lokjunhan is
12 years ago
Mid Valley Education fair so many pretty xiu mui mui!haha
latest #21
xixikam ಠ..ಠ
12 years ago
lokjunhan: today you was there ar?
sim says
12 years ago
yala... u no notice got a big gold fish lao at there meh? haha~ :-P
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
xixikam ya...work as pt there
sim ...no i too focus on something else..
Leo says
12 years ago
Miao Dawson says
12 years ago
lokjunhan simyee is saying that gold fish lou is u ba? Hahahha
sim says
12 years ago
choimiao: hahaha ~ how come u such know me geh? lol.
sim says
12 years ago
lokjunhan: u focus on wat things ah? big balloon ah?? kaka~
xixikam ಠ..ಠ
12 years ago
lokjunhan: cannot make urself downgrade to be a gan yu lou lar... !!!
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
choimiao gam yu lou would cheat those girl...but I was provided education info to them so im not haha
sim says
12 years ago
lokjunhan: u provide wat kind of education ah? haha~
Xxin0326 says
12 years ago
han..you speak very fast...they can follow mou??
sim says
12 years ago
haha~ han 一边说到很快,一边在奸笑(露出牙子)。 (LOL)
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
hsimyee i'm very pure dun understand x)
xixikam boh bian...this is the funniest and common topic with another male colleague lol
sim says
12 years ago
lokjunhan: u admit urself as a gam yu lou ? haha~
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
Xxin0326 can lah- - not so kua zhang fast till they cant understand
sim says
12 years ago
lokjunhan: im curious, u talk wat with the pretty xiu mui mui?
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
sim briefly explain the college i represent only
sim says
12 years ago
ooo~ u bcome a senior jor... :-)
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
lol no lah..juz some basic and try to answer some common question they would ask
sim says
12 years ago
then u got promote urself mou? is the chance let u introduce urself, senior~
Tedd Wan says
12 years ago
u make me got cong dong wan to go liao@@
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