latest #14
- I feel like I come home and just sleep
I'm not sure if it's depression, poor physical health, the fact that Thomas' computer is in the bedroom now & emits a lot of unnatural light
Or a combination of factors. All I know is that I sleep from 8-10 to 12-3, am awake later, might fall back asleep to get up between 7-10
My extremities keep having low circulation which is worrisome too.
And I'm having the hardest time motivating myself to eat here. If I don't eat while out I might not eat at all.
- Friday morning I fly to Anaheim.
I ha be my hotel & flight confirmation. I'm gonna get paid the week I get back so I won't really be spending much $ down there.
Ha be? Should be have.
Now that I think about it, Disneyland probably won't happen. Oh well.
Whine whine
13 years ago
i am sorry
Everyone keeps asking if I'm excited and I'm not really.
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