12 years ago
stayed up too late last night watching "Psych" reruns...can there be a more worthless Saturday night?
latest #20
12 years ago
watching "Glee" reruns?
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
That show is based on the fact that the cops don't notice that the hero solves every one of their crimes and treat him like an idiot.
12 years ago
Isn't that the basic premise for nearly every show involving cops and a civilian?
Ceejay Writer
12 years ago
At least on Castle they NOTICE when he helps solve the case!
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
Yes, Dirk, now that you mention it, that is totally true. My fave cop show is The Mentalist, where even though they treat him like an idiot
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
He treats THEM like idiots right back! haha
12 years ago
Although, they do seem to treat Monk with a modicum of respect, no?
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
And Ceejay yes, they NOTICE when Castle solves a crime, but they have forgotton about it by the next episode! haha
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
Monk? ha ha He IS an idiot!
12 years ago
You may think so, ScarpGodenot, but did you ever see SpyKids? He is an evil genius. Watch out!
12 years ago
for some reason I can't stand the woman cop on Castle...she seems so smug and obnoxious.
12 years ago
Well, if you kept being upstaged by a civilian, wouldn't you get a bit uppity too? (LOL)
12 years ago
doesn't watch Castle
12 years ago
I only watch it because I love Nathan Fillion
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
I think the Kate Beckett character on 'Castle' might represent the misogyny of the screenwriters,
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
who present her as a classic case of 'my ass is made of solid gold' syndrome.
Ceejay Writer
12 years ago
People either love or hate Beckett, I've noticed that among other friends too!
Ceejay Writer
12 years ago
I watch for the tight writing - and I do love the cast. It's a personal favorite show.
12 years ago
the actress on Castle bugs me as well. I've seen her in other things, and I think it is her more than the way the character is written.
12 years ago
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