brings her back down safely into her arms. "We'll make a pretty doll then we'll make a pillow
12 years ago
fort in the living room. It'll be good." She carries the little girl into a small little mostly unused room. It's a little sewing room from
12 years ago
times when she had to sew out of necessity. Now though there's a modern, but still rather outdated model, of sewing machine. She probably
12 years ago
had enough stuff to make a little plush doll relatively easy.
12 years ago
blinks up at the sewing machine. "Woahhh," she exclaims in awe. They had been brand new to her, but she was still able to
12 years ago
recognize the clunky machinery.
12 years ago
smiles softly and goes to look at what Fabric she has. She picks up some white fabric. "I want you to trace out a people shape on here, the
12 years ago
shape you want your baby to be~!"
12 years ago
blinks, letting herself wander back to Alicia. "Okay," she nods, taking the fabric and a piece of chalk, setting it down on the floor
12 years ago
and trying to decide how to draw it.
12 years ago
sits down on the sewing machine stool and watches her fondly. Such a cute little lady
12 years ago
starts to draw after a moment, a very rough, childish doodle of a person appearing. The chalk on fabric didn't help her attempt to
12 years ago
draw a full person, hair and all.
12 years ago
giggles when she realizes that she's drawing all the details, realizing that she should have specified. She gently takes the fabric from her
12 years ago
after, grabbing her scissors to cut the shape out, sure to have two layers of fabric the same shape. "I'm going to sew this okay so you go
12 years ago
pick which of those fluffs you want on the inside of the doll." She had two or three different varieties of various feel and dense-ness--
12 years ago
she figgured the girl would want the softer kind.
12 years ago
blinks, but lets Alicia take it away from her. She nods, scurrying over to the fabrics to choose a stuffing. She debates between the
12 years ago
different types for a while, before finally pulling out the softer one to present it to Alicia. "May I use this one?"
Amelia is
12 years ago
busy sewing these two pieces together for her while she picks, amused that it takes her so long to make a desicion. She nods and smiles,
12 years ago
adding, "Do you want to pick a dress fabric or would you like me to give you a solid color so you can draw on your own patter huh?" She
12 years ago
finally gets all but a strip of the two pieces stitched together and pulls it free from the sewing machine.
12 years ago
hums at this big, important decision. "....can I see what fabric you have first?" she asks, wondering what sort of magical fabrics she had.
12 years ago
smiles and hops up. She mostly had older prints and the fabric was visibly older. But she did have some from the 70s and 60s- bright colors,
12 years ago
tye dye and orange flowers, very psychdelic. She'd had a hippie phase were she made her own clothes.... "So you have uh, like more classic
12 years ago
fabric like this, and you've got the colorful stuff." She looks down at her to see what she thought.
12 years ago
seems amused as she's looking through the fabric- none of it seems cheesy or old to her, of course. "These are nice and bright..." she
12 years ago
comments, used to darker, duller fabrics for her wardrobe. "Can I use this one?" she asks, holding up a piece of pink and purple tye-dye.
12 years ago
giggles at her choice and nods. "I really liked this fabric," she says. "Let's use this." She takes it out and sets it near the sewing
12 years ago
machine. She shows her the doll that has just been stitched together and carefully turns it inside out through the one whole in the
12 years ago
two pieces of fabric. It's human shaped now. "Let's make her fluffy yeah?" She says as she hands it to her, going to let the baby stuff her
12 years ago
own toy.
12 years ago
watches her with interest, smiling at Alicia approving of her fabric choice. She giggles as the doll becomes human shaped, taking the toy
12 years ago
from her to stuff. "How full should I fill it?" she asks, tongue poking out as she concentrated on gently putting the stuffing in the doll.
12 years ago
smiles at her and watches her, snapping another picture on her phone. her little tongue was poking out! How cute! "You should get it to the
12 years ago
perfect hugging size." >u<
12 years ago
nods at this, filling it up until it was almost too full. She takes it back to Alicia, holding it up for inspection.
12 years ago
smiles and pretends to give it a very serious inspection before nodding. "This is a good baby. Let me close it up." She takes it gently so
12 years ago
she can hand stitch the last of it to hide the seam. She gets that done but pauses. The hair and the eyes and the dress would take time. _
12 years ago
"You want to pick her hair and eye color?" she asks, presenting her with a box of buttons of various colors and shapes for eyes and yarn for
12 years ago
12 years ago
watches her, fidgeting a bit in fear Alicia wouldn't approve. She smiles at the offer though, nodding and taking the box. She plops
12 years ago
down on the ground, happily digging through the various colours. Eventually, she decides on a couple different blue
12 years ago
yarns for hair, and big black buttons for eyes, presenting them to Alicia.
12 years ago
smiles and takes them all, putting them in a little pile. "After, I'll let you draw the mouth on how about that?" She picks the little girl
12 years ago
up. "Until then let's go get you some toys okay?"
12 years ago
smiles proudly when Alicia accepts her choices, giggling as she picked up. "Okay," she answers, clinging to Alicia. "What toys do you have?"
12 years ago
smiles. "I got all sorts of toys and stuff. Let's go to my collection room." She had a little section of 'play with' toys among all the
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods with that, hanging on to her and excited to see what kind of other amazing toys her sister had.
12 years ago
leads her into a room filled with goodies, toy trains and built cars and action figures. In one corner there's even a stack of Coca cola
12 years ago
plush polar bears.
12 years ago
gasps, looking around the room filled with toys. She of course has no idea these are mostly meant to not be played with. Her eyes
12 years ago
light up when she spots the polar bears, though. "..c-can I play with those ones?" she asks, pointing to the bears.
12 years ago
pauses in her walking toward the 'playable' toys and looks over at her Coke bear collection. These were collectibles....! But... Maddie's
12 years ago
expression is too cute to say no to. "Well of course little one. Just be careful and don't get'em dirty." She sets the little girl next to
12 years ago
the pile of bears.
Madeline is
12 years ago
too busy admiring the bears to notice Alicia's hesitation, giggling when she agrees and grabbing one to cuddle once she's set
12 years ago
down. "Of course! I'll be careful," she nods, assuming they must be important to her.
12 years ago
smiles at her and makes sure the other cabinets with the play pretties in them are locked. "You play with the bears and I'll
12 years ago
go and finish the dolly huh?"
12 years ago
nods, pulling another toy into her hug pile. "Okay!" she agrees happily, flopping back on the floor with them.
12 years ago
smiles at this and has to pause to snap another picture. She's so cute and sweet while she's all cuddled up to those toys. ;; "I'll be back
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles at the device this time, cuddling the two she had. She nods. "Okay... good luck!"
12 years ago
makes a little squealing sound when she smiles up at her like that. Oh jeez how cute. "Alright baby. Call if you need me!"
12 years ago
nods, waving as Alicia turns to leave again. "Okay Alicia," she smiles, moving to pull down another bear to join her pile.
12 years ago
laughs softly at her growing pile of bears of and goes to work, trying to work quickly to get her baby done.
12 years ago
keeps pulling them down, until she has all of them that she can reach. She snuggles up into them, though her sugar high is starting to
12 years ago
crash and she's half falling asleep amongst the warm fluff...
12 years ago
keeps working- it takes a while to get it done. She works as fast as she can though, not wanting to keep the baby waiting.
12 years ago
| comes in later to find her, snuggled up and sleepy amongst all the toys and she takes another picture. ;;w;;
Madeline is
12 years ago
barely visible under the bears, only her head poking out. She's got her arms wrapped around one, too sleepy to realize that Alicia was
12 years ago
there yet.
12 years ago
takes another picture and another. This was too adorable not too. Finally she leans down and pushes some hair behind her ear. "Wake up
12 years ago
12 years ago
stirs lazily at the hand in her hair, blinking up at her. "Alicia...?" she mumbles, trying to sit up, but her makeshift bed makes
12 years ago
that difficult.
12 years ago
giggles at how she's trapped in the toy bears. She presents her with her doll. "I have a present for you~"
12 years ago
gasps softly, reaching up to take the doll. "She's beautiful.." she says sleepily, smiling despite being trapped in a pile of bears.
12 years ago
smiles at her affectionately and hands her over to her. "Do you want to draw her a pretty mouth now?" she says, carefully reaching out to
12 years ago
pluck the baby out of her plushie pile.
12 years ago
takes the doll and gives it a big hug, nodding as she's picked up. "Yes please..."
12 years ago
smiles when she hugs it, carrying her into the other room to set her in front of a box of markers.
12 years ago
smiles sleepily when she's set down, again amazed at the selection. She digs through them, trying to decide on the right colour.
12 years ago
watches her and plays with her hair as she tries to pick, very gently working the tangles out with her fingers.
12 years ago
doesn't notice at first, only jerking a little when Alicia pulls at a difficult knot. She ends up choosing colours similar to Alicia's
12 years ago
makeup, trying to give the doll the same look.
Amelia is
12 years ago
trying very hard to be gentle but her hair is so curly. She smiles. "Are those the ones that you wanna use then?" she asks, watching her
12 years ago
draw in the face.
12 years ago
doesn't mind, making faces but otherwise trying not to protest and she concentrated on making the doll pretty. She nods a little. "Yes,
12 years ago
I'm gonna give her colour too," she nods, sticking her tongue out as she focused on drawing in a smile.
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods, getting quiet and letting her color her doll the way she wants it. Soon enough she's worked out the worst of the
12 years ago
tangles and is just running her fingers through her hair. Oh she's adorable.
12 years ago
concentrates really hard, in the way that children do. Eventually she sits up, looking over her doll before turning to show it off proudly.
12 years ago
smiles when she lifts the doll up and gives it a serious once over before clapping her hands. "It's perfect! You did a wonderful job
12 years ago
12 years ago
hesitates a little when Alicia looks over the doll, fretting she wouldn't like it. She giggles and climbs up onto Alicia's lap when
12 years ago
she claps though, happy as can be. "Oh, I'm glad you like it!"
12 years ago
grins and kisses her cheek when she climbs up into her lap. "You did an amazing job sweetie. It's gorgeous. Are you gonna name her huh?"
12 years ago
blushes at the kiss, clutching her doll close. "Uhhhh..." she starts, trying to think of a good name for her. "I don't know yet..." she
12 years ago
replies, looking like this was a tragedy instead of a simple error.
12 years ago
laughs softly and strokes her hair. "Take your time to think of the best name okay? That's fine!" She pats her back, amused at how horrifed
12 years ago
she looks over such a simple thing.
Madeline is
12 years ago
trying really hard to think of a name now! "W-what about... Samantha, or Elizabeth...?"
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Those are both very pretty names. I approve of them both."
12 years ago
hums at this, obviously trying to decide between them. It takes a while but she eventually comes to a conclusion. "....Samantha," she nods.
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "I like that name very much. It's very cute."
12 years ago
smiles at the approval, hugging her doll tight for a moment.
Amelia gives
12 years ago
her a smile. "Want to make a fort to play in now???"
12 years ago
blinks up at her, and nods with a big smile. "Can we have thrones in it?"
12 years ago
giggles at this and nods, kissing her cheek. "Of course we can."
12 years ago
blushes at the kiss and giggles too. "Yay!"
12 years ago
lifts her up and takes the kid to her room. The could use allt he sheets and pillows and stuff.
12 years ago
giggles and clings to both her and her new doll, happy and excited.
12 years ago
smiles at her and kisses the top of her head as she sets her down on her bedroom floor.
12 years ago
smiles at the kiss, running away once she's set down to start tugging out things for their fort.
12 years ago
giggles at this and moves to help her, pulling all the sheets and blankets off of her bed. "You're good at makin these huh?"
12 years ago
flushes a bit, dumping a coule pillows in the centre of the room. "...I-I have a lot of free time to practice.."
12 years ago
laughs softly at her. "Well I'll make sure you don't get lonely then!" She starts to make a tent ouf of the sheets.
12 years ago
smiles at this, setting the pillows up to be thrones. "Okay!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and pats her head. Since she's so tall she can make the tent much higher ceiling-ed that they did when they were kids.
Madeline is
12 years ago
happy for the higher ceiling, it meant less chance of it collapsing on them. She stacks pillows into seats, though it ends up
12 years ago
more like a pile than a throne.
12 years ago
giggles at this. "That's a great throne! Do you have a little spott for Samantha?"
12 years ago
gasps at having forgot, rushing off to find another cushion for her. "I-I'm sorry!"
12 years ago
laughs softly at this and shakes her head. She was just trying to make sure Samantha had a spot so the little girl didn't get upset about it
12 years ago
later. Seeing her bustle was cute. She finds herself a comfy spot on the cushions and waits for her to come back.
12 years ago
would have indeed been upset at herself, so it's good Alicia had noticed. She comes back with a couch cushion, setting it
12 years ago
down beside her seat and gently placing the doll on top before plopping down in her 'throne' as well.
12 years ago
laughs at her and already has her princess-y things that she'd lost track of during the day of getting the dolly made. "You're a perfect lil
12 years ago
queen huh?"
12 years ago
smiles up at her, a light blush on her cheeks. "You are my perfect prince," she replies with, shifting over a little to curl up
12 years ago
against Alicia.
12 years ago
laughs softly and nods, hugging her closer and petting her hair. She is smiling down at her. "Well, thank you little one," she says. 'You're
12 years ago
sweet. What do you want for dinner?"
12 years ago
curls up against her, humming in thought. "Can we have chicken? And corn?" she asks, before pausing in thought. "Or is it even corn
12 years ago
season yet...."
12 years ago
blinks at her and laughs. "It's always corn season these days," she says, picking the little girl up and putting her in her lap. "We can
12 years ago
have corn whenever we want it okay?" She laughs softly. "Chicken sounds good though."
12 years ago
giggles and lets herself be placed down in her lap, curling up against her. She blinks up at her in awe though. "It is...?" oAo
12 years ago
strokes her hair and looks down at her. "Yep. We are much better at growin stuff now. Wanna go get food now huh?"
12 years ago
hums softly, and nods. "Are you magicians now?" she asks curiously. She smiles though, trying to shift around to get to her feet. "Okay!"
12 years ago
laughs at this. "Nope! We're just really really smart!" She kisses her nose and helps her up. "Let's go then."
12 years ago
blushes at the kiss and giggles, getting to her feet and taking Alicia's hand. "Wowww," she exclaims, in awe of her older sister.
12 years ago
smiles at this and holds her hand. "We'll buy it already cooked. I"m famished." She hums and grabs her up, putting the girl on her shoulders
12 years ago
again. Maddie would never have to walk anywhere with Alicia around. "It'll be quicker."
12 years ago
gasps and clings to Alicia tightly. "Who prepares it for you?" she asks, resting her head on Alicia's.
12 years ago
hums happily. "There are restaurants here that are really really fast."
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Oh, that's very nice then..."
12 years ago
laughs softly and carries her outside. "It's pretty close. We can walk if you like." She's humming and wating for her response.
12 years ago
hums, clinging to her. "O-oh well you are the one carrying me though! You should choose..."
12 years ago
laughs softly. "I can carry you. You're so small! It's easy!"
12 years ago
smiles, playing with her hair. "We can walk if you want to then!"
12 years ago
smiles at the small fingers in her hair. "We'll walk. We can get ice cream on the way home."
12 years ago
giggles softly,, trying to braid her hair. "Yes please!"
12 years ago
lets her, realizing what she's doing... even if she doesn't do it quite right she'll be pleased with it. She starts walking toward... KFC.
Madeline has
12 years ago
no idea what sort of greasy mess Alicia was planning for dinner, happily putting Alicia's hair into several small, messy braids. Without
12 years ago
elastics though, they weren't staying very well.
Amelia is
12 years ago
happy with then. She brings the girl up to the KFC and orders them both some dinner, sweet corn and mashed potatoes with chicken the braids
12 years ago
amuse her * w*
12 years ago
blinks and pauses her work in favour of looking around in awe. It was so cool that she could just order dinner and it instantly appear!
12 years ago
hums happily, getting their food rather quick. Maddie's comes in a colorful kid's meal box. She sets the little girl in a chair and puts
12 years ago
her box in front of her.
12 years ago
smiles as she's set down, wiggling a little get comfortable. She examines the box when Alicia sets it down though, looking over it. "How
12 years ago
strange, your food comes in boxes?"
12 years ago
laughs softly at this. "Not always but sometimes!" And in Alicia's case, it was a lot of the time because she tended to eat unhealthy
12 years ago
stuff too much
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods at that, carefully opening her box to pull out her food.
12 years ago
smiles at this and starts to eat her own food, humming softly with pleasure. She liked KFC.
12 years ago
studies it curiously before trying it.... and decides she likes it too.
12 years ago
sighs a bit in relief when it's not outright rejected... Alicia loves her sister dearly but the idea of having to start cooking- especially
12 years ago
in the 'old style' way, would not be fun.
12 years ago
seems to be enjoying it, though she preferred normal cooking to this strange thing of course. She didn't want to cause trouble for Alicia!
Amelia is
12 years ago
glad she's pleased at least. She could take the girl to a better quality restaurant when the other missed more traditional cooking. ><
12 years ago
munches on her food, finding the other parts of the meal rather... curious.
12 years ago
just watches her eat. 'Man I can't wait till we eat pizza together. That'll be fun."
12 years ago
tilts her head at her. "Pizza?"
12 years ago
smiles and nods. "You'll like that I promise." >u<
12 years ago
looks curious. "Oh... what is it...?"
12 years ago
smiles at her and tils her head and tries to describe it.... but her description isn't very great.....
12 years ago
blinks, and only gets more confused at the description.
12 years ago
laughs at her expression. "We'll just try some soon so you'll know huh?"
12 years ago
nods, still not sure if she liked the sound of it as she nibbled at her chicken again.
12 years ago
laughs softly at how she didn't look at all convinced. It was cute. "We will. It'll be fun.
12 years ago
just smiles at her. "It's always fun with you!"
12 years ago
beams at this. "I'm certainly glad you think so anyways."
12 years ago
beams back at her. "Of course! You're my sister after all." >u<
12 years ago
giggles at this. "Well of course." She taps her nose. "I love you Maddie."
12 years ago
giggles at that, blushing lighty. "I love you too Alicia," she smiles up at her.
12 years ago
smiles at her and pats her cheek gently. "I'm glad."
12 years ago
smiles at her. "Alicia... do we ever get married in the future?" she asks with childish innocence.
12 years ago
giggles at this and tucks her hair behind her ear, cheeks admittedly going a bit red. "Awwww, is that what you want to do when you grow up
12 years ago
12 years ago
flushes a little at that, but smiles. "We'd be the best queen and king, right?"
12 years ago
laughs gently at this and pats her cheek. "Spose that's true huh? YOu could be my little queen huh?"
12 years ago
smiles at this, cheeks still red. "We'd be good together!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and puts her hair behind her ear. "I think we would. We'll just have to let you grow up and see what happens yeah?"
12 years ago
smiles a bit and nods. "Oh, okay..." She was really curious now.
12 years ago
giggles and pats her head. "Finish your dinner."
12 years ago
flushes a little, nodding and getting back to her meal.
12 years ago
giggles again and finishes her own food up. >u<
12 years ago
hums a little as she sits back, full up on chicken and not having touched much else.
12 years ago
laughs a little. "Too much for you huh?" she asks. "We can take it home if you want."
12 years ago
nods a little, smiling at her. "It was good though."
12 years ago
smiles and stands up to toss the trash, getting a bag and box for what Maddie didn't eat in case she got hungry later. "I'm glad you liked
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles, though she'd probably start feeling gross from the grease in a few moments..
12 years ago
picks her up and kisses her cheek. "Let's walk home huh?"
12 years ago
giggles and clings to her. "Yes okay!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and holds her close as she starts for home. =w=
12 years ago
settles in for the long walk. Halfway home though, she feels kind of gross from the grease, and just curls in against Alicia.
12 years ago
blinks down at her at the way she curls. "Are you okay honey?" she asks, stroking her hair.
12 years ago
hums softly, clinging to her. "I-I'm fine..."
12 years ago
frowns. "Wanna go take a warm bath hun?" she asks, stroking her hair.
12 years ago
hesitates, but nods a little. She didn't feel like she was going to throw up, just a little ill because the grease wasn't
12 years ago
something her body was used to.
12 years ago
smiles and pecks the top of her head. "It'll make you feel much better.
12 years ago
flushes lightly at the peck and just curls against her. "O-okay..."
12 years ago
smiles at this and carries her back inside and up through to the bathroom.
12 years ago
just stays in her arms, a little excited at the sound of a nice warm bath. She wondered if Alicia would join her like she did as a kid.
12 years ago
carries her into the bathroom and goes to turn the water on, setting her gently on the floor first. She's humming happily.
12 years ago
sits down on the floor, concentrating on getting her clothes off. She ends up getting stuck in her dress though in a little confusion.
12 years ago
giggles and moves to help her. "Havin' problems baby?" she asks softly. "Lemme help you."
12 years ago
flushes a little but stills to let Alicia help her.
12 years ago
gets her dress off and picks the little girl up to set her into the water as it fills up the tub. "Here ya go sugar."
12 years ago
smiles gently as she's set in the bath, wiggling in to the warm water. "Thank you.." she mumbles.
12 years ago
smiles at this and sits down next to it, checking the water. She wasn't aware Maddy wanted to bath together but she's content just keeping
12 years ago
an eye on the little cutie.
12 years ago
hesitates, idly playing with the water. After a long moment though, she looks up. "A-are you going to join me?" she asks shyly.
Amelia is
12 years ago
humming and turning the water off finally when she speaks. "You want me to get in too huh? Should I come wash your hair for you sugar?"
12 years ago
nods a little. "We can bathe together like when you were younger," she smiles.
12 years ago
smiles and nods. "Okay sweetie. Do you want any toys or anything to play with in the bath before I get in?" She's already rummaging around
12 years ago
for her rubber duck though.
12 years ago
peeks over the edge of the tub, nodding. "Yes please... "she didn't know what toys she had, though.
12 years ago
only has some silly bathtime toys: a few little rubber animals- whales, a shark, a duck, and a crab. She also has a ship that looks rather
12 years ago
realistic and some little people that she puts in the boat. She sets them down for the child before she moves back to pull her clothes off.
12 years ago
smiles and pulls the ship in with her, playing with that as Alicia stripped down to join her.
12 years ago
climbs in behind her after a moment and sits down in the water. "It feels nice!" she says getting comfy.
12 years ago
moves aside to let Alicia in, smiling at her. "It's very good," she agrees, already feeling a little better.
12 years ago
smiles at her and picks up a whale, making it swim. "I think it's pretty nice. Good for a day like this to have a nice bath."
12 years ago
smiles too, nodding as she positioned the little men on the ship. "It is..." she agrees, accidentally dropping one of the men over board.
12 years ago
swoops in to the rescue, 'saving' the man with the whale she has. "Don't worry sir! I'm coming!" she says.
12 years ago
blinks at this and giggles, shaking her head. "Whales don't save people, they eat them!"
12 years ago
laughs at this. "No! Whales are nice, sharks eat people. I have a whale," she brags. "She's the nicest whale ever."
12 years ago
blinks at her. "You have a whale?? But Annie said they were dangerous!"
12 years ago
blinks at her in response. "Yeah! My whale is very nice." She tilts her head. "It's like this though, you know how dogs can be safe or
12 years ago
dangerous? Like a wild dog will hurt you but a tame one won't? It's like that."
12 years ago
considers it a moment, before realizing that made sense. "And like Kumarie, right?"
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods, ruffling her hair. "Exactly."
12 years ago
flusters at the ruffling, but giggles. "Oh, okay!" she agrees, sticking the fallen pirate back on board the ship.
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "You can meet my whale soon then." She starts to swim the whale around the ship.
12 years ago
smiles, making the people walk along deck shouting out various piratey-sounding orders.
12 years ago
giggles and takes a person to be first mate and talking for him. "Aye Aye cap'n"
12 years ago
giggles, moving the other little people to their places before rocking the boat. "Oh no, a storms brewin!"
12 years ago
giggles and starts to make 'thunder' sounds. "Oh no! All hands on deck!"
12 years ago
grins, shaking the boat and making small waves in the tub. "Oh no, they'll never make it!"
12 years ago
giggles again. "What will they do!" Alicia grins. "Oh no a big wave!" She makes a bigger wave that Maddie does, just enough to wash one
12 years ago
or two fo them off into the water.
12 years ago
giggles again, watching them fall off. "They will have to learn to live at the bottom of the sea! Perhaps the whale can help," she nods.
12 years ago
laughs at this and nods. "The whale will help~!" She makes the wale go down to pluck them off the bottom."
12 years ago
smiles, though the water's seeped into the boat now and it's half under the water. "I think we've got a shipwreck on our hands," she nods.
12 years ago
giggles. "I think we do. What should we do Cap'n Maddie~?"
12 years ago
hums, thinking seriously. "...they were all smelly anyways, they needed the bath."
12 years ago
giggles and nods. "I agree. They'll get a nice bath this way!"
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