Niv is
12 years ago
excited about the magazine release today featuring her and a few Steampunkian friends in the real world! (The zine could use some writers
latest #14
12 years ago
cough coughCEEJAYcoughcough) If you're interested in looking it up it's called Gearhearts Glamor Revue. :-) Have a fantastic day.
Stereo Nacht
12 years ago
Wonderful! You are getting quite a carreer as a steampunk model, you know? :-))
Ceejay Writer
12 years ago
I'll scope it out, Niv!
12 years ago
12 years ago
And since I know she won't post the review on the magazine that has her face plastered all over it... I will!
12 years ago
Muhahaha! blows a kiss to Nivi
Stereo Nacht
12 years ago
(muhaha) Oh! Sultana! Almost showing a breast! ;-)
Stereo Nacht
12 years ago
(I think the Baron might keep that picture in his very private files! (devil) )
12 years ago
Well! Doesn't my niece look fabulous!
12 years ago
AHNYA!!!! (blush) Give my regards to the Baron...and...uh...apologies Stereo. Auntie Tehanu! I MISS YOU! Ceejay: Please do! I'll ask the
12 years ago
editor straight for some in depth details, but they could use a more...insightful writer to review various aspects of steampunkery.
12 years ago
Stereo Nacht
12 years ago
Nah, no need to apologize. I am not one of those people! ;-)
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