Lisana says
13 years ago
Dishwasher at 11pm, dryer at 5:30am, new puppy left alone during the workday; hoping the new apartment will be quieter, but not holding
latest #16
13 years ago
my breath! (LOL) We get the keys tomorrow!
Lisana says
13 years ago
Yeah, I think the upstairs neighbor got a new dog last week. Lots of whining/howling separation-anxiety sounds coming from up there during
13 years ago
the day.
Lisana says
13 years ago
Yeah, I feel bad for the poor thing, (s)he sounds young and lonely.
Lisana says
13 years ago
The people below me have a dog too, but I so rarely hear a peep out of him, it's like he's not even there.
Lisana says
13 years ago
Yeah. I think it's a couple who works slightly different hours, as the barking/whining generally seems to be between 10 and 4, but it's
13 years ago
still not a happy situation for the dog. And yes, the mom (in her 50s?) of the lady who lives downstairs is home most of the day, so Toby
Lisana is
13 years ago
not alone much.
deinera says
13 years ago
Oh! You guys are moving?!? Awesome!
13 years ago
Yep. Keys tomorrow, but we have basically till the end of April to be out of this unit.
deinera says
13 years ago
Going South, I take it?? That's good!! I'm happy for you guys!
Lisana says
13 years ago
Yes, we'll actually be in Carlsbad, where his office is.
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