saber shares
12 years ago
that rabbit is reading my booksthat rabbit is reading my books o_o;;; Yes, I have rabbit fans now. My life is complete. (LOL)
latest #14
12 years ago
bawwwwwww it must feel so awesome, seeing your work in print ;o;
saber says
12 years ago
=u=;;; apparently, bebe (the rabbit) almost ate them o_o;;;
saber says
12 years ago
(LOL) well, this is xeroxed stuff... so it's not the "official" copy so to speak. but since there are only 30 of them going around, i guess
saber says
12 years ago
they're collector's items now? :3a I WISH ANYWAY
saber says
12 years ago
(heart_beat) which makes me wonder about that (LOL) i didn't think i could write my own stories until recently. (rofl)
12 years ago
had a eureka moment (LOL) self-confidence boost \o\ yipee~~
12 years ago
;u; though... i prefer having an editor... someone to bounce ideas off of and give me critiques (LOL)
12 years ago
until i can actually afford one though, imma on my own. ;o;
12 years ago
editors are amazing T_T
saber says
12 years ago
yes yes and yes~ and (if they're the really awesome kind) they'll be honest with critiques and give input in the art even if they can't draw
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