for a research paper in my business class
for a research paper in my business class
feel free to share this if you think someone else might be able to help me out.
KK might know a student at UCLA, given her location? Though I've not seen her in a bit, so idk how busy she is.
KK might know a student at UCLA, given her location? Though I've not seen her in a bit, so idk how busy she is.
Yeah I don't know. She works at a nearby school and I don't really think she'd be able to get me a student's contact info in time
Yeah I don't know. She works at a nearby school and I don't really think she'd be able to get me a student's contact info in time
Plurk what are these xml errors?
(Besides she's super busy all the time)
I really need someone in the LIS grad school and I've contacted instructors/department heads at both schools and only got 1 reply
I really need someone in the LIS grad school and I've contacted instructors/department heads at both schools and only got 1 reply
but the thing is due April 11th
So since that didn't pan out in time I am going to try just talking to a student.
And if not a student, I might just email someone from either location if possible.
I don't, but I'll replurk this o/
(as in physical city either is located in)
I could advertise on FB but none of my really close friends are @ UBC so I don't think I'll get any takers, but I can give it a shot?
(my doubt stems mostly from the fact that it's crunch time rn)
Also I'm not really in touch with Cocoa anymore
Thank you! Honestly someone who GRADUATED from either school in the last 5 years would also be fine.
And yeah, but I figure she'd be willing to if you're in a bind - possibly if no one from my social group bites?
Totally. If Cocoa is willing to help me out, that'd be amazing.
I think she would be! Let me private plurk her.

thanks a million Fey
No problem! It's a perk of knowing someone from Vancouver
YES! Ok I will IM you later with my questions!
In that case, I'll delete mine o7 Glad to see you found someone!
Still, thanks a million Fey
ariellle: Could you email me at mccoy[dot]cm[at]gmail[dot]com ?
wow this plurk is weirdly doubled up
hey bb if you still need people let me know. I went to UCLA and I still know a few undergrads and grads
I wouldn't mine another interview. I need at least 1, and someone who is either in or completed the LIS program would be A+
Plurk has been having XML issues all day which caused a lot of duplicate posting
I'm happy to help too, if necessary. I graduated in 2010
Yes I would still love your help? Shoot me an email and I will send the questions this evening.