papinzapin says
12 years ago
I have a paper due tomorrow that I've not really worked on. Oh hello there internet! Don't you want to show me all kinds of cool new things?
latest #12
DesertKiWi wonders
12 years ago
which class it's for.
12 years ago
Recent U.S. Military History.
12 years ago
I'm writing about how the AK-47 has become the preferred weapon of mad men, terrorists and revolutionaries everywhere.
SoLoPo thinks
12 years ago
that is going to be a fun paper.
12 years ago
It's a great paper I just have fuckarounditis.
12 years ago
really meant it was going to be a fun paper.
SoLoPo thinks
12 years ago
its just that time in the semester.
Fat Boy wonders
12 years ago
how long it has to be? That paper's gotta write itsefl! :-P
DesertKiWi thinks
12 years ago
there's a lot of fuckarounditis going around. 8-)
DesertKiWi hopes
12 years ago
it goes well. :-D
12 years ago
It was 12 pages. I even slipped in a bit about how Mario exemplified the Red Workers plight. All in all I think it turned out well.
Fat Boy
12 years ago
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