今天下午有空回母校北醫,事逢台灣外科醫學會在北醫舉辦。在北醫圖書館裡上網打發時間。連到了別人分享的文章Orthopaedic surgeons: as strong as an ox and almost twice as clever?
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Multicentre prospective comparative studyBMJ 2011; 343
骨科醫師壯得像牛, 笨得像豬? 英國的研究完全顛覆大家的印象. 研究者說原本要找牛當對照組, 但是牛不會簽受試者同意書, 所以只好找最常說這句話的麻醉科醫師.
結果骨科醫師的握力果真強過麻醉科醫師(47.25 vs. 43.82 kg, p<0.05), IQ 也是骨科醫師勝出(105.19 vs. 98.38).
[這個故事的啟示: 各科不要再比來比去了, 同業在健保局眼中, 都是壯得像牛很好用, 笨得像豬很好騙.]
Orthopedic physicians are as strong as ox, as stupid as a pig? United Kingdom study of fully subvert the impression of you.
Researchers say cattle when originally looking for the control group, but cow will not check the subjects consent,
I had to say the words most commonly found anaesthetist.
Orthopedic Physician hand grip that is stronger than the results Anesthesiology physicians (47.25 vs. 43.82 kg, p<0.05),
IQ is orthopedic physicians win (105.19 vs. 98.38). [
The story of inspiration: no more than than to have
in the eyes of the national health insurance Bureau, are strong like Bull is very easy, stupid as a pig very well lie.
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