The apartment I've been gushing about? The woman checked to see if rats incurred the pet fee, and came back with rats are not allowed
latest #13 So mad right now. Going to bed. Dealing with this later.
...sorry, bro, that sucks. Usually cage or bowl sized animals are fine.
Yeah, it's... really stupid. I might go anyway and leave the rats with Raile? It depends. Largely on whether or not I'll have a cat.
Because I'm not living petless. But this apartment is way better than the next best, and also cheaper. And closer to work.
But Lily's got cancer, and we were talking about one or the other of us taking both rats after Lily dies anyway.... ugh.
Then again, Lily's got cancer and I don't like the idea of leaving my rat to die with somebody else, even if it's Raile. :T
This is why I never specify what kind of pets I have... Just say caged animals when inquiring and then never bring it up again.
Because people have the dumb.
/hugs close
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