you are the only person up but w/e i will be around all night
oh that is
beautiful ily lyan
I will hit that as soon as I'm done straightening up my room.
!!! I am so all over this, first chance I get!
This is delicious. Tolstoy's stammery sister and all.
I ADORE IT. And I actually dislike Glee so…
I think their orchestrations are fantastic and like the musical numbers, but the characters have never interested me. So you guys are way
ahead of the actual show in my book.
…I think I'll throw Lestrade at this, actually… (even though I owe you tags elsewhere… this is a Loop-dominating few days)
i welcome all tags from you no matter how slow! and i know you have a lily now so you're totally excused for being dominated.
anyway i ragequit glee way back but racheline maltrese's amazing intellectual kurt meta got me back into it.
acafen basically own my worldview
/can't help laughing at the
being dominated by Lily overtones… anyway/ Also, thank you
Aw, what caused the ragequit? (I know bits and bobs about the plot)
ah well, back in s2 they had a plotline in which kurt manipulated his father into dating the single mother of the guy he liked, finn, and
when they all moved in together and had to share a room he made finn really uncomfortable. and it culminated in a fight in which finn used a
homosexual slur and was kicked out of the house and chastised. but the show never dealt with the fact that kurt had been walking a line of
sexual harrassment. they also started generally making horrible *fail jokes and underusing their poc and it felt like for all it was a show
about tackling discrimination, it actually just as frequently perpetuated incredibly problematic issues. and they sold out with a christmas
episode and i literally had a giant freak, dropped my glee character, left glee fandom, and stopped watching.
but adi's rachel and a very good meta writer who i have followed through hp and torchwood fandoms got me to pick it back up.
and as dan savage says, it gets better.
Yeah, that's always bugged me about Glee… it'll drop in Real Issues, but in a gimmicky rather than… I dunno, entirely responsible way.
But I guess that's what leads to a good fandom.
Players can actually
focus on what's sacrificed to… whatever else the show focuses on.
(Which is not a parallel but definitely a segue to how I feel about HP in many ways!)
…Ah, dammit, must get ready for a visit… /leaves Kurt's post open for Lestrading later
(notes to self: okay american contemporary earth feel some responsibility to "my people" even though ever hinting as
much is a pr nightmare probably in ANY world, and certainly anatole but hey, this whole "scorched" designation makes even LESS sense so)
i love everyone in this plurk
Alright. Now that I am awake and actually able to focus, I am SO on this