i know their comments will help my poster and make it better for my big presentation for my thesis
but man I kinda feel like bursting into tears right now
-hugs tight- it's so bad, I'm still kinda shaking deep breaths I'll be okay in an hour or so, just need to breathe for now
if you're ever interested in hearing about my Undergrad thesis experience, and how my classmates sabotaged/damaged each other's work...
or any of the other crap I remember from Thesis, I will share with you <3
it helps to share my misery sometimes
MANY hugs. And deep breathing is a GOOD plan dear!
I also highly recommend talking to Rin. Rin is good advice people!
I was going to say, may possibly take you up on that. I think I may know what you're talking about pretty well >.>
and Thesis is HARD. I'm not surprised you feel raw. Let yourself feel however you feel for a bit, you're definitely entitled!
but remember Thesis is just a thing (a nasty thing
) and years from now it won't be so immediate or important.
thanks <3 and I know its just an undergrad thing so not a big deal, but ive put so much work and energy into this damn effin thing...
but I know even next year, it won't really have mattered anymore.
but I just cant wait until march and the first week of april is over
oh absolutely! Right now it IS HUGE. You have devoted days and days and weeks and weeks of work into this thing. It has BEEN your life.
and my brain has time to sleep ><
basically XD for the amount of time I was there every day
but I'm just reminding you, that eventually it will just be another thing that you did. (A hard and time consuming thing - but just a thing)
back when I did my thesis, I was attending classes full time, doing thesis and working 21-28 hours a week to stay in school.
it was hell and not something I would ever wish on any one!
wow. that's crazy. I'm involved in varsity fencing and band and dance in addition to class and thesis, but that's a lot. D:
I kinda know what you means
so my point: 1) your feelings, totally valid. 2) You're awesome. 3) Don't let bad feelings keep you down. The finish line is in sight!
that actually made me feel a lot better
Rin speaks true things! LOTS of true things!
that gamzee dance just made me laugh in the middle of class <3 it's awesome
i'm going to be celebrating so much next friday when everything is -done- it's going to be awesome and I'll never have to think about
his stupid project ever again
sadly has no dancing trolls to share.
and its okay you dont have any Rin, you have all the awesome instead! =D