Turkey was
12 years ago
enjoying the weather outside.
latest #67
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
glad he's getting out more often.
12 years ago
goes out plenty.
12 years ago
hasn't seen him out and about for a while. She thought he was busy with work.
Turkey was
12 years ago
and still is very busy with work but decided that a break here and there wouldn't kill him.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
that's a good attitude to take, he needs breaks.
Turkey wonders
12 years ago
what she has been up too?
Elizabeta has
12 years ago
just been reading and baking and working. Not much exciting.
Turkey feels
12 years ago
like it hasn't been a very exciting month for anyone.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
that could be a good thing though. At least nothing horrible has happened.
12 years ago
doesn't agree with that completely considering some things that have been occurring his area and to his neighbours.
12 years ago
had almost forgotten about that. She was really trying not to think about it.
Turkey wonders
12 years ago
why? Out of curiousity really.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
worried for him, it's not exactly a safe situation and she really didn't like thinking on it anyway.
12 years ago
shrugs. He's been in worse.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
going to bring him some sweets she baked.
12 years ago
perks up at that. What kind of sweets?
Elizabeta has
12 years ago
baked just about everything she possibly could... she's been trying to pawn it all off on people.
12 years ago
laughs, he wonders if she's just trying to get people fat.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
trying no such thing at all! She's just trying to avoid getting fat herself.
12 years ago
snorts, he doesn't think she could ever get fat...except maybe if she was really really old.
12 years ago
... is thankful she'll never get really really old then.
12 years ago
could imagine she would be in that case...he was glad for the same thing.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
he's already older looking than most of them. Sort of like Rome. It was funny.
12 years ago
frowns....didn't think he was that old.....
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
it suits him though, it's far from a bad thing.
12 years ago
isn't to opposed of it when she puts it like that.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
glad then, she's coming over with sweets.
Turkey will
12 years ago
be ready for her. She can just let herself in.
12 years ago
packed up everything she wanted to bring and headed over. When she got there she let herself in. "Turkey?"
12 years ago
had been re-organizing his book cases. "In the study, princess."
12 years ago
blinked at that and headed towards the study after she'd taken her shoes off at the door. She peered in and smiled, holding up a large bag.
12 years ago
"Hey there hot stuff, brought you some sweets."
12 years ago
laughs as he places the last book in its place. "I could smell them from the door." He smiles as he glances at the bag and then at her. "You
12 years ago
always know how to spoil me."
12 years ago
shrugs with a small smile. "I only have you and Roderich to spoil, I enjoy it." She nodded.
12 years ago
makes his way over to her and gently takes the bag of sweets. "Want some coffee or tea?" He asks as he places the goods on the counter and
12 years ago
pokes through them curiously.
12 years ago
brought a bit of everything with her. She shrugged a bit, "emm... I could go for some of your coffee. So how have you been?"
12 years ago
nods as he starts on it. "Black or with sugar?"
12 years ago
"with sugar." She carefully pulled out the different boxes with the sweets and baked goods, setting them all out for him.
12 years ago
nods as he scoops a bit of sugar in the cevishe.
12 years ago
settles down to watch him intently, she loved watching him make coffee.
12 years ago
loved making coffee. It was one of his favourite drinks. When he's done, he pours them in small cups and servers her it.
12 years ago
takes hers with a thanks and smiles, taking a small sip and humming happily. "Perfect as always." She nods.
12 years ago
studies all the boxes she had taken out of the bag. "I'm glad you enjoy it so much." He smiles before opening a few of the boxes and
12 years ago
examining the content. "SO, what do you recommend?"
12 years ago
looked over the boxes and shrugged a bit, "hmm... well the stacked pancakes are good, or there's the raspberry cream roulade or the_
12 years ago
chocolate mouse cakes, umm... well it's all good."
12 years ago
's lips thin out...he wasn't sure were to start and so grabs for the raspberry cream roulade.
12 years ago
smiled as she took a piece of the chocolate mouse cake, nibbling on it.
12 years ago
grabs some cake as well....he wasn't over-indulging himself..
12 years ago
wont tell anyone. She brought them all for him anyway.
Turkey will
12 years ago
have to treat her to something of her own desire later in that case.
12 years ago
doesn't really have any real wants. She just likes company and his is the best around.
Turkey is
12 years ago
sure she must have something like a sort of food or material good?
12 years ago
couldn't think of anything, she's pretty content with the coffee.
12 years ago
...well...if she thinks of anything she shouldn't hesitate to let him know.
12 years ago
watches him and smiles as she finished the cake, licking a bit of chocolate off her fingers.
Turkey has
12 years ago
worked his way through must of the dessert and can say that he's one happy turk.
12 years ago
can tell he's pretty happy. She finished off her coffee, enjoying the taste.
12 years ago
notices. "Want another cup or are you good?"
12 years ago
blinks and smiles, "I'm good. Thank you though."
12 years ago
nods and grabs her cup, heading to the kitchen to deal with it accordingly.
12 years ago
watches him from her seat, she got up and followed him. "I should get going, thanks for having me over though."
12 years ago
quirks a brow. "Leaving so soon? Where do you have to be?"
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "Meeting I think," she frowned a bit. She just felt a bit awkward and she wasn't sure why.
12 years ago
can sense it. "You think? Sounds like a lame excuse to leave. What's on your mind princess? Have I done something wrong?"
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