Zoro's first kiss.
FIRST KISS. It wasn't a conscious decision or anything, just something that happened one day while he was out scratching that rare sort of
itch most boys get in their teens. 16/17, with a pretty bar girl who was a bit older than him.
in their teens = most boys get, period :|
FIRST WIN. Right after Kuina whooped his ass, Zoro stomped out and picked a fight with
bowl cut boy
and, naturally, won. The kid eventually turned Groupie For Life, considering how often he shows up in Zoro's flashback sequences.
the boy is very vocal about his support for Zoro :|a
first time Zoro started to view Chopper in a big-brotherly way (unless that was from the start, IDK)
I think Zoro generally has a very big brother sort of reaction to other people, probably because he's so used to being the capable
(i.e. "strong") one. So it's something he just sinks into for the most part. Even with Luffy, at least at the very very start of things.
But when it comes to Chopper... hmm...
I'd need to refer to canon for this, actually. If not from the start, maybe sometime during their walk through Alabasta? I distinctly
remember him lugging Chopper around when the poor guy was dying from the heat.
I recall that too, now. And asking about how he was the second day when Chopper was doing much better
Yup! And don't forget the snuggling!
Zoro was very enthusiastic about that
...I thought of a different question, but it's more of a general headcanon thing, I guess
I'll answer as best as I can.
Okay! So with chapter 585 it was made obvious to the readers that Zoro now placed Luffy's dream above his own
But at what point do you think Zoro himself became aware of this?
... gahhh, really hard to say. I'd need to comb through canon again to get you a good, solid answer.
He was already at (semi)blindly following orders mode during the CP9 Saga and it was clear at that point that he placed a high value on
Luffy's leadership, especially in relation to his own ambitions.
The hard part about your question is that Luffy has, so far, stuck to his promise. He's never asked Zoro to go choose between following
orders and chasing his dream.
/ remembers the Sea Train scene where he cuts the train in half
though even long before that he saved Smoker from drowning in Alabasta with a "Captain's orders" shrug
Yeah, but it's a given that Zoro'll follow orders. It's more stuff like
this that gets me thinking
Huh! Yeah, I hadn't thought of that.
sometimes. Zoro's the only one who really grabs on to Luffy. He doesn't need to be pushed into things anymore.
Zoro hauls everyone with him except Luffy, because Luffy knows Zoro will grab onto him
And all of his efforts go into getting Luffy to the "top of the tower", so to speak.
Luffy hauls everyone except Zoro
Yep! Though Sanji is the only other character eagerly jumping into the fray.
those two are both just mad
Still. I'm no Sanji expert so I can't say if his motives would've been more about saving Robin than following Luffy into battle. I'm sure
Marie could give you a better assessment. But anyway!
well, they're all super-motivated to save Robin right then.
So, like I was saying. CP9 Saga, Zoro already seemed pretty set on supporting Luffy.
but Zoro's the one I can really see wanting to fight for the sake of fighting, Sanji is more like "I'll take out my frustrations on
ah, sorry, got sidetracked again
Yeah, but I'm sure Sanji's got a special secondary flame burning somewhere. :|a
so, like, they've all got Nakama Flames of Passion but Sanji's got an extra Doki Doki Flame thing going on? IDEK
I guess Zoro would have started realizing things in Alabasta.
Skypeia would have been him finding more evidence to support his gut feeling. CP9 would be him making peace with the idea that in order to
achieve his dream, he would first need to put Luffy's ahead of his.
I see.
For real evidence, though. Buh. I'd need to give myself a whole weekend to figure it out.
I used to think that Zoro hasn't really made his peace with Kuina's death and wouldn't until he could realise their dream, but ch 585
made me doubt that, and then when he asks Mihawk to train him I wondered even more
tbh, I think Kuina's fading from Oda's radar
like, I feel that he really just wanted to fridge her but accidentally put more meaning into the rivalry than he'd intended to
but then why bring in Tashigi?
because that seemed to underline her
argh, I'm afraid you may be right and it disturbs me
yeah, but those were the early days. possibly he put Tashigi there to give Zoro an interesting character arc and then wasn't sure he wanted
I think I have a tendency to make Zoro more flawed than he really is because then I like him more. / hangs head. I should work on that.
to follow through with it
but... meh, that might just be me feeling bitter about the recent chapters B|
fff, Oda, don't chicken out like that!
WELL HE'S TURNING INTO A BUTT FACE. chicken isn't half as bad
anyway! uhh haha to get on the subject of Zoro's attitude toward Kuina's death
for me, personally, I think it was more a matter of him not being able to beat her. and never getting the chance to, now that she's gone
her dying? she did it in the process of trying to achieve her dream, she just never got as far as Zoro did.
it's always been a point in OP-- even if you don't make it, if you die fighting for your dream then it's fine. and Zoro's the type to make
you don't think he had any survivor's guilt?
peace with a person's death following that logic.
I don't think so. I think any emotional scars would have been etched into his arrogant side.
This Is One Person You Will Never Ever Ever Beat
Though I'm afraid this interpretation makes him a little less approachable to me... but still, intriguing
And I think guilt requires that he regret something about his relationship with Kuina
Haha, sorry. That's just my take on things.
Your interpretation definitely has merit! And it makes more sense psychologically.
well, sure! but you play him well and have cool headcanon.
so I'm predisposed to give your angle weight.
it could always be a mix of both!
(though I'm not sure he has survivor's guilt either... maybe a tad of it but less so than those Strawhats where someone
close to them died to save them (or save their dream))
he could be telling himself that he shouldn't feel bad, that she died trying for her dream, but he could still feel awful about it
well, a lot of people might think, "why she and not me? we were the same, why was I spared, I'm not worth it" but Zoro seems to have
too much confidence for that line of thinking?
yeah... he wouldn't fall to that kind of logic. 1) he's got 2T worth of self-confidence, 2) he's Leave It To Luck guy
or Fate! very true.
I think he's managed to accept the randomness of life in a way that would've been hard for a person still conflicted about the accidental
...you know, I think Zoro, Usopp and Brook are the only ones not having had someone sacrifice either life or limb to save them
wow my english is running out
and that makes sense, about his acceptance of randomness (or "fate") even if he won't bow to any gods
Their loved ones died but all under perfectly normal circumstances, considering.
yep. Brook even died along with his crew
Usopp's self-esteem issues aren't really related to his mother's death, I think (but his powers of denial are)
Parental abandonment can do that to a kid, I think. Usopp's story is actually so crazy typical it's almost painful to think about.
Especially since I'm almost 100% sure that if Oda ever reconciles the 'Sopp boys, it'll be a happy reunion.
If my dad went on a life long business trip and tried to happily reconcile with me, I'd shoot his bootstraps off. >: |
yeah. One RPer theorised that Usopp as a kid felt that "if I'd only been good enough, Dad wouldn't have left" and that sank into him
you are more of the Edward Elric type
Usopp evidently really really didn't want to hate his father, so he idealised him instead, even though that led to an implicit
devaluation (is that a word??) of himself
tbh, that's my headcanon too. a kid trying to prove his worth? daddy issues all the way. /sigh
devaluing, maybe? idek
"MY DAD LEFT TO BECOME AN AWESOME PIRATE BECAUSE HE'S A COOL, BRAVE WARRIOR! What do you mean he should have stayed to be a dad
and yes, I guess I am kind of an Ed Elric type. :|
to me? That kinda stuff's not as important!!"
Oh, Usopp, you don't have a good track record for the truth.
deavluing, devaluement, who knows. English, so crazy
I automatically invert everything you say. D8
but being proud of his father was the very first thing we learned he'll never lie about
if he has any resentment, it's buried down so deep he probably isn't aware of it himself
well, I personally don't doubt that Usopp means what he says re: dad
seriously, the parallels to the Elrics backstory are pretty close
the other SHs have had less healthy reactions to their own pasts
good thing alchemy doesn't exist in the One Piece world and Usopp has no little brother
oh, absolutely! Though it's hard to blame them, what with all the survivor's guilt all over the place
for no reason other than Franky is mostly metal
ah, I see! Fullmetal Sniper and the Armor Shipwright
Sanji would be Roy, of course
Flames and flirting and pro-miniskirts
lol yes x 500 to Sanji as Roy
...actually, Franky fits better as Armstrong
and, yeah, Chopper makes a better Al
my inner SaNa fan says Nami should be Riza
Nami's not too stoic, though... although that in itself could be funny!
yeah... she'd be a completely inverted Hawkeye
Mihawk in a miniskirt
and it would be the perfect cruel joke
...okay, how could I refuse that glorious an image
Nami does fit better as Winry, it has to be said
Oh, right. I forgot about Winry
and Bellemere fits Pinako
care of their infamous dine 'n dash
Zoro would be so fail at the whole religious fanatic thing, it would be hilarious
haha yeah. total casting irony
does this make Luffy Mei Chang...
but also no because Mei is way too competent to be Luffy
well, Luffy can hardly be Yoki
he could be one of the sins?
Luffy as Gluttony is a horrifying thought
orrrr................... idk
though he might also be a hilariously miscast Pride
I dunno... Luffy's not really an I-want-it-all kind of person, and it's not as fun a miscast as manga Pride
"I want all the meat, ok!!!"?
whoops, forgot I have more laundry to do! seeya o/
but yeah I am enjoying Luffy-as-Pride
don't get into any fist fights!
Luffy could be a truly horrifying conglomeration of Gluttony and Greed, but a more specific meat-and-adventures-obsessed Greed
my turn to go tho. gotta sleep
you keep talking and I'll answer in the morning
I don't think I have any more brilliant ideas, though.
(Luffy as Mei Chang's panda? PROBABLY NOT.)
Unrelated to the FMA = OP comparisons and going way way back
I think Zoro gets a lot more fatalistic and accepting of Luffy = boss when he himself fought with Luffy at Whiskey/Cacti Peaks
Up until then he didn't grab on, he had to be rocketed and usually bitched about it
After that though, he was all "strike a pose because this may be last your chance" at Little Garden and sort of
"Luffy will save us or we are screwed"
and I don't think Kuina is off Oda's radar (Tashigi is still around and I'll be pretty disappointed if it's not even mentioned this arc)
But it's more like Gold Roger and so forth. Roger never tried to earn the title Pirate King, he didn't even know why people were calling
him that, and Luffy just thinks it means having the most possible freedom ever.
On top of which, while Mihawk is regarded as the best, we've seen that other people can hold their own against him etc. (ie Vista)
So I think Zoro himself matured on the Grand Line and has started realizing that to be the best doesn't mean fighting only one person
So I think post timeskip he's more interested in simply being the best rather than struggling for an idea of "I must beat the best"
make sense? It's sort of the Ace vs. Whitebeard switch. While Ace couldn't defeat Whitebeard, I think he made a clear realization
That's interesting! and yes, I suppose otherwise he wouldn't have asked Mihawk to train him.
That WB wasn't recognized the world's strongest by fighting Gold Roger & co. So much as just doing his own thing
that would make Zoro's dream closer to Usopp's
Yeah I think most of the dreams of the Straw Hat Crew start off as like direct ideas but with time evolve into realizations of
Usopp has been brave lots of times... but he still gets scared, it's like he needs to
Just traveling and trying to GET the dream is how those dreams will be realized
conquer his dream anew every day, no matter how much stronger and more confident and motivated he gets
Right. The dreams are more never-ending kind of things.
Because if his dream was just to conquer Mihawk, there's always the "What then"
And speaking for myself, you always have more. Once you finish one book you want to write a trilogy, once you do that a sequel
well... supposedly from the start it was about making such a great name for himself his fame would be heard up to heaven
etc. The dream never dies, the ambitions keep going
so Kuina would know he kept his promise
but a lot of things has happened since he felt that way
I still think he does; it's just that he's realizing
The way to do that isn't just "defeat opponent X, Y, & Z" it's to be that strong and do it Roger style basically
The world decides on its own when he's the best because they'll be like "Oh snap this guy has done all those things?"
it does seem like viewing it that way is more... dare I say "healthy", psychologically

I think Zoro got progressively less crazy which makes me sad even though it's reasonable
He's still a bit of a psycho but he's not as ridiculous as he was in the East Blue, more serious, more first-mate responsible
he was easier for me to write before, sadly

(though I may well have gotten him all wrong)
Me too. I can only write relative psychos
though he also smiled and laughed more back then
I missed that. Maybe Oda will like touch upon it again someday? But I think it's just
He surrounded them with so many more campy/joking characters
I loved the Kaku fight for going back to the super silly though :3
Who knows, maybe this arc Zoro will have another ALL silly fight
He'll have to fight Smoker in Tashigi's body. That would be lulz
hahh!! yes please