narrows his eyes at the text. Replies. "It's for kids... but fine, whatever."Sighs.
chuckles when he got the message. "Hey, you know you'll have fun there! Where do you want to meet me? ( • u •)?"
makes a face at that. "In front of the place. If you'll be late I leave." Just to make sure.
smiled when Gokudera said he would be there. That made him rather happy. He'd put on something casual but nice and quickly found his way
put on something casual too....well... he was a bit embarassed but hoped it won't show off....he also headed to there.
there before Gokudera. He waited there, looking around for the italian, hoping he'd show up soon.
also arrives. Seeing Yamamoto standing there. "Hey!" He says as he looks away, his hands in his pocket.
heard the noise and immediately looked in that direction. A smile crept on his face and quickly ran up to him. "Hey there!" face just a
little flushed. Haha, Gokudera out dressed him again.
Whata childish idea meeting here. How old are you, 5? /wants to scold him, but his tone not scolding at all./
laughs happily. "I guess I'm always going to be a child at heart." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Lets go, I got us tickets already."
I'm sure... /not that it's a bad thing/ Right. /he walks beside Yamamoto/
as Gokudera was walking next to him, he decided to hold his hand. "What ride did you want to go on first?"
holding hands is a stupid idea so he pulls his hand back. "I'm fine with have something inmind?"
keeps smiling even though Gokudera pulls his hand back. "Well...maybe we can start off with a roller coaster! I haven't been on one of those
Same. We can. / nods/ We should go to that ghost house or whatever it is called, later.
Sure! We should go to that too. They just fixed that up so it is actually really scary in there. /chuckling/
raises an eyebrow. "How do you know? Were you here ona date before?" Not jealous. No.
shook his head 'no'. "I wasn't here on a date before. Few of my team mates went here with girlfriends and told me that the new haunted house
scared their girls friends and wouldn't let go of them." he laughed, getting on line for the roller coaster. "That is really cute" Nope.
You're not jealous at all Gokudera.
Hah. I won't be scared! /proud. Nope. Never jealous./ Hm, there is so many people. /looking around in their row/
chuckled quietly. "Hey hey, you never know. Maybe some ghosts will come out and take you away from me!" teasing him. Once they were being
seated, his heart started to race. "Maa! This is going to be fun!"
Like I care about that! /rolls his eyes and sits down. This is getting excited. Smiles a bit. "Don't scream like a girl Yamamoto." Teases.
snickers, "Hey, I was just about to tell you the same thing!" and the safety gear would be lowered on them. "You ready!!"
Always. /rolls his eyes but smiles as they get going. /
smiled from ear to ear when their ride started to move up the high ramp. "Haha, You getting scared yet?"
Huh? No way, idiot! The right hand man is never sca-aaaareddddd... /and here they go down/
just started to laugh from having so much fun. "WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" holding his hands up. Someone scared?
holding your hands up is dangerous, but he won't say anything. Smiles. This is really fun!!
laughing until the ride stopped when they were upside down. "Maa?" he looked around confused. Why was the ride stopping? Just as he was
about to talk to Gokudera, the man operation the machine would say over the speaker "seems like the ride is broken right now. Please hold on
tight as we fix it." Yamamoto just looked down at the ground, they had to be at least 100ft in the air! "haha..."
hits Yamamoto's arm. "What's so funny about it?" SO typical.... he has such a bad luck with certain things. Well, the view is not bad...
(( BAH SORRY!!!! this stupid thing didn't show it ;;;;;; ))
laughs even more but was starting to get lightheaded. "Haha, well we are hanging upside down and we can't really move!"
laughs even more, "I don't think we'll die Gokudera!! We'll be fine. Lets just waaa-" not able to finish his sentence before the roller
coaster started up again. "WHOAA!!!"
grabs his seat as it starts to move again. "Stupid irritating thing..." curses.
got up after the ride was over and helped Gokudera out. He kept laughing the whole way through. This was fun. "Did you like that?"
can get alone too, thank you very much. "...." Well it wasn't bad, but he won't say anything.
smiled when Gokudera didn't say anything. "I see, Haha. What do you want to gon next? You choose."
saw the pout and smiled widely. Haha he was so cute. "Okay lets go!" and held his hand.
would like to remind you to not hold his hand, but he just sighs. Just for a bit...maybe he doesn't mind...
lead him into the Ghost house while holding his hand and beamed. "I can't wait to see what is actually scary about this place!" he'd walk in
to the dark 'house' with him and held him closer. "hold my hand so you don't get lost okay?"
narrows his eyes and lets go. "I won't get lost are the one who strays...." Stays close though. "Bastard..."
frowned as nothing was showing up. Everthing was just black. "Whoa, there doesn't seem to be anything in her-" he was cut off by a little
white kabuki doll that just appeared in front of them.
jumped since it was so suddenly and grabbed Yamamoto's arm. No he wasn't scared... it was just really too sudden...
stayed still. Startled as well but didn't make a sound. The doll turned its head in a full circle before laughing in an awkward way then
disappeared. "Ma...haha this is so weird!" was real... /staring at the deriction where the doll was; still grabbing his arm/ So cool!!!!!
thought it was cute Gokudera got really into it. "Haha, I hope it was fake. That you know the stories behind those Kabuki dolls right?" he
turns towards him. But as he does, his face pales a little.
gulps. "The story behind them....." Shakes his head. He never read about those....
pulled Gokudera behind him and another one of the Kabuki dolls fell off of him. "Wow, Haha they made this place really scary." backing up
Isn't it just for show? It's nothing dangerous you know.... /he walks forward/ These are just toys....
a little uneasy. "...Maa." just as he let that out, another one of the doll was actually able to stab Gokudera with a small needle.
jumps as the needle hits his back, it was seriously unexpected....he let his guard down. "Wh-WHAT THE HELL AGAIN?! IS THAT LEGAL TO DO?!"
quickly pull Gokudera closer and swats the doll away. "Whoa, haha they really did make this haunted house a lot scarier
[ :l WHAT? we need plot. It was getting to cute. You know how I like angst <3]
blushes. "I-I'm all..." Looks away but won't move. he feels comfortable.
(( pft angst, what kind of angst can we bring here? Like OMG GHOST ARE NOT REAL! for Gokudera that seems depressing enough

holds him close now, completely on guard. The vibe he was giving off now was definitely something different. "I know you're not scared, but
I won't let them hurt you."
[ 8l HMM /strokeschin. well. we could plot over gtalk!]
Hah?! Y-you don't need to protect me! /pushes Yama away/ I'm not a weak little girl, I can protect myself! Just worry about yourself!
frowns as he was pushed away. But didn't have time to worry about that right now. He didn't hear anyone else. "....Maa, why doesn't it sound
like anyone else is in here with us?" thinking this would be a bigger attraction.
Maybe others are not that interested in this....or whatever. /shrugs/ Let's go. /doesn't feel the danger/
something completely off but nods. As he reached out to grab Gokudera's hand, the lights completely go out. "..."
feels something completely off but nods. As he reached out to grab Gokudera's hand, the lights completely go out. "Gokudera?" worried now.
sighs. "What?" He also starts to think something is wrong.
opened his mouth to say something but there would be a high pitched chuckling coming from behind him. "..." he quickly went towards the
direction he last saw Gokudera, grabbed him and started to run away from the sound.
[hope he doesn't run into any walls 8D]
surprised...why are they running away in this place? "Hey, hold on! Why the hell are you running?!" And bringing me with yourself....
's senses were going crazy now. "I think something bad is going to happen here. There was a laughing behind me. We have to get out." but as
he was running, there would be a hand that reached out to grab Gokudera's.
just about to respond, when a hand grabbed him. He thought at first it's Yamamoto's. "I said. don't touch me, idiot!!"
frowned and would let go of Gokudera's hand. "Maa, okay. But please follow." When Yamamoto let go, the hand was still on Gokudera's shoulder
rolls his eyes. "Fine, but let go of my shoulder too!! It's bothersome!" Obviously didn't notice that it's not Yamamoto's hand.
frowned when he heard that. "Gokudera, I'm not even touching you right now."
narrows his eyes. "Liar! I can feel yo---" Stops breathing and his eyes widen. Turns around and throws a dynamite at that something.
startled when he heard a loud boom. At least the dynamite lit up the room. "..." he stayed quiet when he saw the room light up with masks
everywhere. "...Gokudera!" he grabbed his hand and ran where he saw the door when the room was lit.
taken by surprise and reached the door with Yamamoto. "Isn't it part of the show?!" He found those masks pretty cool.
frowned and shook his head. "I don't think show are supposed to hurt...right?"
But it didn't hurt... yet.