reading. If it's a good movie he may tag along.
that noone was asking you...
smiles, "Maybe we can watch a supernatural like movie!" knowing he liked those. "Haha if Lambo wants to tag along, he should!"
sticks his tongue out at Bakadera. /has no idea what supernatural is but nods to Yamamoto's suggestion/
smiles at Lambo. "haha then come on over. You hungry Lambo?"
Yes!! /cue stomach growl/
laughs as he hears Lambo's stomach growl. "What do you want to eat then?"
Grape candy!! /blissful look/
taps his chin. "Hmm, I don't have any right now. But do you want to go get some?"
Lambo is too young for that kind of movies. Folds his arms.
Yay!!! Grape candy! Grape candy!
You don't have to spoil Lambo, than he already is. /doesn't think giving too much candy for akid if good/
headbutts Bakadera. "I want more sweets!!" D:
kicks Lambo. He won't give you any.
yells at Bakadera, "you're mean!!!!"
... M-must... E-endure... /looks down with teary eyes/
You don't have to endure, you can leave! /yes, he is mean/
smiles at both of them. "Maa, haha. I'll get you some grape candy then. Also the movie we're watching is a little scary. Do you think you
it was a stupid question, Lambo will say yes for sure.
looks over at Gokudera, "Is everything okay?"
Yeah... but I'm not a babysitter.... /pouts/
smiles at him just a little bit. "You don't have to babysit. We're all just hanging out together."
makes a face, then brightens up. "We should invite Juudaime!!!"
nods, thinking the more the merrier. "Yeah, lets invite Tsuna so we can all watch the movie together."
better now, and hopes
Dame10th will also come.
O-of course Lambo can watch scary movies, Bakadera! )<
you will pee under yourself.
if Lambo seriously thinks that his kicks are hurtful. He sighs. "Quite it!" Grabs his legs and puts him down.
"G-gotta... Stay.... G-gotta... stay... Calm...... Waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" /wails/
had enough, so he leaves.
headbutts Bakadeda. "m-movie!!!" ):
Damn you! /smacks him again/ Watch it with that idiot!! /he is pissed of already/
grabs Bakadera's leg. "Nooooo!!"
What the hell?! What do you want from me?! /shakes his leg/
shakes back and forth with the leg. "Gu... Uuu... Muu...."
doesn't get what you want from him.
quickly goes after him and grabs his hand. "Hey, I thought we were all going to watch a movie together."
rolls his eyes. "I'm not in the mood anymore..."
frowned when Gokudera didn't seem happy. "...maa, why not?"
Just special reason.
makes a face. Don't frown
laughs a little, upset. "Sorry, is this better?" forces a smile.
[you just kicked the happiest puppy Bl how do you feel about yourself, my dear?]
((he was forcing that smileeeeee

Gokudera is a jerk xD ))
forces a smile again, "Hahah! Nothing. I hope you have a good day then"
Y-yeah..... /a bit confused/ Bye... /walks away/
[ Bl...yeah, your last post definitely made you seem less like a jerk]
(( pft, nooooo.... Gokudera is just moody. That's normal. ))
[ 8(. He is...too moody for life. ]