AWL is
12 years ago
disappointed that there's very little on Springkink that leaps out begging to be written.
latest #21
12 years ago
Just nothing on there that inspires me. Also, same old fandoms and feels like nothing new?
12 years ago
I'm actually doing stuff on the areyougame comm on DW which has a similar format. I'll always have a soft spot for SK though.
studly boops
12 years ago
Ooh, springkink still lives? I haven't checked it in ages.
studly boops
12 years ago
Also: trying to track which communities have moved to DW and which ones are now on LJ, ugh. This has gotten too complicated.
12 years ago
Not many to be honest. They're mostly all non-TF. I prefer DW to LJ big time regardless.
studly boops
12 years ago
God, yes. I just want to push everything that stayed on LJ into a wheelbarrow and dump them on DW.
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
I want to move the newsletter, but it has fifty + comms watched
12 years ago
Yeeeeup. There's no way that all the comms are going to move over sadly. :-(
12 years ago
You could always do a "Submit links to this post and they'll all be posted at the end of the week" type comm. Like fandomsecrets kindof?
12 years ago
That way, the onus is on everyone else to submit stuff, not for staff to actively collect it.
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
145 actually
12 years ago
I was gonna say, I thought 50 was a bit low!
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
I'm surprised that there is that many.
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
It would be nicer, to have a link submission thing, but that would require people to change routines.
12 years ago
Depends how much they want their stuff sharing! ;-)
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
True dat. It would be easier. A code box per type (art, meta, graphics, fic, news) and all we have to is copy paste & double check
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
It will be five years this October since I started the newsletter
12 years ago
Way long time, isn't it? People have come to reply on it an awful lot.
Ainsley ☄ says
12 years ago
They have.
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