12 years ago
latest #48
/all the hugs.
ᴅʀ ғᴀɴɢ
12 years ago
You both are absolutely amazing, and I cannot thank you enough for creating such an amazing game to be a part of.
12 years ago
12 years ago
you guys have made the game so worthwhile
12 years ago
and i really hope that we can rp again somewhere :c
ᴅʀ ғᴀɴɢ
12 years ago
12 years ago
/hugs the Nym and the Ashe
12 years ago
PokeFan Anzy
12 years ago
These things happen
Sorry to hear this. =( You guys have done an amazing job and I'm really grateful for all the work you put into the game.
...but I have to ask, why this choice as opposed to letting someone else take over as mods and continue the plot?
12 years ago
12 years ago
as i said in the post, this is just what we felt was best
Fair enough then. Again, thank you.
yeah i'm actually gonna have to echo ashfae 'cause that's not really a real answer imho? a lot of people were on board for option 1 and
you had people who volunteered so why would you doom it to a slow musebox death instead of electing other mods to take over for you
i am curious on why expanding on why you felt that "was best"
yeah but now it's stuck in a stasis where the war can never go anywhere and nothing can really happen re: malak/revan bc we don't have
anyone running htem as npcs so anyone who DID want to be involved in the main actual game plot can't do that bc
there is no one to operate it but it's still a game full of players who it would impact
12 years ago
tbh tifa
12 years ago
it's their game and they can do what they like with it
i never said they can't i'm asking for an explanation. and i'm not asking for one from you.
12 years ago
i'm not giving you an explanation, i'm telling you to stop being an entitled asshole, lmao
/nod! thanks for the further explanation. that's all i was trying to get, sorry for the fuss it became.
OH one more question. since you said we can just pick people up now: are the comms swapping to open membership?
okies just making sure i understood right. ty <3
12 years ago
*gives nym and ashe all the hugs because of reasons * :3
12 years ago
;; thank you bb /hugs close
12 years ago
Yeah, I understand the decision to make it a musebox, and I agree with the "Players can always continue the plots on their own" thing. If
12 years ago
people have EU knowledge that would allow them to help the rest of us figure out the next part of the event, we could totally do it!
12 years ago
Yeah, I was kind of thinking about that today. I still love the big plot like nobody's business, but I had to keep Tron a little
12 years ago
restrained from where I would have loved to play with him! Now the possibilities are wide open!
12 years ago
Maybe I'm just biased, because my rp home is the Tron sandbox rp, so it could just be my style. /shrugs.
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