Amelia is
12 years ago
watching the rain with a pouty expression. It should just be warm and spring instead of cold, rainy and too windy to play baseball.
latest #64
Marianne has
12 years ago
come to visit!
Amelia is
12 years ago
sitting at the window and waves when the other woman starts up the walk. She's very clearly pleased to have company on such a bad day.
12 years ago
smiles as she catches sight of her and waves back, pausing at the door to be let in.
12 years ago
smiles and just waves, trying to indicate the door is unlocked. She is getting up though and moving toward the entry anyways to greet her
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles and steps inside, pulling Alicia up into a big hug when she greets her. "Bonjour ma cherie~!"
12 years ago
smiles at this and hugs her tight back. "Hey Mary! Nice ta see ya huh? You don't come by nearly enough."
12 years ago
chuckles softly, humming softly as she pulls away. "Your weather is nearly as bad as England's, mon chou~" she teases. "But non,
12 years ago
honestly I have simply been busy, my apologies."
12 years ago
pouts and looks outside. "Isn't it horrible? I hate when the weather is so bad, specially since it's gettin' so close to going outside
12 years ago
weather." She tugs at her fingers, giving her a smile. "Too busy for me, how terrible."
12 years ago
smiles at this, bringing her hand to her lips for a little kiss. "I'm sorry ma chere, but I'm here now~" she laughs softly. "And well,
12 years ago
there's plenty of fun things to do inside~"
12 years ago
laughs and gives her a teasing scolding look. "Well there's that at least. Come on to the kitchen and I'll make you some tea." She gets a
12 years ago
bit of a naughty expression. "Fun things to do inside, I wonder." She intends to brag about her... activities.
12 years ago
merely grins and winks back at her for the look. "I'm sure you can imagine, ma chere," she teases, following her in. "And merci, tea
12 years ago
would be lovely."
12 years ago
arches a brow, giving her a teasing smile. "I tested it out actually, what nice things a few people can do when it's not fun being outside,"
12 years ago
she laughs and tugs her into her kitchen. "It's sweet tea, if that's okay."
12 years ago
arches a brow at this, grinning a little. "Ah, you got little Sakura to play with you then? How unexpected," she smiles, and
12 years ago
nods. "Sweet tea is fine with me ma cherie, as long as you divulge details~"
12 years ago
laughs at this and turns to give her quite the proudest little expression. "Not just Sakura. She plays with me all the time." She turns and
12 years ago
starts to pour them both glasses. "Maddie came to play with us too~" She hums happily and offers Marianne a glass. She's very clearly
12 years ago
bragging at her ability to bed her sister.
12 years ago
pauses at this, a frown passing over her face before she masks it back over with a smile as Alicia turns back around. "Oh, my
12 years ago
darling Madeline? With both of you....?"
12 years ago
nods and hands her a glass. "Yes, Maddie came to play with me and Sakura and she loved it. Well, why wouldn't she really?"
Marianne has
12 years ago
a strained smile on her face by now. "So, you've been corrupting my Madeline while I've been gone then?"
12 years ago
blinks at her. "Oh heavens no, Madeline was already corrupted. She just joined us cause she wanted to." She doesn't realize the strain,
12 years ago
being too oblivious for it. She places a little plate of cookies in front of Marianne though.
12 years ago
frowns at this, shaking her head. "My Madeline is a perfect angel, I refrained from teaching her things like that growing up," not like the
12 years ago
English brat had anything to do with it, noooo. "What did you do to her?"
12 years ago
blinks at her. "You think you didn't teach her stuff?" she laughs. "She walked in on you, uh, doing stuff a lot more than you give her
12 years ago
credit for." She folded her arms over her chest and blinks at her. "I didn't do anything to Maddie. She was the one that taught me how to
12 years ago
kiss after all." Huffs! Though to be fair it was more they taught each other how to kiss..
12 years ago
blinks at this, frowning still. "My Madeline was peeking on me? Oh mon dieu! All the years wasted when I could have been teaching
12 years ago
her!" She blinks at this though, shaking her head. "Now that, I refuse to believe. See, you were corrupting my little girl! Stealing her
12 years ago
kisses!" she accuses.
12 years ago
tilts her head at her and blinks. "Yeah, she told me about it, way back then. But I didn't really understand it either and said you musta
12 years ago
been wrestlin' or something." She sits up on the counter and just looks confused. "I didn't corrupt Maddie. God the first time that happened
Amelia was
12 years ago
before the my revolution even. We were just practicing and," she laughs. "A maid caught us at it and left the house. "
12 years ago
_ 'Sides, it's not corruption. She knew more'n me from the beginning."
12 years ago
's cheeks are a bit red, now wondering how many times Madeline had caught her at it. "...before.." she frowns as she clues in. "Is that why
12 years ago
Julianne left? She never did say." She shakes her head, crossing her arms. "Well, at least my little girl
12 years ago
had some education... even if I didn't know it. I must fix my wrongs though," she hums, planning to see Maddy soon.
12 years ago
blinks at her and doesn't really understand why she's seems so strange about it. "Was that her name?" Alicia wonders out loud and
12 years ago
shrugs. "Why does it surprise you? You didn't think Maddie was some blushing virgin did you?"
12 years ago
frowns a little, crossing her arms. "Non, of course not." Yes, she had. This is what she got for taking a vacation, she supposes. "Madeline
12 years ago
| is a grown woman now. And yes, me and Ann wondered why she seemed so disgusted when she left."
12 years ago
laughs softly and hums. "Well don't be so surprised that Maddie can get down and dirty when she wants to then." She gives an immature
12 years ago
snicker. "I thought the disgust was funny."
12 years ago
hums at her. "We had a hard time finding another caretaker as good as her," she shakes her head. "Well, I should test out your
12 years ago
theory, I think."
12 years ago
laughs at that. "Oh well, it's al history now huh?" She blinks at her and tilts her head. "Test it out. What'dya mean??"
12 years ago
hums still, waving it off. "Nothing, nothing of course. Just musing."
12 years ago
frowns at her and hums a little, but she was easy to deter at least. "Musing 'bout?"
12 years ago
smiles. "Wondering where Annie has been. You haven't seen her lately, have you?" She's changing the subect.
Amelia is
12 years ago
oblivious. "Annie? Nawww, I don't hang out with Annie much. She's just... off being British somewhere I guess."
12 years ago
sighs dramatically. "Oh how I miss aggravating her," she laughs. "I'm sure she misses me as well~"
12 years ago
arches a brow and taps Marianne's nose. "I'm sure she's glad for the quiet. You drive her a bit batty sometimes."
12 years ago
laughs and shoos Alicia's hand away. "She returns the favour, ma cherie. Besides, she likes it."
12 years ago
tilts her head. "Well she drives everyone batty to be fair." She rolls her eyes. "I'm not sure she likes it that much."
12 years ago
nods in agreement to the first part, laughing a little. "She'll appreciate the fact I got her a whole new wardrobe, I am sure~"
12 years ago
blinks at this. "Did you really? Why? Did you replace her clothes without asking her." "
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