Welp. Sorry for the disappearance!
latest #18
my internet modem suddenly moved on to the big router in the sky
but after a pretty extensive trip to radioshack, things are looking good!
did I miss anything in Vatheon?
sorry back~ and hmm, not too much no
other than that thing you just replied to with Ion
yeah...Shinra's not too thrilled about his buds peacing out
Considering the circumstances I am not either, man that sucked
urgh it really did, I hope nothing like that ever happens again
People treat pairings like sfb
haters gonna hate, I guess
looks at Shinra's tag to Ion sweetie
Go talk to Zelda right now ffff he wouldn't think of it though
She's decided MUST FIGURE VATHEON OUT so that people don't get torn apart, etcetc
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