only tell you...if he gets to play with the scythe.
no reason to think it's interesting enough. For all he knows, it's about a bug.
tell you if you buy some sweets from his store then.
...Fine, fine. They better be good. Do you have strawberry cake? /hopeful/
about it. You should add a bakery. "Those little explodey candies...?"
points. "Over there~" and he will think about adding a bakery once he learns how to bake.
grabs a packet...and some chocolate, too. He thinks he'll need to bribe Alaude with chocolate for his return. "Alright, what's this juicy
smiles, leaning against his counter. "Guess who really missed you~?"
blinks, leaning forward a little over the same counter. You've got his attention. "Does it start with an 'A?'"
smirks, trying not to show any hints. "maybe it is~"
leans his chin in his hand, smiling amiably. "A certain pretty blonde~?"
nods. "you're getting warmer~"
purrs, obviously pleased. "You could tell he missed me?"
yes. he programmed this game so only watermelons appeared~
blinks. "Fruit Ninja? He missed me that much?!"
ah that was the game! /forgot about it/ yep. and they he threw watermelons off a building.
isn't quite sure whether to take that as a good thing or a bad omen...
for a while. "and he looked so lonely and lost~"
...He did? /hanging on his every word/
well he didn't admit it. But he did look lonely and depressed~
adds some more candy to the purchase to show his pleasure at the news. "I'll go see him then. Wish me luck?" Chuckles.
looks at the candy, pleased. "he took your dog camping."
blinks and nods. "Oh, he brought Layla on the trip? Good!" He'd arranged a kennel to pick her up, reluctantly, but that was a nice surprise!
him a bag with the sweets he bought. "haha did you buy the coffee candy for him~?"
sighs. "I'll have to deal with coffee breath, but I did." Kiss-up? Why of course.
haha good luck~ /gives him the freaky watermelon doll he was trying to get alaude to hug/ and you should give him this...

"I'll pass."
what's wrong with the doll. Even alaude rejected it. "Fine. you should go find him before he dies of depression~"
pouts playfully at that idea. "Thanks for the tip. Jyaa ne!" He's headed for either trouble or good things.
he's going to get killed. He forgot to tell him Alaude got a new catapult....
/a flying daemon. that would be a nice sight/
that's not incredibly likely. He's...probably just going to be black and blue.
would rather see a flying daemon but that's good enough.
thought they were getting along now!
getting along with you. It's still a funny sight.
if he can get Byakuran into that catapult...
can fly so it wouldn't really matter if you did.
/...with bound wings, of course.
can float without them. the wings are fo show.
/fine, he'll find another torture. =n=
doesn't think you can. Unless they make another bet, you can't torture him~
think of something. Alright, another bet--he loves their bets.
doesn't want anything except the scythe so good luck~
snickers. He'll figure something out, he's creative.
can't wait to see this bet. no cheating this time...
/you cheated last time D< he could have so won if you didn't bribe mukuro..../
sure he could win. Body pillow and cold showers was all he needed.....and no he will not make a same bet again.
/darn, that would have been interesting. You don't think you can do it.
can do it. He just doesn't want to go a month without touching him. D<
not a wimp but he's not tempted into another bet like this.
/unless you offer something really impressive don't try to make a bet like that again/
/fine, fine, he'll wait for a good moment.
grins cheekily. Why thank you.
/might make the same bet for your scythe.../
/yea but he'll give it back after a week of messing with it/
/that's...too much time for too much destruction. With his scythe.
/what destruction? he's not going to be killing people or destroying things/
/riiiiight, and just what would he do?
/scare people, swing it around. pretend to be a reaper/
/there's nothing wrong with that. he's just screwing around with it./
/your scythe is real and it looks cool. D< there's a difference!/
/get a real, cool-looking one. You will not play with Daemon's blade!
/also wants it just for the enjoyment of seeing you without one/
/hmph and this is why he'll never make a bet with you again/
/come tell that to his face, coward
/hah he'll do that soon!/
/why would he bet against something he believes Bya would do?
/fine, fine, he'll be waiting.