Distilled1 wants
15 years ago
to know why some songs have hearts and some are still bumps on thesixtieone???
latest #14
15 years ago
how do you mean??
15 years ago
if you're one the beta "hearts" system you should only see hearts on songs?
Distilled1 says
15 years ago
if I am logged out I see hearst when I log in I get bumps and see hearts on some pages but it says vote when I bump.. and that 61 blog says?
Distilled1 says
15 years ago
nothing.. where do you even find out what they are doing anymore?
15 years ago
when you're logged out it's always hearts, yep, but if you log in and haven't manually switched to the beta, it should still be bumps
Distilled1 says
15 years ago
cool its becoming all to much ROFL :-&
15 years ago
the FAQ has been updated Dist, not much use but some
15 years ago
there's a better explanation here
15 years ago
some of us love it, some hate it :-D
Distilled1 says
15 years ago
thanks sally that one helps :-D it makes sence from an artist perspective I think.. better for the music
15 years ago
yeah iyzie did an awesome job putting that together :-D
15 years ago
you think so Dist? why?
mathman_mr_t says
15 years ago
yes, why?
15 years ago
may contact Dist elsewhere, but hope other artists will chime in
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