hands it over carefully with a smirk. "Here you go." He asked Giannini to make some other modifications, hehehe.
Fires the bazooka at Mukuro.
shot by the bazook! .....
(( /hasn't thought about an effect yet, UM... ))
(( little kid? previous life? amnesia? AU? )
[tango!mukuro. with a mustache and a rose in his mouth. and he dances. ignore me I have bad ideas~]
(( little kid? previous life? amnesia? AU? ))
(( HOW ABOUT CHANGING PERSONALITY. SAY, EXTROVERT TO INTROVERT. Or from like become dislike. Haha gokudera will hate tsuna.and be friendly-
/POOF! Smoke billows all around...but when it clears, he doesn't seem visibly changed/
ducks back, staring. What is this.
stares. "You mean person! You spoilt Lambo's magic bazooka!"
/no, no it is not. It cannot be. What the hell. No. He's backing off, avoiding whatever it is you have.
"No escape." Chuckles and follows Daemon
looks strangely apologetic. "I'm sorry." Wait, does he sound sincere??
stares at Giotto and Daemon.
stares back at Mukuro. What was that?! An apology? And this...this...thing! Oh, fine! Retreat! He vanishes in a puff of smoke.
/can he poke the new mukuro~?/
"Mou.. Mukuro. Now Daemon cant wear this moustache." Giotto pouts, he thought it would suit the other male.
Giotto, "Would you like me to bring him back for you?" Doesn't reach to the poke.
surprised this Mukuro doesn't overreact. Maybe this is the calm Mukuro, he thinks~
smiles sweetly. "Oh that would be great."
/don't double-cross him, Mukuro. You know what happens.
going to go find Daemon~ Regardless of the consequences.
stares at the strange Mukuro. "Give Lambo sweets as apology!" D;
waits patiently and smiles.
Lambo a grape sweet before heading off to find Daemon.
thinks 12 years ago
the bazooka turns people nice and fires it at Giotto, hoping to get the same result.
(( It makes people act the opposite of how they usually act ))
( oh sorry lol wait let me change my reply )
crosses his arms when the pink smoke disppears and looks quite pissed. Glares at Lambo. "What do you want, brat?"
Gupyaa!! /shocked that Giotto sounds mean so he tucks the cannon into his hair and runs away/
"....some get me coffee." Glares at the other people, eyebrow twitching.
((-mun wonders how Mukuro is gonna change back O_O;; and whether is he gonna remember what he's done XD ))
secretly has the whole thing on video
(( I'll have to decide that when he changes back~ or maybe he never will ))