Hibari is
12 years ago
going to the school roof.
latest #15
Mukuro ♋ asks
12 years ago
his ravens to try pooping on the prefect.
12 years ago
/jackass. he'll deal with your damn ravens if he sees them/
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/they're perched on the fence right now (</
12 years ago
looks annoyed and walks to the toher side of the roof. He has his tonfas out.
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/the ravens eye him as he approaches, prepared to fly if he attacks/
Hibari will
12 years ago
only attack if they take a number 2 here.
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/oh, well, what do you know - one of them lifts its tail...and poops (</
12 years ago
/potty train your damn birds! he glares at it and walks downstairs...only to return...with a hose! he shoots the birds with water/
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/the ravens take flight with loud caws, flapping out of the way of the water. Oh, but see, now you've given them an excuse to poop on you
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
instead~ >D/
Hibari has
12 years ago
a hose and he's not afraid to use it.
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/one of them swoops--!/
12 years ago
aims the hose and shoots it! >D
Mukuro ♋
12 years ago
/the raven veers away but gets its tail feathers wet/ 'Quork!'
12 years ago
turns off the hose. He will not waste water. Come closer and be shot.
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