standing behind the counter. The door is open~
walks right up to the counter and leans on it. "False alarm," he says brightly.
haha well good for you. So I still can't make those father jokes huh~?
narrows his eyes, though he seems more amused than annoyed. "Father jokes?"
nothing nothing~ /smiles and gives him a lollipop/
shrugs. "I'm being nice~"
why. He won't complain, though. "Thanks. So how is it with Mukuro back?"
hasn't talked to him since he returned. "haha the same."
purses his lips. He tilts his head curiously. "It's...the same, when he's so different?"
what do you mean? /pouts/
quirks a brow. "When he's...nice. He's different."
I would actually rather have the regular mean Mukuro-kun~
looks relieved. He was beginning to worry. "Good. The other one's creepy." Shudder.
frowns, bemused. "He was creepy."
grimaces. "He was...nice. Open. Honest. All the chumpy things."
it's okay to be nice one in a while.
sticks out his tongue to show what he thinks of that. "Nice. But not a chump."
pouts. "He wasn't being a chump." D:
narrows his eyes. "He let Giotto talk him into pranking me. And he cried when I threatened him."
snorts. "That's the point. Too easily frightened. He cried when he was scared. A bitch."
frowns and takes the lollipop back. "don't call him that."
purses his lips. "Exactly. He's not one, and yet he acted like one. It was creepy."
never giving you free candy again.
still never giving you candy. He doesn't go around calling Alaude a whore now does he?
saying that Mukuro isn't one! D:
pouts. But you called the other Mukuro a bitch. Which still pisses him off.
/hmmmph, fine. Daemon tilts his head. "You like guys like that?" Curiously.
nods. "Easy to fool. Easy to scare."
no. I just don't like it when you talk about him like that. /licks the lollipop he stole from Daemon/
chuckles a little at the sight. He's mollified. "Hm. Consider it a good thing. I'd have killed anyone else if they cried at me like that."
glares. And he'll kill you if you hurt him.
meets the look smoothly, smiling blithely as if nothing is wrong.
/don't make him hate you again/
shrugs. He's being honest. His point is that he didn't kill Mukuro because he's one of the few he wouldn't kill.
looks away, sucking the lollipop. "....."
Will you still sell me a cake?
if you have money. /not looking at him/
rolls his eyes. He's grinning. "I did say sell."
pouts. "Never mind, I'll get it at the European cafe down the road."
's disappointed. He likes the strawberry cake here more.
homemade strawberry cakes. too bad~ know why. /angrily bites the lollipop and breaks it/
arches an eyebrow. "I said I wouldn't kill Mukuro."
finishes the candy and throws the stick at him.
ducks his head to the side, looking a little sour. "What, you'd rather I would?"
no. /plays with the wrapper/
I'm saying I'm fond of him, for an insolent kid. /he's more fond because of the insolence, actually/
folds the wrapper into a crane.
sighs. He's trying to extend an olive branch here!
(( Going to bed, see ya tomorrow, N ))
looks at him once he's done with the crane. "what?"
[night aki~ i dont wanna sleep lol]
him a wry smile. "Truce?"
pouts. "go to the amusement park with me then I'll call it truce."
groans a little. "I can't leave Alaude..."
fine then. /plays with his crane and rips the head off/
stares at the crane with amusement. "Are you really that bothered?"
so if I call Alaude a bitch how would you react?
leans his chin in his hand, elbow on the counter. He's thoughtful. "Depends on the circumstances. If he got changed to a sniveling boy, I'd-
agree that he was acting like one. Just not where he could hear." Wryly.
doesn't like it at all though D<
shrugs, pursing his lips. He really doesn't get why.
sighs, "whatever. fine, truce."
nods. "So I can buy a cake for normal charge...?"
sure. /it's an expensive cake anyways/
doesn't mind, he was planning on getting it anyway. It's a peace offering. He pulls out his wallet.
smiles. Now? He has to make some then!
/well, of course now! You expect him to want strawberry cake later? "Did you hire Haru-chan?"
I bake at home. I'm still waiting for those aprons. I got her name printed on it~
Oh. /tilts his head/ So she works at your house? That's asking for a scandal. /he approves/
she doesn't work yet! And what do you mean scandal? D:
snickers. "Having a cute girl working in your home will just raise eyebrows."
frowns. "I wouldn't do anything....."
waves a hand dismissively. "I know. She's not your type. I meant what others will think."
Haru is like a little sister or something like that! D: "only when you have a perverted mind like yours~"
shrugs. "Society loves gossip."
make sure nothing like that spreads around. "she works here. Not at my apartment!"
nods sagely. "Ohhh. I see." He's enjoying this.
I'll go bake that cake for you now. /he turns and walks to the back where he has a kitchen set up/
peers back to see what he's doing. "Want some help?" He's curious how it works.
doesn't want you to know his secret formula. that's right. he has one.

in the kitchen then. He needs to mix everything first.
browses around curiously, idly admiring a few things though he's looking for something for Alaude.
remembers that Alaude doesn't like it. Dark chocolate...?
's looking for something perfect for his picky lover.
/look a whole section of chocolates/
/yes, yes, that's why he's browsing so carefully
comes back after he puts the mix in the oven.
gestures to a pack of dark chocolate. "Is this sweet?"
not really. /he doesn't really like them/
nods. "Good. Alaude doesn't like sweet." He picks up the pack and brings it to the counter, still looking around.
wait for the cake. It's going to take a while. /hopes he buys more~/
nods. Yes, yes, he is weak to candy. Darn you, Byakuran, and your sweet shop!
purposely take longer with the cake so he will have to browse some more~
/hey you want good cake? it takes a long time to bake and perfect~/
/pfft, sure. Oh, fine, fine. He's eyeing the strawberry candies.
smiles, leaning against his counter. yes buy more~
him a baleful look but adds a little bag to the dark chocolate on the counter.
seems to be enjoying this. He's happy he restocked on everything this morning. so many candies to choose from~
carefully keeps his eyes on the window now. You won't milk him for more!
I ordered new strawberry flavored chocolate a few days ago. They're over there. /points/ I like them~
looks at them unwillingly. He looks rueful. "That...sounds good." It does.
give you one so you can have a free sample. But you'll be tempted to buy more~
sighs. You're cruel! So cruel. Fine, he'll try one...
watches him. "is it good?"
's trying not to show how good it is. He's failing.
can tell you like it. "haha it's on sale~ buy 5 get one free."
purses his lips. "You mean cases or you sell them by the piece?"
shakes his head. "Crazy. Fine. Twenty pieces."
[my boss isn't even here yet....]
counts the pieces happily. oh he's happy today~
a sigh. He'll be cleaned out by the time the cake's done.
would like you to be cleaned out~ he hears the ring from the timer and walks back to look at the cake.
(( Have a good time o3o ))
carefully avoiding admiring anything else.
watches that, interested. He doesn't really need it decorated.
decorating cakes. It's kind of fun. and still so manly
rolls his eyes. You're about as manly as a kitten but it's okay, he's the same way.
draw a watermelon on your cake D< he is so a man~
draw one anyways. a squashed one.
shows him. "here you go~"
drew a nice smiling, but squashed, watermelon!
still staring at the watermelon with an unamused expression. Fine, fine, he's pulling out his wallet.
smiles and holds out his hand for money.
pulls out his card. Like he carries that kinda cash!
swipes the card and puts the cake in a nice box.
points at a bag. He needs it for the chocolates.
puts his sweets in a plastic bag. "thank you for shopping here~"
him a bemused look. "See you."
smirks. Oh he made so much today~
rolls his eyes. You just wait, he'll find payback.
won't be needing anything from you, so good luck~
/suuuuuuure, we'll see about that!
/what does he need from you?
/something. soon. somehow.
make sure not to ask for any favors.