talk to daemon later don't cry D:
pets Mukuro, trying to comfort him.
sobs into Byakuran's shirt.
it's okay. /he gently massages his scalp since the other mukruo likes it, hopefully this one will too~/
sniffles, but eventually calms down.
smiles once he stops crying. "Feel better?" He gives him a comforting hug.
nods and hugs back. See, he does know how to hug
him a kiss on his forehead. he does! But he still finds this a little weird. "I'll go talk to Daemon later about trying to hurt you."
you shouldn't use your illusions to bug him. /smiles at him; this mukuro looks so innocent~!/
But that's what they're for. /innocent eyes/
blushes. Oh this Mukuro is so cute.... "haha yea but try not to anger him." He can't stop staring into those cute....
I'll try not to... /and he looks for vulnerable too/
stares. No must not do anything... "you could tease him, but try not to make him want to kill you. I get worried..."
's cheeks are starting to burn from staring at how innocent and cute he is... "Good...." Oh he can't help it, he kisses his cheek~
looks surprised. But then he blushes.
if he could do things with this Mukuro he could never do with his own...and he means that in the most non perverted way! "hey let's -
- go eat dinner together." He smiles. Yes a romantic dinner~!
blinks up at him. "...Okay..." And unlike the other Mukuro, this one trusts Byakuran much, much more.
gently takes his hand and stands up, helping him to his feet. Yes a Mukuro that trusts him! He suddenly likes this one as much as -
- his own Mukuro. That's not bad is it~? Oh well no guilty feelings yet.
clings to Byakuran's hand and keeps close to the other.
blushes. Mukuro never walked so close before! "anywhere you want. My treat."
hm... sushi then? /thinking about some nice quiet restaurants with sushi now/
go wherever Byakuran goes~
never thought about having a romantic dinner with Mukuro! He brings him into a quiet Japanese restaurant. "Want to eat here~?"
nods. As long as the food is good!
knows the best places to eat, silly~ He finds a table for them.
sits opposite Byakuran, glancing around the restaurant happily.
smiles, sitting down. "It's rare seeing you like this."
Is it? /swings his legs a little; he's acting kind of like a little boy/
oh I forgot, you're a different Mukuro-kun~ /sees his feet and he thinks it's cute/ go ahead and order whatever you like~
orders unadon - eel with rice - and some miso soup~
decides to order sushi rolls. He wanted to share some with you~
waits patiently for their food, occasionally throwing smiles at Byakuran.
a little embarrassed. He's never gotten so many smiles! "Ah by the way, do you want to go to an amusement park with me?"
curiously, "Amusement park?"
yea. you know, with roller coasters and ferris wheels~
A ferris wheel sounds fun. ^_^
Haha great so it's a date. /always wanted to say that to him....~/
excited now. "I hope you don't mind roller coasters"
looks doubtful now. "Not...really..."
don't be scared~! You'll be sitting next to me. /reassuring smile/
still looks unsure. "Okay..."
smiles and holds his hand from across the table. "haha are you scared of heights?" This is new~
smiles. "if you're scared, we don't have to ride them. I don't mind~" he lets go of his hand once he sees their food placed on the table.
smiles a little then switches his attention to the food. YUM.
picks up a piece of tuna with his chopsticks. "Want a bite~?"
gets to feed him too? ;D He gently places the tuna in his mouth.
chews happily.
do you like it? /smiles happily; oh this is just like a date he always wanted~/
nods and swallows. "I like tuna and salmon~"
try the salmon too~ /picks up the salmon for him/
opens his mouth again. ^o^
puts the salmon in his mouth. He personally likes the salmon better in this restaurant~
going to try some of his own dish. Eel, yum~
starts to eat his own food. "They have green tea ice cream here if you want to try that."
rests his chin on his hand. He's happy Mukuro is enjoying his meal~
forgot about his own food. Too busy staring~ "haha yea I will." He picks up his food and puts it in his mouth.
continues nomming food happily. If you don't eat fast enough, he'll take yours too.
doesn't mind. You can eat his sushi too~
do that then, thanks. >D Sushiiiiii
I dare you to eat a chunk of wasabi~ /teasing/
looks uncertainly at it. "But I don't like wasabi..."
wasn't being serious about the dare. "you don't have to! It's just a smile dare~"
Oh... /...stuffing his face with the rest of the sushi then/
to feed Mukuro though! D: He picks up the last sushi and moves it closer to him. "here~"
leans forward and his mouth clamps over it.

"Thank you"
done with his plate. He looks over to see if he finished his eel.
all done~ And feeling full.
so do you still want that ice cream?
about this. "...Just one scoop?"
we can share it you know~
ducks his head and nods. "Okay."
so happy. He's blushing like Chrome right now.
/their dessert arrives; he gives him a spoon/ you can have the first bite~
digs his spoon and brings a large spoonful of ice-cream to his mouth. ^n^
takes the next bite. It's so good~
they were sitting together...
can move closer if you ask him to~
...Do you want to sit next to me?
nods. "Sure~" he pulls his chair closer to his.
smiles and holds out a spoonful of ice-cream for Byakuran this time.
accepts the spoon of ice cream. He licks it off and scoops some for him too.
licks it off with a giggle.
/do they have a "I feed you and you feed me" thing going on here~? ;D/
/maybe~ More?

feeds him another spoonful. He's almost disappointed the restaurant gave such a small bowl!
doesn't mind. He likes spending time with Byakuran!
Scoops the last ice cream. "want me to order another one?" He wonders if he's full now.
shakes his head. He's full now~ Time to lean on Byakuran =w=
blushes and asks a waiter to bring the check. Once he's gone he turns his attention back mukuro. "this is nice~"
agrees. "Are you happy...?"
nods and puts an arm around his shoulder. "I'm always happy with you."
smiles and hugs Byakuran tightly, ignoring the sidelong glances from other customers.
notices the check on the table. When did that get there? He pays for it and leaves a tip.
/are they going now? He clings to Byakuran's arm/
smiles at him. He doesn't mind him holding on~ "Let's get going, Mukuro-kun~" He stands and walks to the exit.
continues to cling as they walk out. "I love you, Byakuran..." he says, smiling upwards once they're outside.
suddenly stops, face turning red. "Mukuro-kun..." He kisses his forehead, happy he said it in public.
won't probably hear him say it again huh? D:
/nope. Treasure the moment while you can~/
Can you say that again? /smiles/ please?
...I love you.
holds his hand. "I love you too," he says quietly. Too bad he won't be hearing this for a while D:
stands on the tips of his toes to kiss Byakuran then hugs him again.
smiles as he tries to think of another place to go. He wants to spend more time with him.
distracted by a pet store and suddenly breaks away from Byakuran to dart over to it. The birds are so cute~ >w<
looks at the birds. "haha you already have pet birds~"
I know... /but he loves birds all the same/
unsure. Ravens and owls are pretty self-sufficient, true, but...
can buy him a parrot so he has someone to talk to~
doesn't like parrots that much. Too noisy.
he can get some stronger bird. A falcon?
/hmm, a falcon...but no-one sells falcons in a pet store.../
can get one. He knows people.
/how ominous.. Well, he wouldn't mind one.../
get one as a surprise then~! "Do you want a pet snake as well~?"
remembers that he could summon an animal if he wanted one for a pet, but Byakuran offering to buy them is a nice gesture.
nods uncertainly. "I like them...'
walks in the pet store. "well go choose a snake then~"
follows, heading over to where the reptiles are kept and peering past the glass for one that he likes.
this thin, green one that is curled around a thick branch...
he should be careful once he gets a snake and falcon.
keep them in different places. He still has that other apartment. "Yes."
sure~ /he finds someone to put the snake in a box for him/
so happy~~ "Thank you..."
This mukuro isn't disgusted. You have to few baby mice to the snake~
would be disgusted about that, but don't tell him yet!
the instructions on how to feed your pet snake! You have to read it as the owner D:
/give him the book after he goes back to normal, maybe. As it is, he'll probably get rid of the snake. D:/
I'll walk you back to your apartment then~ /he holds the door for him; yes he plans to, which is why he's holding the instructions/
walks out happily with the box, pretty much grinning from ear to ear
smiles, walking closer. "haha still want a baby falcon?"
lightly bumps into him. "what are you going to name it?" He looks at the box.
glances at the box. "...I don't know yet."
can think of many perverted names for a snake, but he won't say it. "I hope you have some kind of tank to put it in." He forgot -
chews his bottom lip. "I'll find one later."
can go back and buy a cage you know. "haha sorry I forgot."
too nice to ask. >3< "It's okay." He got a new snake and that's all that matters. >w<
doesn't mind! "you sure?"
nods and hugs the box more closely to himself. Byakuran will have to open the door to their apartment (he doesn't want to bring it to-
-the one he owns himself.
really doesn't mind. He'll probably bring a cage later with the instructions.
keep the snake in this box for the time being.
grins. He looks cute when he's happy like that. He opens the apartment door for him.
trots in, leaves the box on the table and takes a quick peek inside. The snake seems to be sleeping.
to peak inside too. He walks closer and looks at the snake.
/it's all coiled up in one corner of the box

it should be naked lazy head. or something with lazy in it. He sits down and watches the snake sleep.
/no, that's a bad name )< He sits on the table and reaches in to run a finger along its scales/
seems to be very bad with names..... for example: Millefiore somehow sounds like MILF~! He gently grabs Mukuro's hand. "don't bother -
pouts. The snake shifts but doesn't stir.
doesn't want to disturb something when it's sleeping~!
you disturb him all the time when he's trying to sleep.
tries to hug you. Someone just won't let him~! And a snake bites; he doesn't want that to happen to you. "got a name yet~?"
still thinks sleepy head would be a funny name~
doesn't know if it's a male or female snake, but... "Smeraldo."
you should have asked the guy from the store about the snake's gender. "what a nice name~" He leaves the snake food under the -
- table. "don't open this box okay~" He doesn't want the mouse to get out.
nods. You could have just killed the mouse though, Byakuran. D;