3/24 go th the police station with Robert(小貝) to report someone was sexual harassment and trying to attacking me on this Wednesday,
latest #22
but it comes out useless like what i thought about
its fine just because Robert came for me right after i called him for help
but it surely a terrible memory and affect me a lot, i even pray for hours if Robert is late home
this never happened when i lived alone at Linkou
貓咪老師我也很想帶去 不過飛機的機組人員可能會跟我說 人跟貓你選一個XD
重點是 as a backpacker 所有家當你都得拖著四處跑 連多帶一件外套你都會覺得還是不要好了
我出國前 回台中有把他洗香香 在給她曬了一整天的台中耀眼太陽 他現在高高的趴在我的書櫃上俯視我床
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