Tonight is an all-nighter and I am making biscotti later. Help me decide on a flavour.
latest #25
I have: cocoa powder, tinned pumpkin, vanilla and pineapple extracts, and some fresh raspberries.
do not do anything to the raspberries
Ooooh, there's one I hadn't thought of. :|a Though I AM iffy on the raspberries because I don't know if they'd fuck up the consistency?
I haven't made biscotti before! So the fresh raspberries and pumpkin are both a bit tenuous.
/strictly opposed to raspberries in anything but raspberries
But raspberries are GOOD in other things!
I am still voting chocolate pineapple
So as far as nuts, I think almonds would be good for raspberry vanilla.... any thoughts on nuts for chocolate pineapple?
Oooh... raspberry chocolate almond. :-3c
raspberry chocolate almond sounds good if you like raspberries
...................that sounds really delicious holy shit um
Ok yes the internet says fresh fruit is ok THAT IS WHAT I WANT
You're welcome!
hm... I bet pineapple pumpkin or vanilla pumpkin would also be tasty
though not as good as rasberry almond chocolate
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