Asta says
13 years ago
[MotherfuckingRage]there's this guy who comes bowl here every tues with his group. include his gf.
latest #36
Asta says
13 years ago
and EVERYFUCKINGTIME he has to either act like asshole or get on my nerves or both. so last week I was on my last straw...
Asta says
13 years ago
(though it was with another friend of his) I told them to stop acting like 5 yo. so his friend called me bitch.
Asta says
13 years ago
and threw money at me. so I threw it back and tell him I'm not serving him and he need the get the fuck out before I call security
Asta says
13 years ago
my aunt said to let it go and he sent his gf to come buy food.
Asta says
13 years ago
this week the guy(not his friend who i flip out at) came up to my counter, stood there for like 10 mins. I asked him if he need help.
Asta says
13 years ago
he took goddamn 10 mins to said "yes, I need your number" >.>
Asta says
13 years ago
I told him "what number? shoes number?" though I know what he meant I feel like I wanna give him some smart ass back
Asta says
13 years ago
he said "no your phone no." I looked at "...are you fucking kidding me?"face since his gf is bowling down there still.
Asta says
13 years ago
I told him no. I'm interested. and he still keeps pestering me over and over. so I was at the point where I had enough
Asta says
13 years ago
I went down to his gf. told her to keep her leech on her bf so he can stop bothering me. so the gf went nuts and yell at the guy. I went
Asta says
13 years ago
back to work... arg.. continue in 10 mins
13 years ago
ok back.
13 years ago
So i went back to work. After that like 15 mins the guy came up to me and started yelling...
The ♥ Lovers
13 years ago
Holy shit |:
13 years ago
"bitch! you have no right to tell my gf!..."blah blah... then he said "You think you're so pretty? playing hard to get? "
13 years ago
at that point... my face was like.... :/
13 years ago
and i told him "Whoa...stop being an ass for a sec...I never think i'm pretty. The truth is who the fuck you think you are?...
The ♥ Lovers
13 years ago
No, asswipe, I want you out of my workplace?
13 years ago think you can waltz in here, tried to pick me up when you got a gf and got rejected so start being even more ass?
13 years ago
..You know what. Idk what kind of crack you gf on that she can stands some scumbag like you.
The ♥ Lovers
13 years ago
Dude I wouldn't even put up with this shit at my job, I would report him and have him taken out
13 years ago
Now i will tell you one time, GTFO of this place or i will fucking call police that you are harrassing me...Don';t worry the cam is right..
13 years ago
on top of you head
13 years ago
You GTFO or you go sleep in jail...Now...good bye.."
13 years ago
and start more cussing and at the end security had to drag him out... Woooo!!
13 years ago
so at the end... they got him out. but i know that he has thick skin so he prob come back next week...and imma fucking throw him out myself
13 years ago
this fucker....
The ♥ Lovers
13 years ago
Oh, thank God
13 years ago
seriously... >.>
13 years ago
and ppl asked why i don't date guys anymore...
13 years ago
If you know the guy is thick-skinned, though, I'd just be careful for a while when you go home from work (if you walk alone, that is). :/
13 years ago
Even though I know you can probably kick his ass, its good to be safe when it involves a hot tempered idiot like that. XD;;;;
13 years ago
Chibitoon: thank you ;w; good thing my aunt drives me home XD
13 years ago
Oh good! :-)
13 years ago
You got some crazy-ass customers..damn. But yeah, becareful when you go places alone, he might resort to stalking. U never know..
小 筠
13 years ago
Seriously? :/
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