12 years ago
sat on the counter in his shop reading again.
latest #293
Scotland wonders
12 years ago
into the shop, looking over the shelves/
12 years ago
looked up from his book and smiled a bit in greeting. "I just got a shipment of imported sweets if you like those."
12 years ago
blinks, 'How could you tell?' He laughs, making his way over to the counter.
12 years ago
smiled a bit as he jumped down from the counter, setting his book on a shelf behind it before he went to fetch the box he hadn't gotten out
12 years ago
on the shelves yet. "I find more and more people like the imported stuff better."
12 years ago
ahhs, 'And here I was thinking you could tell I wasn't from around these parts.' He peers over, trying to get a peek at the box. 'You're_
12 years ago
right though, Foreign stuff is better than what America has to offer.'
12 years ago
had been able to notice that, but it was easier just to say he didn't. He pulled out the different boxes and arranged them on the counter,
12 years ago
it was mostly stuff from the UK a few other things from Turkey and the like countries.
12 years ago
picks through it, eyes widening at all the different bars. It was enough to distract him from the odd aura that clung to the other, 'Don't_
12 years ago
happen to have any short bread do you?' he asks, looking over the pile. He was already picking out a few which he would definitely need to_
12 years ago
12 years ago
thought for a moment before he smiled and nodded, "I made some the other day." He went to the glass cabinet and pulled two different trays
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out. "One I shipped in," he pointed to the one tray. "The other I made." He shrugged a bit as he set them out.
12 years ago
looks like he could fall in love with the other. 'You made some? Can I try?' he peers at them both, eyes straying to Matt's Tray. Home made_
Scotland was
12 years ago
always better.
12 years ago
laughed a bit and nodded again, "of course." He moved to get a small knife and carefully cut a small piece, putting it on a napkin and
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handing it to him. "Here you go."
12 years ago
tries it, humming in delight. He hadn't had homemade shortbread in such a long time. 'Marry me?' he jokes, 'Or you could just let me buy_
12 years ago
the whole tray.' He smiles brightly, definitely glad he'd decided to pop in.
12 years ago
flushed in embarrassment as he nodded and carefully started to pack up some of the short bread. "How much do you want?"
12 years ago
hums, thinking he looked rather good with a bit of colour in his cheeks. He seemed far too pale before, 'Well... how about half of the tray?
12 years ago
I don't want to take it all away from you...' Although he would like to. He picks up a couple of other sweets, placing them on the counter._
12 years ago
'These too?'
12 years ago
carefully packed up half the tray in a box for him, wrapping it up neatly when he was done. "No worries, I can always make more." He put the
12 years ago
trays away and packed up the other things the man wanted. "So how long have you been here?"
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
, 'Not long... maybe half a year. I'm only just now getting around to exploring the area.' He delays pulling out his wallet, just for the_
12 years ago
moment. 'How long have you been away from Canada?' he asks in return.
12 years ago
looks a bit startled at the question, "oh... um... no one's noticed that before." He smiled a bit, "about two years, I took over the shop
12 years ago
from my grandfather."
12 years ago
nods, looking around. 'Some people can't tell the difference huh? It's a nice place... was it worth the move?' Now that he's had time_
12 years ago
to get over the import high he notices something slightly off about the other. He wasn't quite tied to this plane as much as he should have_
12 years ago
12 years ago
shrugs a bit at that as he finally remembered to ring up everything, finally giving him the total. "It... I guess. It's different."
12 years ago
sighs, pulling out his wallet. He gives the other his money, smiling. 'Maybe you could show me around?' he asks with a grin, 'Show me what's
12 years ago
different about it.'
12 years ago
takes the money and blinked at that. People didn't normally bother talking to him. "O-Oh, um sure if you want... though I'm not sure I'll be
12 years ago
very good at it." He counted out his change carefully and handed it to him along with the bag.
12 years ago
smiles, 'I'm sure you will be fine.' He thanks him for the bag and change yet still stands there, 'What's your name?'
12 years ago
didn't really realize he was stalling, "ah Matthew Williams." He held his hand out to him politely. "What's you're name?"
12 years ago
takes his hand, giving it a small Squeeze. 'Gregory McDougal...' He shakes the hand lightly, perhaps letting the hold linger a little too_
12 years ago
long, half out of curiosity over who he is, half because he kind of wants to get into his pants. 'So when would you be able to show me about
12 years ago
?' he asks with a cheeky grin, finally letting go.
12 years ago
noticed the hold was a bit longer than it should have been, but he brushed the thought off as soon as it cropped up. The question made him
12 years ago
blink before he smiled. "Oh, um... well if you've got time I can close the shop now. It's not like I'll get any one else coming in today."
12 years ago
blinks, 'Really? I don't want you to loose any business though...' He looks around... the shop was kind of empty but, 'Who knows who'll_
12 years ago
stumble across this little treasure.'
12 years ago
shakes his head as he pushed away from the counter and put the rest of the stuff away. "It's fine, I'm lucky if I get one person in here a
12 years ago
day. I mainly survive off selling to the restaurants and what not around here in bulk."
12 years ago
ahhs, smiling softly. 'Well I'll try and pop in here more often then.' He definitely would if the other had foreign sweets. He helps put_
12 years ago
some of the boxes away, 'So what are you going to show me first?'
12 years ago
thanked him for the help with the boxes before he went to grab his coat and keys. "Um... well is there anything you wanted to see first?"
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
, 'Maybe somewhere that serves a decent cup of tea?'
12 years ago
nods as he put his coat on. "I think I know a good place then." He smiled at that and moved to flip the sign on the door around.
12 years ago
opens the door for the other, 'You're full of surprises Matthew.' He can't help but fell that Matthew is a ghost... but he couldn't be right
12 years ago
... the guy was right here, and so very solid. He even smelled of sweets.
12 years ago
looked over at him curiously at that comment as he stepped outside, thanking him again for getting the door. "Eh? I'm not really..." He was
12 years ago
really hoping he wouldn't have to explain what he is.
12 years ago
wouldn't ask now... maybe later. 'You have foreign sweets and know where I can get decent tea, you're definitely surprising.'
12 years ago
laughed quietly and shrugged a bit as he moved to lock up the shop. "My granddad was the one who started stocking the imported sweets. I
12 years ago
just added to the list and continue ordering them."
12 years ago
hums, smiling slightly. 'How are you gonna explain away the tea knowledge?' he asks with an amused smile, waiting for Matthew to the side.
12 years ago
tucked his hands in his pockets as he started in the right direction. "Ah... I like tea." He offered, he really couldn't explain it away.
12 years ago
falls into step with him, watching the other. 'What's your favourite?' he asks, taking a chocolate bar out of his bag. He offers Matthew _
12 years ago
a piece.
12 years ago
glanced over at him and took the offered piece with another quiet thanks. "Lately it's been earl grey," he nodded as he popped the piece of
12 years ago
chocolate in his mouth and let it melt. "Yours?"
12 years ago
hums, 'Probably Assam.' When he could find it, 'I normally just settle for basic British Tea though. The likes of Tetley and whatnot.'
12 years ago
thought about that and nodded, "I think I have Assam at home. I've sort of lost track though." He stopped when they got to the quaint little
12 years ago
coffee shop and moved to get the door for him. The place really wasn't far from his store, one of the reasons he liked it.
12 years ago
thanks him, walking in. It smells of coffee, something that should put him off but he supposes he should trust the other. 'Really? I'd love_
12 years ago
to take a peak at you tea collection then.'
12 years ago
smiled a bit at that and lead him to a quiet corner near some book shelves. He took his coat off and draped it over the back of the chair.
12 years ago
"If you want." He nodded.
12 years ago
smiles, 'It would be a pleasure.' He follows Matthew's actions, eyes on the bookshelf. 'So that's why you like it here?' he asks, nodding to
12 years ago
the shelves. 'You seem to like books.'
Mattie was
12 years ago
caught off guard by that and he flushed a bit at being caught. "Yeah... well... books are... they're good." He nodded. "No one really pays
12 years ago
me much mind." He nodded and headed to the counter to place his order. "That and they do have really good tea here."
12 years ago
nods, placing an order after Matthew. 'So you live vicariously through books?' he asks, not meaning to be mean. Just curious. He himself_
12 years ago
had done it as a young child, when other kids wouldn't talk to him because he spoke to think air. By the time he hit High School he had_
12 years ago
learned to keep his mouth shut and made a better job of being social overall... but Matthew himself seemed so easy to miss.
12 years ago
nodded a bit, "yeah I guess you could say that." He knew why people didn't notice him and there really wasn't anything he could do about
12 years ago
that, after all who wanted to speak to someone who was half ghost. Hell what he is shouldn't even be possible, but he had his mother to
12 years ago
thank for it.
12 years ago
watches him for a moment, before giving him a sympathetic smile. 'It's not a bad way to be.' He pats the other on the shoulder, 'And hey..._
12 years ago
I'd never pass you over. You're too much of a looker for that.'
12 years ago
went a few shades darker at the comment. "E-Eh? Um well I'm sure you would." He didn't mean to make it sound mean or anything. "Thank you
12 years ago
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
he's suits it. The colour earns Matthew a grin, 'You should have more faith in me Matthew Williams. I don't forget people so easily,'_
12 years ago
especially so when they prove to be a mystery.
12 years ago
gave him a curious look at that when their orders were called he happily accepted his tea and the biscuit before moving back to the table.
12 years ago
"You can uh... you just call me Mattie. It's probably easier."
12 years ago
takes his tea, looking at it with suspicion. 'Then please call me Greg in turn.' He sits himself down opposite Matthew, setting the cup down
12 years ago
to stew.
12 years ago
gave him a warm smile at that, if he wasn't careful he might start thinking the other man was quite good looking. He shoved those thoughts
12 years ago
aside though. "So um what else do you want to see?"
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
, playing with the string that hangs out the side of his cup. Greg would encourage the other thinking he was good looking, he really would!_
12 years ago
'Maybe... a decent second-hand book shop? If you know any.'
12 years ago
looks all to excited about that idea and he nods, "oh of course. I know at least three." He looked down at his own tea and carefully took
12 years ago
a sip.
12 years ago
takes a peek at his tea, before pulling out the tea bag. He adds two sugars and a spot of milk. 'I thought you might,' he replies, giving_
12 years ago
the other a small smile.
12 years ago
looked a bit embarrassed at that. "So um Greg, what do you do?"
12 years ago
tenses for a moment, before deciding to be frank. 'I'm a hunter.'
12 years ago
frowns a bit as he stared at him before he looked down at his tea, "I guess that makes sense then." He was suddenly very glad he was hard
12 years ago
to kill. It explained why Greg was talking to him though.
12 years ago
watches him, somewhat guessing what he was thinking. 'I'm not after you...' He gives a bashful smile, 'I was just after some good company.'
12 years ago
looked up at confused. "O-oh... Umm and you don't know what I am?" he'd had more than enough people asking him about it lately.
12 years ago
hums, 'You've either gotten up close and personal with a ghost, or you're somehow half... I can't tell between the two. The former, from_
12 years ago
past experience, seems more likely.' He grins, 'I'm not easily scared off.'
12 years ago
nodded a bit as he ran a hand through his hair lightly. "Half, my mom was a necromancer. I don't even know how she did it and really I don't
12 years ago
think she's inclined to sharing either."
12 years ago
replies, 'I wasn't planning to pry. That's why I didn't ask.' He finally sips his tea, 'You were right. It's good here.'
12 years ago
smiled weakly at that, "thanks." He was starting to really like the guy, shaking his head absently he grinned at the comment about the tea.
12 years ago
"I told you, I come here a lot when the shops really dead."
12 years ago
hums, eyes looking over the cup at Matthew with amusement. 'I'm sorry for ever doubting you, oh wise one.'
12 years ago
laughed lightly at that, "hardly wise. I'm just a kid." He shrugged.
12 years ago
shrugs, 'What are you 20,21? It's not that much younger than me, and you know more about this area than myself.'
12 years ago
smiled now a he sipped more at his tea. "Thank you then... so, um book store after this right?"
12 years ago
smiles, sipping his tea. 'Yep, unless you can think of anywhere else you'd rather show me.'
12 years ago
shakes his head, "um... I'll think of somewhere else I'm sure." he nods.
12 years ago
shakes his head, 'Don't force yourself.' He's almost finished his cup now.
Mattie is
12 years ago
nibbling on his biscuit carefully dipping it in his tea as he felt bad not having any idea of what to show him.
12 years ago
didn't mean to make him feel bad! He drains his cup, 'If you can't think of anything right now, it just gives me an excuse to visit again.'
12 years ago
blinks at that and stares at him, "oh... I didn't think you'd want to visit again." He shrugged and he doesn't think it's his fault.
12 years ago
blinks, 'Why wouldn't I want to visit you again?' Really, this guy needed more self confidence.
12 years ago
smiled and took another bite of his biscuit. "I don't know," he finished his tea with that. "Sorry I'm just not used to conversations longer
12 years ago
than 'hey, you're strange what are you? oh cool. Bye.' It's nice to be able to talk someone though." He nodded, he was enjoying this.
12 years ago
blinks in surprise. Surely some people would stick around a bit longer than that, 'Well... I'm not one of those people.' He grins, before_
12 years ago
slipping his jacket on. 'I want to get to know you better,' he adds on, eyes perhaps giving Matthew a discreet up and down.
12 years ago
couldn't help but be surprised by that as he set about pulling his own coat on as well paying for bother their drinks. He didn't notice the
12 years ago
look. "Ah... well there really isn't much to get to know."
12 years ago
blinks when Matthew pays for both, thanking him. He would definitely have to return the favour sometime. 'You should leave that for others_
12 years ago
to decide Mattie.'
12 years ago
glanced up at him as he finished doing up his coat and he smiled a bit. "I'll trust you on that one then." He nodded, "so what do you hunt,
12 years ago
if you don't mind me asking."
12 years ago
smiles back. He starts to answer as they head to the door, 'Demons who have been causing trouble mostly. I don't just hunt for the sake of_
12 years ago
it, like some people... and angels.'
12 years ago
follows him outside as he listened. "Oh... oddly demons are the one thing that can touch me when I'm... not so solid."
12 years ago
hums, 'Angels can't touch you?'
12 years ago
blinks, "I don't know... never had one try."
12 years ago
hums, 'Perhaps they both can?' He slides his hands into his jacket pocket, 'They don't bother you, do they?'
12 years ago
shakes his head, "no they leave me alone. Sort of like everyone else." He nodded.
12 years ago
watches the other, a hint of sadness crossing his face, 'Must be lonely...'
12 years ago
paused for a moment before he smiled and shrugged, though the smile was forced. "It's fine."
12 years ago
frowns at the other, 'It's alright to talk to others sometimes you know. It doesn't have to be me... but you don't need to force a smile,_
12 years ago
12 years ago
flushed darkly when he said that. "Um... oh..." He fidgeted for a moment. "Sorry, thank you though."
12 years ago
ruffles his hair, smiling. 'No problem...' He looks around, 'So how far is this bookshop?' He's changing the subject.
12 years ago
startles a bit and it took him a moment to think about it. "Oh, um about a ten minute walk if that's okay?"
12 years ago
apologises, pulling his hand back. 'That's fine Matthew.'
12 years ago
shakes his head, he didn't need to apologize. "Okay, and um you didn't need to apologize. I didn't mind that."
12 years ago
grins. Matthew has just opened a floodgate for excuses to touch him. He brushes some hair away from his face, 'I'll keep that in mind.'
12 years ago
looked a bit more embarrassed at that. "O-okay." He couldn't help but think Gregory was attractive when he grinned like that.
12 years ago
isn't aware of it himself. It's just a natural expression for him, especially when he's teasing and being playful. He looks amused, 'You_
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods quickly and smiles, "yeah I'm good." He moved to started walking in the right direction. "Sorry about that. I uh... was distracted."
12 years ago
smirks, following Matthew's lead. 'Ohh?' he asks, grin cheeky. 'Mind if I ask by what?' He has an inkling, but it would be nice to hear it.
12 years ago
flushed darkly at that as he tried not to look over at him. "Um... by... " he hesitated. "Ah it's embarrassing but I was distracted by
12 years ago
Scotland is
12 years ago
surprised it was so easy and pauses briefly. He's soon smiling though, 'I guess it's only fair to say that you've been distracting me a fair
12 years ago
bit.' He looks the other up and down, 'Actually, a bit more than a fair bit I'd say.'
12 years ago
gaped a bit at that as he looked over at him, he hadn't expected that. "A-Ah, um... Oh." He tried to hide the even dark blush. He didn't
12 years ago
know what to say to that."
12 years ago
grins cheekily, 'You know. Most people either kiss a person after admissions like this, or invite the other back to his place.' He was_
12 years ago
pushing his luck.
12 years ago
only flustered even more at that as he shifted slightly. "U-Um well, if you want... I did say I would show you my tea collection." That
12 years ago
sounded horribly lame even to himself.
12 years ago
doesn't mind how lame it sounded, he's nodding along. 'Yeah... you said you had Assam right?'
12 years ago
nods, "I think so. I can't promise anything though. I had at least fifty different kinds."
12 years ago
shakes his head, 'I'm sure I'll find something that suits then...' If not, well his main reason to visit wasn't the tea.
12 years ago
smiled faintly, "so um still want to go to the book store first?" He wasn't sure.
12 years ago
suppose his probably should, if only to be polite. 'Sure,' he replies, starting to head in the same direction they'd been heading before.
12 years ago
'Always need a book.'
12 years ago
laughed softly and nodded a bit as he kept walking, it wouldn't take long to get there. "So what kind of books do you like to read?"
12 years ago
rubs the back of his neck, 'Law Thrillers. Yourself?'
12 years ago
looked over at him as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "Fantasy mostly, but I like anything that's got good world building and plot."
12 years ago
smiles, 'I can see why you like it... but I experience enough of that stuff in real life, you know?'
Mattie feels
12 years ago
a bit bad suddenly and smiles, "oh yeah I don't blame you then."
12 years ago
doesn't think he should feel bad at all. 'I really like Terry Pratchett though,' he adds with a smile.
12 years ago
grins at that, "oh he's good!" He nodded.
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
Matthew suits that expression, 'You should grin more often mate.'
12 years ago
blinked as he finally stopped outside the bookstore. "You should too, you look really attractive when you grin."
12 years ago
blinks, before his cheeks turn red. He'd never been told that before, and he was rather taken aback by the other's forwardness. 'I'll keep_
12 years ago
it in mind.' He opens the door for them both, letting Matthew in first.'
12 years ago
quietly thanked him for holding the door as he stepped inside. He was just being honest, he thought Greg was the kind of person who liked
12 years ago
honesty. "Um so... there's really no order to the chaos here."
12 years ago
nods, 'Right. So you dive in and hope for the best?' He did appreciate it... but the openness had caught him out.
12 years ago
returned the nod, "yep. Almost always come up with something good though."
12 years ago
smiles, 'Alright then...' He glances at a few of the shelves, humming as he does indeed find something. He pulls it out from the shelf, '_
12 years ago
Definitely coming back,' he tells Matthew over his shoulder, grinning.
12 years ago
couldn't help but smile as he watched him. He carefully moved to another shelf and ran his finger lightly over the spines before he found
12 years ago
the book he'd hidden last time he was here. He plucked it off the shelf. "Glad you found something."
12 years ago
smiles, 'Ta for bringing me here.' He plucks Matthew's book out of his hand and pays for the both, 'As thanks for the tea.'
12 years ago
started to protest as he paid for both the books but stopped himself and only nodded. "You're welcome and thank you."
12 years ago
shakes his head, handing him his book back. 'It's my pleasure,' he replies, tilting his head.
12 years ago
smiled a bit at that as he took the book back back. "Well you've been nice to me so I feel like I owe you."
12 years ago
shakes his head, 'You don't need to owe me for something like that.' He slips his book into an inside pocket, 'Ready to head?'
12 years ago
nods, "I just live above my shop." He stepped out of the book store holding the door for Greg.
12 years ago
blinks, '... Wow. Talk about handy.' He thanks him, stepping out. 'Rent must be kinda hefty.'
12 years ago
shakes his head lightly. "The shop is fully paid off, so just the apartment rent."
12 years ago
ahhs, 'Right. That's not bad at all. Close to work too.' He looks up at said flat, 'Looks good an'all.' He grins.
12 years ago
smiled a bit at that as he nodded and unlocked the door next to the shop. It just lead up a flight of stairs. He held the door for Gregory
12 years ago
before he went up the stairs and unlocked the second door at the top, stepping inside. "I'm never late for work, that's for sure."
12 years ago
laughs, 'That might be because you're your own boss.' He found he was never late for work. He follows Matthew up the stairs, hanging up his_
12 years ago
coat when he steps inside.
12 years ago
hung up his own and laughed lightly at that with a nod. He took off his shoes next before he went towards the kitchen. "That's a good
12 years ago
12 years ago
follows along, quite eager to see his tea collection now. 'I rarely make a bad one,' he replies with a grin.
12 years ago
smiled over at him as he went to the cupboard and started to dig through it. He pulled out several boxes and a whole bunch of tins. "I think
12 years ago
that is all of it."
12 years ago
looks at the collection, picking up a few. 'Quite a collection you have here.'
12 years ago
shrugs as he moved to his other cuboard and pulled a tin. "Do you like tablet?"
12 years ago
holds a hand to his heart, 'You're a guy after my own heart. I love Tablet.'
12 years ago
((Man. Matthew is pretty much Matthew's perfect guy this event. He has shortbread and Tablet... and Scotland has low requirements xD ))
12 years ago
12 years ago
held back another soft laugh, a grin slipping across his lips instead. "I made it yesterday so it should be fine." He pulled some out and
12 years ago
set it out on a plate for him. (Mm my Neighbour made the best tablet ever I miss it so much )
12 years ago
((I'm jealous xD I only ever got home made from school fairs xD ))
12 years ago
crowds behind him, stealing a piece - impatient. 'God, That's fantastic.' He leans closer, arms on either side of Matthew, 'You should come_
12 years ago
and try some of mine one day.' He takes another piece, popping it into his mouth with a hum. 'You're full of surprises Matthew.'
12 years ago
((aw, he made it for us every Christmas and the British imports store near me sells homemade that the owners mom makes.))
12 years ago
felt his cheeks flush a bit as he came so close. He nodded, glad he liked the tablet. "If you wouldn't mind. I'd like that."
12 years ago
shakes his head, 'I wouldn't have offered if I minded.' He presses a piece to Matthew's lips, pressing a kiss to jaw from behind.
12 years ago
flushed at the kiss as he took the piece of the sweet into his mouth. He enjoyed it quietly before he carefully turned to face Greg. He
12 years ago
didn't know what to say so he lightly kissed him instead.
12 years ago
rather prefers this to talking, kissing him back. A hand settles at the back of his neck, threading through his hair. The other tasted of_
12 years ago
Tablet and Tea, a wonderful combination.
12 years ago
tried to hide the shiver at the hand in his hair. He hesitated a bit as he moved his own hands to the front of his shirt.
12 years ago
keeps the kiss tame for now, sensing the other's hesitation. The other arm wraps around his waist and hefts him up onto the counter,_
12 years ago
attempting not to break the kiss in the process.
12 years ago
gasped into the kiss as he settled on the counter. He shifted his hands to his shoulders, he was quickly forgetting to be embarrassed.
12 years ago
soon slots himself between the other's legs, hand skimming over his thigh before settling on his hip. He gives a small squeeze.
12 years ago
gently wrapped his arms around his shoulders pulling him a bit. He didn't want him to stop anytime soon.
12 years ago
wasn't planning to. He deepens the kiss, pressing against Matthew with the pull. He slips a hand under his top, fingers trailing over the_
12 years ago
skin he finds.
12 years ago
made a small sound into the kiss as he felt the hand under his top. He gladly let the kiss deepen though, pressing in closer to him. He
12 years ago
would be embarrassed to admit it, but he really like the way he could taste the table in the kiss.
12 years ago
continues to let his hand wander, a thumb soon rolling over the other's nipple. He takes time to taste the other, exploring his mouth and_
12 years ago
tangling his tongue with the other. He definitely loved the taste of tablet on their tongues.
12 years ago
moaned softly before he could catch himself, flushing even darker at that. He let one of his own hands slide into Greg's hair as he gladly
12 years ago
took the chance to enjoy the taste of him.
12 years ago
smirks against his lips, using that as an excuse to pull back and breath. He keeps a hand in his hair, the other squeezing Matthew's_
12 years ago
nipple as he watches the other.
Mattie was
12 years ago
glad for the break in the kiss as he caught his breath, he glanced up at him and tried not to show how much the fingers on him effected him.
Scotland gives
12 years ago
the other an encouraging smile before kissing his jaw. He nuzzles, breath ghosting over his skin. 'I don't think you realise how hot you_
12 years ago
look right now,' he murmurs, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
12 years ago
shuddered as he closed his eyes, enjoying the kiss. "I-I'm hardly... hot..." he bit his lower lip lightly as he thought for a moment,
12 years ago
"y-you're way better looking."
12 years ago
laughs against his skin, 'I beg to differ mate,' he murmurs, lightly nipping on the collar of his neck. 'You're much fitter.'
12 years ago
lightly tightened his hold on him a bit, "I hardly do anything physical though... you're the hunter." He smiled at the thought.
12 years ago
licks the spot, sucking on it. He presses a soft kiss against his collar bone. 'Agree to disagree?' he asks, the questioned murmured against
12 years ago
his skin.
12 years ago
bit back a soft but embarrassing sound as he shifted a bit, pressing a bit closer to him. "I think I can manage that." He gently tangled his
12 years ago
fingers in his hair lightly.
12 years ago
takes the hand in his hair as an encouragement, continuing to kiss his neck as he pushes the other's shirt up. He pulls back to help him_
12 years ago
take it off, eyes on his skin as soon as the clothing falls to the floor. Forgotten.
12 years ago
reluctantly pulled his hand from his hair as he slipped his shirt off, he blushed at the eyes on him. "Do... um... do you want to move to
12 years ago
the bedroom?"
12 years ago
nods, 'Lead the way.' He steps back, helping the other down from the countertop.
12 years ago
got down and carefully slipped his hand in around Greg's before he lead him towards the bedroom. It wasn't much, mostly books and the odd
12 years ago
bit of clothing on scattered on the floor. He suddenly wished he'd cleaned up. "Sorry I don't normally... um... I never have anyone in
12 years ago
12 years ago
follows him, not even blinking an eye before he notices. He shakes his head, 'It's fine... but hey, this isn't your - your first time, is_
12 years ago
12 years ago
looked up at him a bit startled at that question and he shook his head. "No, certainly not my first time. Just not since I moved here I
12 years ago
12 years ago
sighs in relief, tugging him closer. 'Alright then' He edges the other Backwards, until his legs hit the edge of the bed, 'I don't want to_
12 years ago
have to hold back,' he murmurs, before kissing the other.
Mattie was
12 years ago
going to say something but he didn't get the chance. His hands caught in his shirt as he kissed him back, any hesitation he had was gone. He
12 years ago
lightly pulled at the others shirt, wanting the material gone from between them.
12 years ago
pulls back, helping the other tug off his own shirt. He's soon catching the other's lips again, hands sliding up his side before lightly_
12 years ago
urging him to fall back onto the bed.
12 years ago
faltered a bit as he fell back, breaking the kiss again as he looked up at him for a few seconds before he reach up and pulled him down with
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him, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him again. "I don't want you to hold back either," he murmured against his lips.
12 years ago
hums in approval against his lips, before resuming the kiss he had broken. His hands move to Mattie's trousers, tugging off the belt. His_
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hands then slide back up, toying with the other's nipples as he deepens the kiss. He's definitely not holding back.
12 years ago
felt his breath hitch as he slid his own hands down his back, exploring the skin he could reach. One of his hands slid up into Greg's hair
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again, pulling.
12 years ago
groans with the tug, one hand moving down to cup Matthew's crotch through his trousers in response. The Other pinches and tugs at the_
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nipple, wanting a reaction.
12 years ago
whimpered softly into the kiss as he pressed into his hands, he lightly dug his nails into his back a bit. He pulled back from the kiss to
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catch his breath, moving to kiss at the side of his neck instead. He was trying not to focus on the fingers on his chest.
12 years ago
massages Matthew's crotch, tilting his head to give the other access. His back is in a small arch from the nails, eyebrows furrowed in_
12 years ago
pleasure pain as his hand falters on Matthew's chest. His thumb soon rolls the abused nipple under his finger though, relishing the small_
12 years ago
sounds he can drag out of the other.
12 years ago
lightly nipped and kissed along his neck, moaning against his skin as he gave up trying to hide his sounds. He eased his grip on his beck,
12 years ago
sliding a hand down his hand with a feather light touch till he slid his hand under he waist band of his pants and pulled his hips into his.
12 years ago
groans with the connection, grinding down against Matthew. He swears softly at the mouth on his neck, 'F-fuck, get your trousers off,' he_
12 years ago
groans out, already pushing Matthew's down to help him. ((Private? ))
12 years ago
((Sure want me to start it?))
12 years ago
((Yeah. I'm just going to head to bed so I'll reply in the morning ;o; ))
12 years ago
((Kay, going to focus on class ^^ Have a good night! ))
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