12 years ago
agrrr... technician from cable network didn't come at agreed time and I'll won't have internet probably for one more week (angry)
latest #11
阿 丹 says
12 years ago
jason says
12 years ago
Chris says
12 years ago
omg... what a nightmare!
12 years ago
The worst thing is that they will probably never admin that it is their fault... and they won't make the technician come to me faster :/
12 years ago
I.e. there's always a queue of pending jobs for their technicians... and I will be added to the very end of it most probably
Chris says
12 years ago
I had similar experience before. The only way to complain is to contact the Customer Relations department.
Chris says
12 years ago
There is not much that the customer service ppl can do
12 years ago
wow. They guy called me and appointed a visit at Thursday! He said he left my papers at home and couldn't contact me nor find my address
12 years ago
*That guy
Chris says
12 years ago
that guy LOL
12 years ago
I mean the technician :-P
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