One day, I will make a dough with fresh berries and not smoosh them all.
latest #25
Meanwhile, biscotti are in the oven and holy shit I am so hungry I may eat this whole box of pasta myself.
Except not. Because that would be stupid. And I only cooked half the box. But I might eat all that I cooked.
Biscotti aren't chocolatey enough. Still not bad, but I definitely must tweak the recipe next time. :|a
Also they look like ass. Must work on making them more even and pretty.
12 years ago
Sounds like a good learning experience at least.
Oh, more than that, they're good biscotti! I also just discovered that dipping them in tea (or coffee probably) helps a lot.
They're just UGLY biscotti that aren't what I was going for.
12 years ago
They taste more like normal biscotti.
12 years ago
I've only tried the soft kind you can buy in the cookie aisle. (unsure) I'll have to get some of the real stuff sometime.
I've never had soft biscotti. What are they like?
12 years ago
More or less like soft cookies. There's this almond kind I get with chocolate drizzled on them that's really good.
12 years ago
They're not as sweet as normal cookies, but that's largely what I like about them.
CHOCOLATE DRIZZLE that is what I'll do with these!
12 years ago
And that sounds pretty good!
12 years ago
It really is!
12 years ago
yum! glad they turned out. And yeah, I often don't eat biscotti cos it's too dry, but tea-dunking would to it.
Raspberries! And they're not hard, you should try it. c: Heres the recipe base I used.
...But yeah uh raspberries are pretty squishy. And since biscotti dough is gummy and egg-heavy, you really have to KNEEEAD it in.
So that didn't end well.
12 years ago
I have a feeling that most of the "pretty" baked goods with fruit in them you see are made with dehydrated fruit, like what comes in
12 years ago
muffin mix. There's really no way to get fresh fruit in a dough like that without some smooshing.
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