only because I have been repressing this for so long waiting for you to do a meme like this
and now, It is the first thing that comes to mind EVER all the time forever until it gets out of my system
Part of me is unsure whether I should be scared, but mostly I feel fairly pleased. Yay science!Bot~
...Wait. Why is there repression?
But then Skyfire + someone because an OTP for me
and then i found LOTS of japanese robot porn
and now my feelings are really confused
/meme becomes increasingly
Pfft. Define confused, then also wait wat robot porn?
No but seriously, Skyfire is like, my favourite autobot
i didn't know. But now i do
You know how I can find Tron porn out of the woodwork?
There is millions more robot porn
I don't know how I feel about that.
then I settled into fandom
One of these days I'll get you over to the
Oh please. It's going to take a lot to do that. Awkwarding me out would take more than robot porn.
And ruin the fun? Awwwww~
Watch more Transformers. Any continuity. Any continuity. And then get back to me with a pairing.
...the sad thing is, I'm gonna be sitting here thinking of obscure pairings, and chances are, there's porn of it.
you ACTUALLY might get some more choice pictures if it's somehow vaguely conceivable that X and Y would be a pair
you know. Using internet logic
But using internet logic, anything can be a vaguely concievable pair...right? Riiiiiiiiight?
Okay. I think I have one! StarscreamxAgent Fowler
Personally, I hope that does not exist though.
give me a day, and I'll see what I can find
Pretty sure there's a prompt on the kink meme for that though
Of that, I am positive, but I was pretty sure finding art of that would be hard, though I'm afraid of that gif.
And it's very much not porn
just... Starscream being Starscream
Not the gif
"Bring him to my chamber of industrial chains. And then string him up.
No it's cool. This is how we treat all visitors."
I don't know whether to look at him as twisted or simply to see him as bizarre. Likely a mix of both. I suppose humans would be the only
things he could do this to without much worry
But they might be a bit of a hairy loose end if they survived 'Starscream's special attention time'
I would think so. I don't see Starscream sparing any humans, had he the time. Cause he certainly has the desire.
I agree. But then we've already seen him spare one person
so, that was kind of interesting. I hope it was for dastardly plotting reasons, and not just because deep down he's a teeny tiny bit decent
My money is on dastardly. I don't think decent is in his registry.
I sure hope so. If he ends up being decent, I'll be a little disappointed, actually.
It would just be too crazy a departure from his established character
Exactly! I hope they don't do that...or at least, if they had to, make the episode entirely crack.
to be honest, I mostly trust the writers, and expect whatever they do will be good in the end
but can we go back to talking about how great Skyfire is?
By all means, go for it! Don't mind me as I peruse the fanart of him~ The pictures I see of him and Scream are kinda adorbs
On that note, I prolly laughed at this more than I should have
actually, it was the fanart that made me think of you first
i can't remember if I thought Skyfire reminded me of Ivan and thus made me think of you, or what
That's an interesting leap. They didn't seem too similiar to me, but yay~! I think. I like being thought of :3
Russia's a big guy with this pseudo-innocent-friendly demeanor
And Skyfire/Jetfire is either a shuttle, or just an unnaturally large airplane class robot. Except he's genuine with his friendly-nice guy
demeanour. And he's really relaxed and sure of himself. It's really quite refreshing.