12 years ago
[event] is lost.
latest #114
12 years ago
... started walking towards her with his hands in his pockets. He noticed her distressed look.
12 years ago
notices the large scary looking man... and promptly turns tail and hides behind a garbage can.
12 years ago
raised his brow at that and kept walking before looking at her from the side. "Hej...?"
12 years ago
gasps and presses up against the wall. He was as scary looking as those vikings from before! "...h-hi..."
12 years ago
smiles a bit and crouches down to her level. "Ah, English... Are ye okay?"
12 years ago
blinks as he sinks to her level, relaxing slightly but still on guard. "I-I'm fine, mister..."
12 years ago
nods a little at that. "Are ye lost, little one?"
12 years ago
hesitates a little. "....maybe..."
12 years ago
smiles a bit and held out his hand. "Here... let's go find yer parents."
12 years ago
shifts on her feet awkwardly, shaking her head. "....Annie told me not to follow strangers...."
12 years ago
nods. "Ja, and that's good advice. But she'd not be able to find ye behind here, would she? Besdies, I know this area well."
12 years ago
bites her lip. "...I guess not..." she admits softly, stepping slightly to him. "Will you take me home?"
12 years ago
chuckles. "I'll try and help ye find yer parents. If that doesn't work, then ja. I'll help ye home."
12 years ago
nods, stepping up beside him. "Thank you, mister.."
12 years ago
smiled and started walking around. "Where did ye last see them?"
Madeline has
12 years ago
to step quickly to try and keep up with his long strides, humming in thought. "Uhm... home? N-neither of them has visited me in a
12 years ago
while..." she admits sheepishly.
12 years ago
blinks. "Then where have ye been stayin' all this time...?"
12 years ago
blinks up at him. "At home..." she answers softly, wondering suddenly if that was weird.
12 years ago
nods. "Why don't ye take me there then?"
12 years ago
fidgets a little. "B-because I don't know where I am..." Hence, the reason she was here in the first place.
12 years ago
nods again and picked her up. "Here. This'll be a better view, for if ye recognise anythin'."
12 years ago
gasps a little and clings to him. "I-I don't..." she starts to tear up, she had been walking in circles for a while and no longer knew the
12 years ago
way home.
12 years ago
frowns and rubs her back. "Shh, shh... it's okay. We'll find yer way home.~"
12 years ago
sniffles a little, clinging to him. He should probably ask where she lives rather than asking her to find her way back..
12 years ago
would, but he hated to see a crying child. So he stroked her back a bit. "What kind of treats do ye like to eat?"
12 years ago
blinks up at him. "E-eh?" she asks, not having expected to get a treat for getting lost..
12 years ago
walked around a bit before going into a bakery and getting some pastries. "Treats. I know I always eat them when I'm upset, and even when
12 years ago
I'm not~"
12 years ago
hums softly at how good the bakery smelled, clinging to him still. "A-Annie says that's not a good habit to get into or I will end up
12 years ago
like Ali..." Not that she liked to listen.
12 years ago
shrugs and got his small bag, taking out a pastry and holding it out for her. "Well, don't tell her then, ja? This'll be our little secret."
12 years ago
nods a little, gently taking the treat from him and nibbling on it. "T-thank you.." she mumbles.
12 years ago
nods and rubbed her back lightly. He liked cheering up kids. "Do ye know where ye live? Like the address or general area?"
12 years ago
leans against him a little with the rubbing. "I live in York," she nods, still stuck in the past as well as in the wrong country. "Once we
12 years ago
get there I can find my way!" she adds confidently.
12 years ago
nods slowly. "... Right. Okay." He didn't want to admit he had no idea where to go at first, so he just started walking aorund and idly
12 years ago
thinking of where her home could be.
12 years ago
still hadn't realized she wasn't in Canada, somehow. She clung to him, assuming he know where they were going.
12 years ago
hums. "I know ye're not from around here, I can tell by yer accent... but..." He couldn't believe she'd be here all alone...
12 years ago
blinks, looking up at him. "...where am I?" she asks, wondering how far she had travelled if she had an accent now.
12 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Well... ye're in København."
12 years ago
....looks utterly lost at that, wondering if she'd travelled into indian land. "....K-kobern...?" she starts to say wrongly.
12 years ago
chuckles quietly. "It's a city in Denmark. That's where ye are right now."
12 years ago
blinks at this, expression falling between confused and devastated. "D-Denmark?? I-it'll take forever to get home!" she laments, starting
12 years ago
to tear up again.
12 years ago
blinks. "It'll be alright... I'm sure yer parents wouldn't just abandon ye in a foreign country..."
12 years ago
shakes her head. "N-neither of them know I'm here....m-most of the time they don't visit...." she answers shakily. "I-I live by myself...."
12 years ago
held her closely and stroked her hair. "Well, we'll find them. Don't worry. Once I'm on a mission I don't stop until I've completed it."
12 years ago
flushes a little in embarrassment. "T-they're busy..." She replies, shifting a little. "W-we could go to my sister's...."
12 years ago
nods a little. "Do ye know where she lives? Or anythin' about where to go?"
12 years ago
rubs at her face. "I-in America... Her name is Alicia Jones...."
12 years ago
frowns a bit, the name sounded familiar. "... Kay. It'll be a bit of a journey, but we'll get there. Okay?" He smiles as he headed home.
12 years ago
nods, clinging to him. She wondered if this man knew what she was, too...
Søren was
12 years ago
starting to get an idea, since normal parents don't just leave their kids alone like this. Though he didn't want to get too carried away.
12 years ago
buries her face against his shoulder, settling in for a long walk.
12 years ago
eventually got home and walked inside. "I'll just be a quick moment, okay?" He smiled softly before getting some things. Soon though
12 years ago
Loki showed up and twitched his tail as he looked at her.
12 years ago
blinks, getting her footing back and looking up around the large home in awe. She startles slightly when she sees the cat staring
12 years ago
at her, pausing and staring back at it. O-oh, this was one of those new pets everyone liked in her home. She kneels down,
12 years ago
gently extending her arm to see if she can draw it over to her.
12 years ago
- Loki raised his head a bit and sniffed the air before walking over to her and rubbing his head against her hand.
12 years ago
smiles as she watches him, reaching out to rub the top of his head. "Hello little guy...." she mumbles, sitting down on the floor.
12 years ago
- Loki meows and curls up in her lap easily. He was nice whenever he got pets.
12 years ago
blinks at this, raising her hands up and a little surprised he settled on her so easily. She smiles when he settles down,
12 years ago
petting his back now. She was starting to feel sleepy petting him though.
12 years ago
came back a little later and smiled. "Seems like he likes ye." He crouched down in front of her and smiled more. "Ready to go home?"
12 years ago
startles awake at the sound of his voice, having started to doze and dream about fairytales. "E-eh...?" she asks, rubbing her
12 years ago
eyes before it kicks in. "O-oh, yes please..."
12 years ago
smiles and carefully moved the cat off her before picking her up. He brought her to the car and set her down in the back. "Here, I brought
12 years ago
some blankets and pillows. It'll be a long drive, and I want ye to be comfortable." He put everything down in the seat beside her, along
12 years ago
with a cooler and bag. "There's food and drinks in those, ye can help yerself. I even put in some fresh pastries I made earlier~"
12 years ago
lets herself be picked up and curls into his arms, smiling and nestling into her spot when she's set down again in the car. She
12 years ago
nods. "T-thank you mister..."
12 years ago
nods as he got into the drivers seat. "No problem." He was just glad she wasn't crying anymore. He started up the car soon after and headed
12 years ago
off for the long journey.
12 years ago
settles down, awake for the moment and staring out the window as they go. She was eager to be home again.
Søren was
12 years ago
just glad she trusted him. He'd never be able to get any of his brothers to cooperate this well.
12 years ago
trusted easily... maybe that's why Ann tended to watch her like a hawk. She starts to fall asleep again after a while, climbing out from
12 years ago
the seatbelt and curling up in a blanket.
12 years ago
drove carefully. He wanted to keep her safe. After hours though he finally got to unfamiliar territory and pulled over to the side for
12 years ago
a break.
12 years ago
stirs slightly when they stop, wrapped and tangled up in the blanket she had.
12 years ago
got out of the car and stretched, letting out a long yawn. He was kind of tired, but glad to have most of the trip over.
12 years ago
sits up slowly after a moment, peeking out the window and trying to figure out where they were.
12 years ago
noticed her and smiled, opening the door a bit. "Hej. Recognize anythin'? We've been in the USA for just a bit..."
12 years ago
peeks out, looking around. She shakes her head sleepily... America sure looked different now.
12 years ago
hums. "Do ye know exactly where yer sister lived?"
12 years ago
hums a moment, trying to remember. "In uhhhh Plymouth," she nods, sure of it by the time she says it.
12 years ago
nodded and stretched a bit more before getting in the car. "We'll be there in no time, don't worry~ Soon ye'll be with family." He smiled
12 years ago
before heading off again.
12 years ago
climbs back into her spot in the back, humming softly as she settled in. She doesn't realize that modern Alicia lived in Texas- nor did she
12 years ago
know what Texas was.
12 years ago
barely knew this land as it was, and was mostly working on what he heard. "Do ye know yer sisters phone number?"
12 years ago
blinks at him, clueless. "Phone number....?"
12 years ago
frowns a bit. "Do ye not know it...?"
12 years ago
looks completely lost. "....w-what's a phone number?"
12 years ago
sighs. "It's a number used to contact people, ye know. From long distances. Like I could call from here back to Denmark."
12 years ago
hums, thinking he must be talking about contact info for mail. "Uhmm won't sending her a message take a really long time though?"
12 years ago
sighs again. "Not by phone." He hummed a bit and looked at her as they came to a stop. "... What year do ye think it is?"
12 years ago
bites her lip at that. She had already figured out she wasn't in the right year. "...i-it was 1673 yesterday.... I-I think Annie's
12 years ago
magic went wrong again.." >3<
12 years ago
... face palms before smiling. "Alright. I get it now."
12 years ago
flinches a little. "D-did I do something wrong?"
12 years ago
shakes his head and smiled softly to her. "Nej. Not at all." He leaned over to her. "So, yer sister is America, ja? I've never met her..."
12 years ago
blinks at this, smiling as he realized. "O-oh, yes! She's great," she nods, happy to know now that this man must also be a country-person.
12 years ago
smiles. "I know a bit of the area. Alright. I know where to go I think." He turned and started off to where Alicia was.
12 years ago
nods a little, curling back up into her seat. She was glad he knew where to find her, then.
12 years ago
hummed as he drove, glad to know where to go now.
Madeline is
12 years ago
excited to see Alicia now. And also figuring this was Denmark, was glad he wasn't as scary as the vikings had been!
Søren was
12 years ago
very scary in the past, but was better now... After some time he stopped the car and parked it. "There... I think this is it." He was mostly
12 years ago
going off from what he learned in papers and by the other nations.
12 years ago
blinks and looks out the window, in awe at the large house. "This is where my sister lives...?" oAo
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