Lisana is
12 years ago
looking ag 179 new responses, and considering the MAAR button again. I think I'm finally beating this stupid bronchial bug into the ground.
latest #19
12 years ago
but 179 is a big hill to climb.
12 years ago
(goodluck) and (cozy)
12 years ago
Always has 200 no matter what I do.
Lisana says
12 years ago
thanks :-) With my heart and lung issues, anything like this really whips me good. Got a Z-pak from my cardio nurse and it seems to be
12 years ago
Z paks are great
12 years ago
used to get bronchitis every year. I feel your pain.
12 years ago
helping a lot. She wasn't sure since it could be viral, but I figure as long as I take the whole thing, I should be ok and not breeding a
12 years ago
Lisana says
12 years ago
I skipped the flu shot this year, and probably shouldn't have. Sam visited a friend in the hospital, and she and he both seem to have
12 years ago
picked up something there.
12 years ago
Hospitals can be fatal!
12 years ago
There are essential oils that help with viral bugs
TeresaDKG says
12 years ago
It took me FOREVER to get over mine. I'm still having pee-my-pants-fall-on-the-floor coughing fits.
12 years ago
Red, our friend gave us lavender flowers to steep and breathe in the steam and it definitely helped some. I used to use cold-eeze but I'd
12 years ago
Always lose my senses of smell and taste for a week, and I hated that.
12 years ago
Teresa, I was really afraid of it lingering so long, because I don't have a lot of endurance to begin with.
12 years ago
MAAR. The important ones will show up again. :-)
12 years ago
Also, glad you're starting to feel better.
Lisana says
12 years ago
Thanks :-). I did just MAAR, third and hopefully last time for this bug.
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