12 years ago
winced as he finished re-wrapping his bandages before he went back out into the shop.
latest #45
12 years ago
pops in, after some imports and keen to see if Matthew had whipped anything up. His eyes fall on Matthew with a frown, 'What happened?'
12 years ago
had just settled in behind the counter when he heard him come in, he smiled a bit before he noticed the frown. "E-Eh? Oh um... nothing." He
12 years ago
nodded a bit, "I'm fine. Were you looking for more tablet?"
12 years ago
looks him over, eyes narrowing as he steps closer. 'You didn't have a run in with an English demon, did ya?' He could tell the demon had_
12 years ago
been here.
12 years ago
knew his eyes went wide before he could hide the surprise. "Ah... yeah." He nodded, moving his hand to his shoulder lightly. "Demons can
12 years ago
touch me..."
12 years ago
doesn't look pleased, 'Dammit. The effing git.' He looks around, frowning. 'You need to be more careful.'
12 years ago
nods looking a embarrassed at that. "I know... I've been careful since. I'm sorry." He didn't know why he was apologizing.
12 years ago
looks him over, eyes falling on his shoulder. 'Have you gotten that seen to?' he asks, hand already tugging him closer so that he can have a
12 years ago
12 years ago
flushed as he shook his head. "Em I just wrapped it myself." It wasn't the only thing he had suffered from the demon. "Wasn't the first time
12 years ago
a demon came after me."
12 years ago
frowns, already tugging at his clothes to get a better look. 'Atleast let me clean it up then.' He's already reaching into his pocket for_
12 years ago
things he uses on himself when he has no one else to treat him.
12 years ago
didn't argue as he let him, he sighed a bit as he shifted to help him take off his sweater for him. "Thank you Gregory."
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, soon peeling off Matthew's shirt. He grabs a glass of water and a clothe, taking out a small satchel from the inside of_
12 years ago
his jacket. He takes a sprinkling of the powder inside and drops it into the glass, watching it to pink. 'Is that sarcasm I hear Matthew?'
12 years ago
blinks and quickly shakes his head, "a-ah no! It's not... I really... am thankful. I-I wasn't meaning to sound sarcastic."
12 years ago
grins, eyes playful. 'I know,' he replies, starting to unravel Matthew's bandages as he lets the mixture in the glass settle.
12 years ago
almost pouted, he tried to hide it though as he let him unwrap the poorly done bandages. "I'll give you a sweet of your choice in return."
12 years ago
laughs, 'Well if you have some tablet I'll take a square of that.' He frowns at the poorly done bandages, throwing them to the side as he_
12 years ago
moves to inspect the wound. 'A Vampire has also been bothering you, right?'
12 years ago
nods a bit, he was surprised when he asked about the vampire. "Ah... yeah." He nodded, "he's just been annoying though, nothing else
12 years ago
12 years ago
hums, not sounding pleased . He soaks the clothe in the pink water, bringing it up to Matthew's wound. 'This is gonna sting,' he says, after
12 years ago
the fact.
12 years ago
bit his lower lip harshly as he looked away from him. "A-Ah..." he didn't say anything else though as he clenched his hands.
12 years ago
whispers a soft sorry as he opens the wound and digs the clothe in, cleaning out the wound thoroughly. 'It'll get better quicker this way.'
12 years ago
nodded weakly as he dug his nails into his palms, determined not to make a sound now.
12 years ago
finishes, cleaning up the blood with the towel before he pulls out a set of new bandages from his coat. He quickly and neatly wraps Matthew_
12 years ago
up, moving his arm to check the flexibilty. 'If you want I can come and re-bandage it tomorrow.'
12 years ago
thanked him quietly as he looked up at him. He nodded. "I-If you don't mind, you don't have to though. I'm sure I'll be fine. You're being
12 years ago
far to kind."
12 years ago
shakes his head, ruffling his hair. 'It's not a bother at all, so shush.' He puts away everything, throwing the clothe into the sink.
12 years ago
smiled at him and nodded. He got up and pulled his shirt and sweater back on. "Thank you." He went to get the fresh tablet he'd made.
12 years ago
watches him leave, perching himself on the counter as he waited for the other.
12 years ago
came back with a neatly packed box of tablet that he had wrapped in ribbon. "Here you go."
12 years ago
smiles, taking the box with a small 'Ta.' 'Are you gonna be okay for the rest of the day?'
12 years ago
smiled at him and nodded, "I'm sure you have more important things to get to." He ran his other hand through his hair lightly. "Thank you
12 years ago
Scotland gives
12 years ago
him a bit of a rueful smile, 'Hunting to do...' He waves, 'I'll see you tomorrow.'
12 years ago
nods lightly, "be careful." He waved to him with his good arm.
12 years ago
winks, 'I'll try.' He exits the shop, waiting until he's a fair bit away to open the box and take a bite.
12 years ago
watched him go before he settled in behind the counter out in his shop picking up his book and flipping to his marked page.
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