to know the actual use of this site.
latest #19
It's like a cross between IM/message boards/Twitter
You don't have to private your WHOLE account just to send someone something you don't want others to see
That sounds busy as all hell. I'm also noticing a lot of other languages on the front page. I guess it turned Asian-oriented.
You can hide things from certain people while offering some public info
And unlike DMs, you can send private things to a group of people
That's pretty neat, I s'pose. I don't like how I lost all my karma just because I haven't used the site, though. I had 50+ karma.
Like old Myspace you have DP names verses usernames and real names
lol I know I am just saying it has that feature
It allows people who want to be expressive that chance
Also you can edit if you make typos
which is one of my favorite features of this site
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