Xbox. You make-a-me so mad.
latest #12
I had a whole bunch of downloaded stuff on my account, but I need to change licenses so it works for all the users on my console.
Annnnnd for some unknown reason xbox live isn't allowing it, citing connection issues despite there being none. I plan on calling Support
ahhhh. That sucks. I hope it works out for you!
I do too. Not being able to play the games I paid for is totally amazingtastic.
Yikes. D: We have a bunch of stuff downloaded onto Draven's account but it still applies to mine, it's weird that yours isn't doing that.
As far as I know we didn't need to change anything.
Xbox. Use only if you want to be annoyed.
I know, right? But seriously. Just. Yeah. I don't even know. At least my games work for my user but still. My Box. My games should work.
They should. Even a regular pc does that. Say you have a word processor on the comp...both individual accounts can use it.
Exactly! This is why I hate DRM so much, man.
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