one of the all female groups are total sluts.
how total, is total a total slut
Well, their dancing REALLY sucks, and I think they're only getting by because of their slutty outfits and crotch slams.
That's right. crotch slams.
So what was the average force of each crotch slam
250 newtons? damn thats slutty. so do you think the judges were taking 'bribes'
So whos left besides the sluts
There's another crew of chicks that are really good. A crew of Asian dudes that are pretty good. And a crew of black dudes that are okay.
I say the asian dudes are next to go
I dunno, they're pretty good. They do lots of flips and shit.
But how willing are they to suck judge dick to succeed?
Well, considering they're still there., I assume they are very willing.
Well lets hope they have enough lozenges.
They have some new phantasy star games coming out.
I'm looking forward to bringing my psp out for it
AH, then you'll have to inform me on how they turn out.
Wel I stil got till march to get the game and my focus till then is my aquiring of a drivers licence
Ah, good luck with that. I have to do that myself.
ahhh. well then lets work to make the best of 09 then