12 years ago
calls Lovino, and he better pick up damn quick. She can't hold out much longer under Marianne...
latest #134
12 years ago
grins, pausing in her teasing to wait for him to pick up.
12 years ago
glances at his phone and picks up when he sees her number. "Si?"
Giselle is
12 years ago
so happy he picked up. "Lovi! Ciao.." Because maybe speaking Italian would win him over. "Amore, I have a proposition for you."
12 years ago
smiles and stays quiet as they talk, gently running her hands over Giselle's skin.
12 years ago
...doesn't like the sound of that. "Si...?"
12 years ago
swats at her hand. " love me, right? You know I think you're awesome, and we have awesome sex. What do you think about making it _
12 years ago
_even more fun, and inviting Marianne into bed with us?"
12 years ago
laughs softly as her hand's swatted away, simply trailing it back up under her bra. She's amused at how little tact Giselle had in
12 years ago
telling Lovino. =u=
12 years ago
tenses up, frowning. "The hell? I..." He growls faintly. "No and why the hell are you asking me like this?"
12 years ago
totally has tact! She catches Marianne's wrist, trying to not be distracted here. "Asking you like what? I can come over and ask if you_
12 years ago
_want? I thought you'd like having two girls in bed with you." Maybe if she brought Marianne, and she seduced Lovi into agreeing...
12 years ago
felt hurt... Was she implying she was bored of him? Was she tired of him? "I... No. The only person I want in my bed is you, dammit."
12 years ago
isn't implying that at all! "Aw,'re so sweet." But not helpful toward her cause at all.
12 years ago
huffs. "Don't just spring stuff like that to me on the phone like it's nothing, dammit..."
12 years ago
frowns at the way this is going, slipping her other hand down to Giselle's rear and giving it a squeeze. "Giselle ma petit
12 years ago
chou~" she murmurs imploringly.
12 years ago
freezes when he hears something. "...Where are you?"
12 years ago
bites her lip hard, to keep from letting out any noises over the phone. She makes herself push away Marianne's hand. "I'm visiting,_
12 years ago
_and I didn't mean to spring anything on you. Do you want me to come over and ask, liebe?"
12 years ago
frowns and tries to keep from getting angry or sad. "I... Just. Just do whatever the fuck you want...."
12 years ago
knows he's angry. "Lovi...I'm calling you, because I want you to be here with me."
12 years ago
growls quietly. "No, you just want me there so you won't feel as guilty..."
12 years ago
((...nsfw post ahoy))
12 years ago
grins and settles for curling against her chest when her hand is pushed away. She can tell the conversation isn't going well though and
12 years ago
sighs, stealing the phone swiftly. "Mmm, bonjour mon cher~" she purrs in a heavy accent, shifting to straddle Giselle. "I would like to
12 years ago
paint you a picture here, so please listen~ Imagine this- a large, lavish bed covered in silk pillows in a darkened room, with you, resting
12 years ago
comfortably upon them. Two women at your command, running their hands up and down your body with the most teasing of touches, two warm
12 years ago
mouths trailing kisses down... down... down to your most sensitive spot. Licking, sucking, pleasing you, only pulling away once you're good
12 years ago
and hard." She grins, hoping this was working and watching Giselle's reactions. "Slow, sensuous kissing, my fingers slipping inside Giselle
12 years ago
as she shifts to straddle you, getting her nice and wet as we give you a lovely show..." she moans softly, to punctuate it. "And that is
12 years ago
just a taste~" she murmurs seductively.
12 years ago
frowns at Lovino, about to retort when Marianne steals the phone. She doesn't try to get it back though, too busy picturing what her friend_
12 years ago
_is describing, and fuck that sounds so so amazing. She bites her bottom lip to keep any noises at bay, tightening her hold on Marianne.
Lovino was
12 years ago
now torn between anger and embarrassment at just how turned on he was now. He clenches his fist and growls. "J-just give the phone back to-
12 years ago
Giselle..." He wanted to curse or yell but she was a girl after all, even if he was upset.
12 years ago
grins at the shaken reply, knowing her scenario was doing the trick. She hums, pressing her fingers into Giselle's mouth as she leans down
12 years ago
near her. "I'm sorry mon cher, she seems to be rather preoccupied with imagining something lovely." She wedges her knee between
12 years ago
Giselle's legs to try and make her moan to accentuate her point. "Perhaps your best plan is to get over here and give this gorgeous woman
12 years ago
every thing she wants," she purrs, debating if she was rude enough just to take Giselle without Lovi's permission anyways. God, she was
12 years ago
gorgeous like this...
12 years ago
glares at a wall before hanging up, grumbling to himself and trying how uncomfortable he felt in his pants...
12 years ago
blinks when the line goes dead, laughing a little. "Well, that either means he will be here soon, or he's going to take care of himself..."
12 years ago
she grins down at Giselle.
12 years ago
readily takes Marianne's fingers into her mouth, tongue sliding along the digits. She can't help the soft moan that leaves her when she _
12 years ago
_feels the leg between her thighs, and shifts her hips closer. Pulling back a little, she slides her fingers into Marianne's hair "I hope_
12 years ago
_he's on his way, he can be too damn stubborn sometimes..." She so wants to tug Marianne down and kiss her, or bite her, or...something. _
12 years ago
_But Lovi wasn't here yet, and she would try to hold out a little difficult as it was.
12 years ago
sighs, noticing Giselle's hesitation and lays down curled against her instead of molesting her. "So you love him that much?" she hums,
12 years ago
tracing light circles over Giselle's stomach, pushing the fabric up a little.
12 years ago
huffs at that, glancing away as she holds Marianne close. "Y-you know I don' anyone." She's flustered though, very much so. "Love_
12 years ago
_makes you weak, Marianne. I only love West, and that's obviously not in the same way" Oh, but she loved him so so much.
12 years ago
arches a brow at this, humming at her. "Oh, well in that case.... kiss me, you damn fool," she challenges.
12 years ago
looks to her, and hates that Marianne knows her so well. It's a challenge, and she's itching to take it. "I don't cheat." Which was a_
12 years ago
_horrible, blatant lie.. "I don't cheat on him." That was better. She tugged Marianne down, kissing her cheek instead.
12 years ago
laughs at both the correction and the adorable cheek kiss. "...because you love him," she teases, finishing the sentence for her.
12 years ago
flusters at that. "Marianne!" Geez >//> What was this world coming to?
12 years ago
grins at this, leaning up to nip her ear. "Otherwise, you would've had pinned me down and had your way with me already~" she purrs.
12 years ago
...really can't argue at all with her there. She wants to do that right now, but..doesn't. Because of Lovi. "Well..." She shivers at the_
12 years ago
_nip. "I could still do that...when Lovi gets here."
12 years ago
sighs breathily. She wished he would, Giselle was hard to resist. She makes a whipcrack sound though.
12 years ago
sits up a little at that, aghast. "I am not! If anything, I have him whipped!" Kinda...ish.
12 years ago
laughs at this, propping her head up on her hand. "Riiight~" she says, obviously not believing.
12 years ago
wasn't going to go... He'd just take a cold shower now...
Giselle wants
12 years ago
Lovi to come over. She's sitting there waiting for him, instead of ravishing Marianne. Marianne who was so very willing to be ravished._
12 years ago
_So he had better show up, because there would be no ravishing without him there. "It's true! I'm not whipped in the slightest. Nobody has_
12 years ago
_ever had me whipped, and nobody will ever have me whipped...ever."
12 years ago
laughs, shaking her head. "The great Giselle has been trapped under the bonds of monogamy, how sad. Things will never be the same
12 years ago
again~" she laments dramatically.
12 years ago
tries not to pout. "I'm not trapped under anything. I get to have sex with Lovi to my libido's content, all the time. What's trapping about_
12 years ago
12 years ago
[Is there anything that can be said that will ever get Lovi to agree?]
12 years ago
(( Mmm Probably, but it would take a lot of coaxing XD;; ))
12 years ago
[Hints as to what coaxing might be needed, is greatly greatly appreciated 8D]
12 years ago
(( Well right now he's thinking she's just using it as an excuse to cheat on him, so maybe just reassuring? And he's a guy, all you have to-
12 years ago
do is stroke their ego a little XD ))
12 years ago
xD Fair enough~]
12 years ago
[and I will definitely convince him..tomorrow. I'm falling asleep, night guys~]
12 years ago
grins at this, running a hand down her own body. "The fact that you can't have any of this~" ((niight))
12 years ago
's gaze follows the hand down Marianne's body, and she loses her words for a moment. "I..." Hell. "I'm calling Lovi again. To make sure he's
12 years ago
_actually coming." She pulled out her phone, calling him and tried -keyword being tried- not to stare at Marianne's body.
12 years ago
grins like a cat that's got it's prey cornered, sitting up and brushing her hair back quite purposefully. "How about we pay him a visit
12 years ago
instead?" She suggests. "That way, we could give him a sneek peek in person~"
12 years ago
curls up in bed, trying to ignore the lower half of his body. When the phone rings, he glances at it and fidgets before reluctantly-
12 years ago
answering. "What do you want now?"
12 years ago
pauses, thinking about Marianne's suggestion when Lovi picks up. "Lovi,'re home right?" He would be easier to persuade if they could
12 years ago
_seduce him face to face.
12 years ago
grumbles. "Si... Just do whatever you want..."
Giselle will
12 years ago
fix those grumbles of his very soon. "I plan to. See you in a bit, liebe~" She hangs up, grabbing Marianne's hand and tugging her towards_
12 years ago
_the car.
12 years ago
pulls the blankets tight around himself, taking that to mean that she was going to sleep with Marianne.
12 years ago
grins at this and more than happily follows her, agreeing that in person it was a lot easier to convince someone~
12 years ago
eventually arrives, crawling in through his bedroom window -because she knew how he got when he was like this, and he was predictable- and_
12 years ago
_wasted no time pouncing him on the bed, hugging tight. "Lovii~"
12 years ago
giggles quietly and sneaks in after her, though she waits to let Giselle pounce him. They could have a moment. Besides, she got to watch
12 years ago
that cute ass from here.
12 years ago
freezes when he feels her and resists the urge to either push her away or pin her to the bed. He grumbles and tries to bury himself deeper-
12 years ago
in the sheets. "What'dya want..."
12 years ago
's fingers pulls back the covers, and she brushes her lips against the back of his neck, fingers sliding through his hair, edging close_
12 years ago
_to the curl "You." When didn't she want him? Seriously.
12 years ago
rolls his eyes but freezes when he feels the hand close to his curl. "Th-thought you wanted that other chick..."
12 years ago
grins at this, waving a little. "Hey, that other chick is right here, monsieur."
12 years ago
brushes her fingers past the curl, and down to cup his face. "You seriously don't want us both?"
12 years ago
shudders at the touch and curses under his breath. "Chi... Gi-Giselle... I.." He growls in frustration. "You seriously think I want-
12 years ago
anything other than you?"
12 years ago
hums, losing all but her bra and underwear on her way to the bed. She climbs up on the other wise of Lovino, trailing light fingers
12 years ago
down his arm. "I'm sure we can convince you that you do~" she hums, leaning in to nip at Giselle's earlobe teasingly.
12 years ago
bites her bottom lip at Marianne's nip, and cups Lovino's cheek. "Liebe, you're awesome. But it's nothing serious. She's joining us for_
12 years ago
_sex, not a relationship." She slid her fingers under Lovino's shirt, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "You have two sexy women throwing _
12 years ago
_themselves at you, and you don't want it?"
12 years ago
groans and rolls his eyes but slowly turns over and wiggles out from the sheets. He glances between the two of them, unaware that he was-
12 years ago
blushing bright red.
12 years ago
grins at the blush, leaning over to run a hand up his leg teasingly as her hand found its way into Giselle's
12 years ago
clothes. "Mm oui, just a bit of fun, mon cher. I promise you will like it~"
12 years ago
tenses at the touch and looks away from them, embarrassed and flustered.
12 years ago
arches a brow at this, thinking this will not do at all. She pulls her hand away from Giselle, moving to straddle Lovino's hips now and
12 years ago
tilting his head back to look at her. "Mon chou~" she purrs, taking his head and bringing it up to her chest as she leaned in to claim a
12 years ago
kiss. "You will like it~" she gives an exaggerated pleased sound as she presses against him.
12 years ago
holds his breath when he feels her get closer, turning redder when she kisses him, mostly from embarrassment at how turned on he was.
12 years ago
shifts enough to let him see Giselle, but she's still straddling him. "Mmm, now Ella, please give us a show~" she purrs, leaning
12 years ago
in to kiss, suck, and nip at his neck as Giselle strips.
12 years ago
grins at that, sliding her hands down her body, squeezing at one of her own breasts along the way and tilting her head back. She carefully_
12 years ago
_twists the edge of her shirt around her fingers, arching her back as she tugs her shirt over her head.
12 years ago
watches Giselle, still flustered but certainly not going to complain anymore. He stays still, feeling a bit awkward and not knowing what to-
12 years ago
do other than watch Giselle.
12 years ago
grins and continues to nip and suck at his neck for a moment, though she too gives that up in favour of watching Giselle. Instead, her hand
12 years ago
trails its way down Lovi's chest, down to gently trail over his nether regions teasingly.
12 years ago
tries to hide her smirk when she sees where Marianne's hand has gone. She slides her hands back down her body, hooking her thumbs into the_
12 years ago
_waistband of her skirt, and tugging it down slowly, before tossing it aside. "You seem a little speechless, liebe..."
12 years ago
[when should we move to private? xD]
12 years ago
groans and closes his eyes, thrusting his hips a little at the attention. "I... Sh-shuddup..."
12 years ago
(( Probably soon... XD ))
12 years ago
((I was waiting to know if it was allowed =u= made one.))
12 years ago
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