Min Kyu
12 years ago
plays a sorrowful melody on the piano.
latest #60
12 years ago
can hear the music from outside the door. Curiously, he peeks in, trying not to be noticed, and is slightly surprised to see who it is.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
plays a particularly difficult harsh segment and then floats back to sorrowful, sighing as he rounds it off to a close. He sits on the
Min Kyu
12 years ago
piano stool, thinking.
12 years ago
cringes at the suddenly harsh selection, though relaxing again. He hadn't even known Min played piano, let alone actually knew how to play
12 years ago
anything decent..... He stays silent as it ends, wondering if he should comment or walk away. He opts to comment, pushing open the
12 years ago
door just enough to peek in. "That was... nice, Min. I did not realize you knew how to play."
Min Kyu is
12 years ago
too wrapped up in his thoughts he only says 'Yeah' in response. Finally he recognises the voice and turns with a blushing face.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
'Of course I know how to play. Any idiot can.' His tone is lacking in its usual snarkiness.
12 years ago
blinks in surprise at the initial lack of answer, though the reply doesn't much change either."I suppose so. It sounded rather sad, though."
Min Kyu
12 years ago
closes the piano keys and stands up, as if trying to distance himself from what he just did. "Most pieces do. It just so happens I enjoy_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
playing them. It helps me."
12 years ago
hums softly, leaning on the doorway. "Well, it seems to help you act civil, for sure." He hesitates, before asking. "...would you mind
12 years ago
playing another?"
Min Kyu
12 years ago
blushes at that. He had to admit it himself he didn't feel like being an ass to Kiku right now. Maybe he was right. Scowling, but secretly_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
pleased, he goes back to the piano. "I wrote this one myself, so if you laugh I will launch a war at you." He begins to play another_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
heart-wrenching song, all the while glancing at Kiku.
12 years ago
smiles when he notices the blush, stepping to take a seat near the piano to listen. He nods, preparing himself to hold back any laughter
12 years ago
that might bubble up, half expecting it to be terrible. He's pleasantly surprised though as he listens, closing his eyes so as not to notice
12 years ago
him looking up at him.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
thought Kiku was trying to anger him when he closed his eyes but then he realised he was actually seeming to enjoy listening to him. He_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
continues, and finishes softly so that the last note hangs in the air. He sits there watching Kiku carefully. When he plays, he gets_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
emotional and he wasn't sure if he should get like that in front of Japan.
12 years ago
would be more than amused to see he actually had emotions past anger, that's part of why he was pleased to see this side of him already. He
12 years ago
smiles as the last note hits... though suddenly he gets the mental image of Min actually sitting down to have written that and has to hold
12 years ago
back a quiet laugh. "That was... quite good, actually," he nods, hoping Min hadn't noticed.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
suspects Kiku is thinking about him because he looked like he was holding some sort of amused expression back. Jumping to his own defences_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
he quickly says "It's nothing important, I only wrote it when I was bored, so..." He closes the piano again and looks away from Kiku.
12 years ago
hums at that and nods. "Right, of course..." He had enjoyed the song, he just hadn't expected it from Min. But he didn't want to inflate his
12 years ago
ego too much, who knew how that could turn out. "Do you write a lot of songs like that..?"
Min Kyu
12 years ago
's shoulders come up in a shrug but stay up as he feels like he's put himself in a position where Kiku could make fun of him if he wanted._
Min Kyu
12 years ago
"Yeah, I have a lot going on. I need to let off steam somehow, right? What's wrong with that? If you don't like it, just say."
12 years ago
shakes his head, laughing softly. He had no right to make fun of him for music... he drew doujin, after all. "I already told you it was
12 years ago
good, must you always act so defensive?"
Min Kyu gives
12 years ago
him an 'are you crazy?' look. "Of course I must! In case you haven't noticed, nations don't look on me too kindly at the moment." He huffs_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
"But I would have thought, as my brother, you'd be used to that by now." He stares at Kiku, looking both serious but thoughtful.
12 years ago
arches a brow at him. "Yes, I am used to it. But that doesn't mean I can't comment on it," he says, ignoring the brother part.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
can't argue with that - it's not like he stays quiet about Japan's faults. He scowls, more to himself. "Why are you still here, Japan?_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
Don't you have better things you could be getting on with?"
12 years ago
frowns a little. "Well, I thought perhaps we were somewhat getting along for a moment, but I can leave if I really offend you that much."
Min Kyu
12 years ago
looks up quickly. "No," he says, then hesitates, "I didn't mean that. You can leave if you want to," He goes back to looking confused._
Min Kyu
12 years ago
"You aren't offending me."
12 years ago
blinks at this, and furrows his brow. "...is something wrong today?" he was used to being harshly told to leave.
Min Kyu
12 years ago
turns himself away again but he's honest. "I don't know, I think so..." I don't feel like being a prat to you, he says in his head.
12 years ago
hums a little, stepping up to him and placing a hand to his forehead. "..well, you don't feel fevered, at the very least."
Min Kyu
12 years ago
jumps away a little, startled that Kiku touched him. "What are you-? I'm fine, okay?" He blushes darkly, trying very hard to scowl but in_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
all truthfulness he almost liked the caring sentiment. "I'm just feeling a bit...lonely these days. I'll get over it."
12 years ago
blinks at him, studying his face. "...you, the master of isolation, are capable of feeling lonely?"
Min Kyu
12 years ago
busies himself with gathering music sheets and stuffing them into his bag. "Wow, well done Japan. You discovered the master of isolation_
Min Kyu has
12 years ago
his off days too." He says, huffy, "Like I said, I'll get over it. Soon I'll be back to the Min you love to hate."
12 years ago
arches a brow, not really helping but more so watching. "And if I prefer this version?"
Min Kyu
12 years ago
doesn't understand why he would other than the fact he's not trying to make Kiku uncomfortable. "The simple answer is you can't. This_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
version only comes out every so often and normally I hide him well." He looks back at Kiku, studying him.
12 years ago
would think that as a pretty reasonable reason. shakes his head. "That's a shame, I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefers you to be not
12 years ago
so abrasive."
Min Kyu gives
12 years ago
a short laugh. "I think if I were to be like this to someone else they would believe I was faking it. Guess I have to admit you do know me_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
pretty well." He sits back, leaning against the piano. "You know, some people find the abrasive side appealing. Not you, though." he gives_
Min Kyu
12 years ago
an honest smile, something he can't remember ever giving Kiku before.
12 years ago
hums at this, shrugging. "Perhaps, given how you act now. But I think nations know best of all that people can change," he blinks, surprise
12 years ago
at the smile. It wasn't at all unnerving like past smiles... it seemed real. "Does this mean you actually trust me, despite it all?" He's
12 years ago
expecting a harsh no.
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