同學說:注意保養身體不是為了活多久或賺多少 健康一點才能有個好品質的生活 是不是?
latest #15
上帝幫幫忙...還是自己幫幫忙... 昨天在家看了一部紀錄片叫,中譯片名"美食代價"(英文直譯是:食物企業 Food Inc.)。 談的正巧是同學今天所發電郵的部分內容...
影片最後的旁白如下: You can vote to chang the system. Three times a day.
Buy from companies that treat workers, animals, and the environment with respect.
When you go to the supermarket, choose foods that are in season. Buy foods that are organic. Know what's in your food. Read labels.
The average meal travels1500 miles from the farm to the supermarket. Buy foods that are grown locally. Shop at the farmer's markets.
Plant a garden. (Even a small one)
Cook a meal with your family and eat together.
Everyone has a right to healthy food. Make sure your farmers market takes the food stamps.
Ask your school board to provide healthy school lunches.
The FDA and USDA are supposed to protect you and your family. Tell Congress to enforce food safty standards and re-introduce kevin's law.
If you say grace, ask for food that will keep us, and the planet healthy.
You can change the world with every bite.
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