What is your real name
HEE. I did that in the real name meme buuut if you insist: I'm Margarita/Martha/Mia Maramara
Each name has a different function. Some of my childhood friends call me Clio, though! We have muse names for each other.
....... ok, I have nothing scandalous about me online.

those are pretty names.
now tell me

what does Zoro think of Luceti thus far?
Thank you.

They're hilariously boring here, though.
Gosh. Important things first: he'd hate it 150000000 times more if it didn't have free booze everywhere.
That said, he thinks the place really needs to learn how to stop moving around so much. Having a stationary home feels strange after being
out at sea for so long but he's coping well enough.
As for the, uh. Finer details of his wonderful stay at Luceti...
Amidst all the memory loss and kidnappings, the thing that worries him the most is the fact that the other Straw Hats might just randomly
disappear one day. He arrived at a really weird time and a lot of the freakier things about Luceti haven't really sunk in yet so I can't
really say he hates the place. They've seen and been through crueler things before.
It took Nami months and months to despise the place. |D
...actually it took sleeping with Zoro to get her to absolutely loathe it.
I guess he's mostly just worried about you guys. How the long stay's affecting you or the things you might be made to do. It's
easier to shrug off the weird experiments when it's only happening to him. But you know how he gets when they're stuck in tough situations.
"Leave it to luck", etc. But the moment they get fed up and decide to actively war against the Malnosso...
Kayjayyy I actually hadn't thought about it much until you asked me. :|a The SHs get into so much shit sometimes that it's hard to
get the character to really freak out.
But, yeah, I can totally see that happening with Nami. D: Not to mention she's been around so long... sleeping with someone, even nakama,
would feel like such a violation...
... urk. Hrm. Oh, no. You got me thinking about something... that I will let you guys know about when it starts to make sense.
In case I haven't asked this before like I had with Pi and forgot:
do you have any pet peeves when it comes to how 1) others play Zoro (or write him in fics)
or 2) if there are any common misconceptions about him with other players?
(shhh I should be asleep but I'm not)
ahemmm. uh, wow. hmm. I can't really think of any off the top of my head. I haven't stalked other Zoro players in a while but I think the
biggest issues I've ever had with any of them were related to relationship development (I have yet to find a good argument as to why Zoro
would ever ever ever get into a boyfriend scenario with Sanji. I'm not discounting the fact that it could happen but it'd take some really
That's cool. That you don't have many pet peeves, I mean.
extreme in-game development and... I just haven't seen that happen yet) and the serious-to-wacky ratio.
and heh, that's ironic because for me, while I'm not much into Zoro/Sanji one of the versions of that that did work for me was in a game,
more so than most such fics I've looked at
tends to be wrong with the serious-to-wacky?
(though I should add that mostly I think OP characters work better unshipped in games)
Uhm... well, sometimes he's played too serious. It's not really an issue for me because the scenario will always dictate the reaction (I
played him pretty seriously in Damned, for example) but angsty!Zoro just doesn't work for me.
And by angsty I mean the type that talks out his feelings and never comes to a conclusion about it.
I agree, I think the best Zoros are always played with a touch of goofiness when the situation allows for it
...yeah, that... really isn't very Zoro-like.
Yeah, right? But that characterization tends to come out when Zoro's played in a ship and, just. Nyeh.
I admit I love angst-wallowing at times, but... there's a limit. Especially when it comes to talking about it.
Speaking of: Which ZoSan did you like? I'd like to check 'em out.
Oh, the Mallowmateys one. It came around twice since the first Zoro-mun left (leaving Zoro with amnesia): I thought both times
worked well for me, but the second one particularly when he was played by Cam
but then again, I also really liked the Mallowmateys Sanji
Haha, I have to admit... I hate angst-wallowing sooo I may be a bit biased there. But! I've seen good Zoro angst in a fic. That one where he
sacrifices himself by pretending to be the secret captain of the Straw Hats? Straight-forward's always the way to go with Zoro.
Ooohh, you know... surprisingly, I never stalked the Mallowmateys cast. I always meant to but the game closed before I came around to doing
Not the least because it had a lot of Usopp angst as well!
HAHA! Our biases are showing.
The Sanji and Usopp(Jessie) and the second Zoro were my favourite parts of that game.
I thought that was pretty good.
The first Luffy was amazing in some ways, but... I really do think the whole Lucci thing, though very daring, was a mistake.
An interesting one, though.
that the one where he asked Lucci to join the crew?
Yeeeep. A Lucci that had gone through a lot of fascinating character development, but...
...I still couldn't make myself believe Luffy would do that kind of thing.
Cool. Cool cool cool. Yeah, I've been meaning to read through their logs for a while now. I'll do it when I have time for some character
idk, I could... see it happening.
I admit I'm biased because I do detest canon-Lucci,
I mean, after DBZ turned Piccolo into a huge green blob of moe I can believe anything.
Piccolo scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
and I'm afraid that MM-Lucci, though a lot more interesting, still rubbed me the wrong way in many ways
Hmm. Just not my type of character, and I couldn't quite believe in him as a possible Strawhat
An interesting ally for the crew, maybe, but he felt too smug and superior (and sadistic) to work with crew dynamics
But that's just my opinion, and I have to say it did make for some pretty intriguing threads along the way.
Mmm... yeah, that makes sense. I guess if he was beaten a little by some 3rd party? Made to actually ask for help from Luffy?
But that would require he care about something. :|
Oh, the MM Lucci cared about Hattori.
And also Kaku, they were a couple
Let's see. Yeah, it all started with Hattori IIRC. God, though, I only read the things, Jessie would be able to say better
He hooked up with a lady pigeon, I forget where she came from
I'm imagining a family of pigeons roosting on Lucci's hat
And Luffy was already talking to Lucci over the network, slowly wearing him down to not-really-wanting-to-kill-you-anymore
and somehow he and Usopp were given two of the chicks? God, I forget. Anyway it was all about the pigeons' welfare.
You should say Jessie's name one more time. Three times and she might appear just to tell us the Real Story
OH ANYWAY UHH. Disclaimer!
I have loved almost ever single Zoro I have ever stalked ever
And I could only dream of doing half the shit they did
That's awesome.
So, yeah. If my comments seemed like I had issues with any of them simply because they did something I wouldn't have... yeah, no.
Also, I'm sorry if my question looked like I was DIGGING FOR WANK
Whenever I stalk another Zoro it always adds a new dimension to the way I look at the character. Kinda, like. OH, yeah, forgot about that...
HAHA 'naw it didn't, really
Mainly I wanted to hear if there were any little niggling things that might bug you
(so I could avoid doing that in fics...

... or just because it's fun to talk about characters)
(btw, when you wrote "Disclaimer!" the first thing that popped into my head was "One Piece was created and is owned by Eiichiro Oda,
it's used here without permission"; yada yada
Well, no, nothing really. It's just the boyfriend thing. I could see them falling into a fuck buddy routine OF SHAME though.
haha, may as well get that out there too
Haha. That would be a pretty cool interpretation to see.
but uh, as I've been known to say before... most of the time standard romantic relationship don't work for me with the crew
It's like I always need to have the feeling that it's not just about these two people, it's always about the rest as well
I actually wouldn't mind seeing that played out, actually. The two boys sneaking around and feeling really weird about it. Still, it's a
I've seen it start that way in fics, but then there tends to be Deeper Feelings Developing!! with frequent angst and whatnot
In Damned, Luffy-mun and I actually wanted to work out some kind of ZoLu thing but we decided the relationship was deep enough as it was.
The only thing we could add to it was the whole sex aspect but it wouldn't change much on the whole.
That's how I see the two of them.
I know you like that pairing, sorry!
Yeahhh I've seen those fics too. Boo deeper feelings. I want awkwardlynecessaryfuckbuddy ZoSan
See... I can buy a certain amount of deeper feelings. But never to the point of Zoro caring more about Sanji than Luffy
No, don't apologize. That's what I love about the pairing-- it doesn't have to be romantic to work.
Or for that matter Sanji caring more about Zoro than Nami (though it's not the same exact thing)
But since they don't tend to admit much that they do care about each other deeply as crewmates in canon - as with the others in the crew
there is that tension, so I love fics where they have to admit that just a little bit. Though it usually works the best for me if it's gen
I guess because then there's not the temptation to make it a standard romantic relationship...? I dunno.
Standard romantic relationships will never work in the One Piece world. Nevarrr
I don't think there's been a single healthy relationship in the entire history of the Grand Line
No wonder there're so many pirates around; so many broken families and orphaned kids
Miss Monday and Mr 9 seem to be happy
OH YEAH I forgot about that!
And I do root for Hachi and Caimie... though we STILL don't know if Hachi likes Caimie that way
there's also Rayleigh and Shakky.... They seem to have a very open relationship, but not
Well, they're not explicitly in a relationship though.
I heard that Shakky refers to Rayleigh as such?
I always thought of them more as a Zoro/Nami deal. Living together and maybe even sleeping together but... not really in that kind of a
"My guy" or the like. Some word that usually implies that in Japanese.
She refers to him as something like... the guy I live with. Like a live-in boyfriend? But I could see that as

....even if they are together, it still wouldn't be a Standard Romantic Relationship, now that I think about it
because it's evidently very open (Rayleigh is away for looong stretches of time and might see other women)
/ backtracks
....but you know, isn't it very late for you?
but I dun wanna
Sometimes when I stay up too late by the computer,
it's like I want to hit that one page that will tell me to go to bed AND IT WILL ACTUALLY WORK
If you hit that little red X at the top of your browser, you'll likely find that page.
UGH WHATEVER I need to... bed in get sleep
if you have any other questions just leave 'em and I'll get to them... later
haha, yeah, I remember at first when Luffy was HEY GUYS PIGEON-GUY IS GONNA JOIN THE CREW there was some ~tension~ for a while
and while I could never see that happening the way it did with canon-Lucci, I had a lot of fun bringing Usopp from TERRIFIED OF HIM to BFFs.
...it was a very long process, haha
/also curious to know what you were thinking about
wasurechatta nyohoho. anything you found particularly fascinating?
prplpen haha that sounds awesome, though. I can't imagine Lucci winning any of them over with his ~charm~ like Robin did
Kayjayyy I'm not... sure how to phrase it. I might have to sit on it for a little while longer. D:
lol, everyone but Luffy was >| at him at first. and he was >[ back.
wasurechatta It's the only real kind of "relationship" I could see them developing, tbh. If the situation were desperate enough and they
were forced to play nice for a long time (say, just the two of them stuck together for months and months
with no way of taking their aggression out on their surroundings, haha.)
It could happen because of mutual trust ("I trust you to have my back in a fight and now I trust you to understand what it means when we go
for a roll in the hay"

or because there's enough animosity there that it won't change or affect crew dynamics.
idk, I'm thinking about this from Zoro's end. What do you think?
(also I can't brain English right now so forgive my errors)
Yeah, I came into Disc while the Disc Sanji and Umi (the girl they were fighting over, from Magic Rayearth) were still there so I tried
really, really hard to understand the relationship. Sanji and Zoro got all friendly and stuff around the end of it...
And... yes. I was the 2nd Disc Zoro. >_>
Yupyup! The Disc Luffy and Chopper asked me to try apping in because we got along on our d_m posts. 8D
WAT. hahaha no man. I didn't even do much in Disc.
If anything, when I was looking to app Zoro into Luceti all the other OP muns on my plurk were, like, THAT CREW? REALLY? I'd be too scared
YEAH we all talk about you guys
you're known as the scary good OP players
We can't all be terrified of each other, yknow
Agreed. :| And we all stalk each other so we get caught in this weird incestuous cycle of fear.
geez. but that is -- lmao I'm with Marie
who are these mysterious OP muns
/gathers them all together >>
I won't specify just in case you someday end up RPing with them buuut
mostly folks from my old casts and one or two from my old Damned circle
they don't necessarily play in OP anymore though
sob there aren't a lot of OP people these days, I've noticed.
Yeah. I think OP hit its peak around two years ago and just... started slowing down.
I have one or two old castmates who still play in the fandom but they're sporadic
and they stuck to LJ during the Great Divide
Yeah, bah. I miss the old days when there were a billion and one different casts.
I don't actually know which casts are still around... hm
there's a few standalones aroudn thep lace. Nami's on her own over at Siren's Pull
Brook and Robin at Damned? or Facility. One of the two.
And Usopp is over at Scorched.
OOHH that's right, Brook's still there. Wow. That's, like... 4 years.
And I'm glad they finally got a Robin. She fits Damned so well I wanted to play her back when I thought I had the time for it.
Baw. Did CFUD transfer over to DW?
Guess I should look into that...
I know they had a pretty active Zoro
I thought CFUD was the first big game to move over.
Really? I wasn't paying attention so much when it happened
I was super swamped around that time
I really liked the CFUD cast, but... their Usopp left and I'm so biased, that can't help but affect my interest
According to the Plurks I read, I think so
as a non-player the only way it affected me is that I no longer can kill time reading RP threads at work
(for some reason the workplace filter won't let me access DW sites, but LJ is fine)
Maybe you could use one of those sites... I forget what they're called, though
The one where you input the site address and it lets you bypass filters
I had to use it for a while when my school blocked LJ :|
I didn't know they could work that way, to be honest. I thought they just made it so you could access pages blocked in your region
/ is generally hopeless at technical stuff
haha I don't actually know how they worked! All I know is I managed to use it for LJ when LJ was blocked at school
did you just post it yesterday?