Thank You
She isn't lsitening for anything today. And she just snapped off on me, and i had to walk away b4 i flipped.
Joseph and i adopted her in 2006
um, wow...and you guys are how old??
i would probably lose my cool on a 15 year old as well
I commend you...I have to teach teenagers dance...and I about slap them
She has the lippiest mouth ever lately.
LOL, I was curious how oyu were only 5 years your daughter's senior lol
That's amazing though. I imagine its really hard to have a teenager at your age, let alone an adopted one
Sept she throws tantrums like a 3 yr old sometimes.
like now
wow...props to you guys lol
We just got papers the other day to adopt again hopefulyl by the end of this year.
my sisters is 16 and sometimes i gonna choke her, ibut then i remeber i can walk away i cant imagine having the responsibility you have
hopefully, theyll see i've already adopted and not worry about our age.
she family prior to adoption?
No. she was a friend of a friends daughter kinda.
The courts realized she has lived with us for a long time. and she hasnt lived with her parents since she was 7, they kicked her out
so they asked if we would adopt her, gladly we did.
they kicked her out at SEVEN
oh her parents are royal pieces of shit
why if you don't mind me asking?
i havent seen ONE DIME from them since i met them
umm from what i was told by them..
it is because the mom's bf didnt want her there.
So she moved to her dads.. from there, her dad got kicked out of his gfs house, and his gf said she had to go
Holy shit, they should be in jail
CPS will NOT do anything to them. as long as she has a roof over her head.
They dont care WHO is giving it to her, bc with her living here, she is out of danger.
this was B4 i signed papers/
omgosh..that ought to be against the law
and ya'll should have been given child support until the adoption was final
What? Okay, now I'm convinced that there needs to be a test you take before you can have a kid
I mean, think of all the rings you have to jump through to adopt
All it takes is like 5 minutes to produce a child however
ash, im suppose to be getting child support NOW. back child support.
It can take YEARS to adopt
i got lucky, finding a girl on my doorstep
Yeah, but she doesn't feel that way half the time.
aww that must be so hard on you
so are they sending you the child support?
I'm sure she does in the back of her mind, just she's a teenager
thats y i dont really feel bad about it.
cuz i know what was going through my head at that time.
i know what was going through my head too...not good
People wonder why i act way older than i do. LoL This would be why!
Yeah, I loved my mum, but all I could think about back then was how mean and strict my parents were
well...that is really awesome...I mean I know it has to be hard...but you're 20?...and already raised a child
got my own place at 16, got married at 17, got a child at 18
ugh...I thought my parents were the most unfair and strict parents ever
i tell kim's friends ALLL the time, they aren't mean. They parenting you!
I love my parent's now for being so strict.
My mom wont let me do this... I bet kim would not let her real mom do that, but instede im her mom bc the choices she made.
i never knew what drugs were, or anything!
I couldn't live without them now..I was such a bitch to them...
Half of the crap they told me no to, I could have gotten into SERIOUS trouble
I wish that I hadn't acted that way now
And i tell her my stories all the time, hoping the sink in.
Oh, I knew what drugs were. I lived outside of ATL and all of my friends were either drunks, druggies, or cig freaks or all
I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, because my mom LET me smoke at 12.
And she wants ME to let HER smoke??? HA!!!
But my parents let me make the choice to be around them and be the one that didn't do any of it. And I never did
I knew what sex, drugs, and everything were...from before I can remember...because my mom wanted to know so that I wouldnt' be curious
But they stopped me from goign to parties, and 50% of the time, they were cops involved later
they never let me smoke..I ended up doing that
i got real bad into drugs when i got on my own. bc i was like. IM GROWN NOW!!
cigs..not anything else though
i think pot is frickin disguisting lol
I never did drugs, didn't touch a cig till I was 18 and dropped it 6 months later
And only drank without them knowing Once
I felt so guilty afterwards.
now I drank ALL the time when I "thought" they didn't know
eh, they never kept alcohol in the house
I smoked for three years, trying to quit now..and doing pretty good...only when I go out...which is RARE
oh I never drank at my house.
im addicted to cigs. very much so.
i went through my wild phase.
but im super stressed lol
I want one right now more than you know
I think thats why I've been so worried and stressed lately
not many people think I smoke...
It was easy for me to quit, but then again, I only did it for 6 months
I've never smoked a thing and don't plan to...I've seen what it does to two people close to me and I've had it...
Sometimes I'll light up...and they're like...WTF?
and I am so far from an addictive personality its not even funny
You would think that would dawn on me...I've got cancer on both sides of my family...but
I hate it, but love it at the same time
i told my mom ill get lung cancer b4 i die.
and the rate im going, it's true.
i buy 3 cartons of cigarettes every 2 weeks
aww need to stop.
I mean...I know you know that
PLUS they're newports. so thats even worse
Cigarettes, pop, and the computer... my getaway!
my best friend at the time smoked them...and when I ran out...which was often..
Hey i g2g, my homegirl is in jail, and no one has the proper ID to get her out. LOL
do! have a good night girls!
I smoked Marl Reds when I did....long time ago...
anyho, have a good night crystal!