12 years ago
latest #38
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
I Am Immortal
12 years ago
I am a happier person due to it.
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
I Am Immortal
12 years ago
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Carrot Ironfoundersson you say....hmmm
12 years ago
...Could I app as Wrex?
Tonberry King
12 years ago
What about my really dumb eberron idea of playing as a dwarf tony stark?
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
If you can find the materials you can build it!
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
greymav: totally.
Tonberry King
12 years ago
For Eberron, it was gonna be a Dwarf Artificer riding around inside a decomissioned warforged
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Hmmm, temptation to play Mordin rising...
Tonberry King
12 years ago
He'd be a more fun doctor to play than Fran I think :-D
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
Yeah. You'd app it as an oc of course.
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
Yess mass effect cast
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Once tagged as Mordin in facebook photo. Spent entire comments thread speaking like him. Amusing.
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
I think he could work well, cause he could build all sorts of crazy things. As well as experiment.
12 years ago
OK, Tazrael remind me, I'll try apping Wrex. And if that doesn't work I'll try Jacob, he doesn't have any character traits anyway.
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
Reserve wrex then!
asalto gabideño
12 years ago
what is this
I Am Immortal
12 years ago
This is a new up and coming game where only fun things can come.
12 years ago
Lan you know my group of characters played... so if I wanted to could I play one of my DCers here?
12 years ago
And I blame Matt bc now I want to try playing Tali. >.<
12 years ago
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
As I am LAN I would say yes. Totally.
12 years ago
I dunno whose who. Geez LOL I've been part of this site for literally five minutes <3
12 years ago
need to do the weigh of time for new games again.
asalto gabideño
12 years ago
ahh now i wonder if i should reserve a homestuck... :|a
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
We have a jake reserved right now!
asalto gabideño
12 years ago
haha, yeah, i saw! i play dave, so i thought about reserving him, but... hmm
asalto gabideño
12 years ago
i feel like i should app jade instead. ;w;
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Okay, I'll do it. I'll app Mordin later tonight
12 years ago
I guess I'll reserve BoukenRed
fortressrp says
12 years ago
corvid tazrael we will welcome you both! the complementary cabbages are on the table down the hall.
12 years ago
My prediction for 1 month in the future: Wrex will be covered in cats.
Tonberry King
12 years ago
Who is going to give birth in combat and use the baby as a weapon?
Rabbit Witch
12 years ago
Absolutely not the orc army that is only two month's march away
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