mountain green shares
12 years ago
latest #7
claire de lune says
12 years ago
你不跟我facetime, 原來是看球去了!哼
mountain green says
12 years ago
wait, wait, wait, i was with you on my iPad facetime the entire time during the game when harvard lost on the second round!!
joseph233 says
12 years ago
(LOL) 小弟啊,這個時候就不要說你怎麼對了,就 “是的,月光,妳喜歡那一隊啊,我們約好時間一起看好嗎?”
mountain green says
12 years ago
<blush> right, thanks.......... <sigh> live and learn
mountain green says
12 years ago
joseph233: hey, do you like the buckeyes game tonight? and how about the way SYR knocked off WISC? one point!!!
claire de lune says
12 years ago
thank you, THANK YOU! J!!!
claire de lune says
12 years ago
Ye Ye Ye!!!
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