12 years ago
waited until it was dark to find a small river to clean himself in. He was still covered in traces of frosting, and the bugs were starting_
latest #80
12 years ago
to come after him... Which wouldn't have been nearly as bad if some of they weren't the same size as him.
12 years ago
is following the path, watching his feet as he walks. A spark of something odd catches his attention, and soon his eyes fall on the small_
12 years ago
elf. It's been a while since he'd seen one of these. He stands close by, hands tightening the small bag of Fae dust his friends had_
12 years ago
*around the
12 years ago
given him as a leaving present and asks, 'What are you doing all the way here?'
12 years ago
had been enjoying the feeling of the cold water rinsing through his hair to hear the other man approaching. He leaped in the air with_
12 years ago
fright at his loud voice and fell in to the small puddle along the edge of the river where he had been cleaning himself. He pulled himself_
12 years ago
out and sputtered breathlessly as he glared at him.
12 years ago
holds back his laugh, finding the whole commotion rather adorable. Not that he would say as such. He creeps down, keeping his distance as he
12 years ago
watches the other, 'Let me guess, a tourist picked up your home and brought it here because he thought it would look fab in his garden?' The
12 years ago
Fae had recounted many a tale such as this, happening to themselves and other beings.
12 years ago
eyed the man warily. How had he known that?! He hadn't seen any other elves here, though it was getting incredibly lonely. Were there_
12 years ago
others that this had happened to? He had never been particularly friendly back home, but he had missed having neighbors; or at least humans_
12 years ago
that were nice. "... Yes... Who are you?" He asked with a cautious frown.
12 years ago
smiles, 'Gregory... All the way from Scotland. How about yourself? Gregory had seen a few Fae, but no elves... not that he was looking for_
12 years ago
them. ((Earlier post should be kneels down instead of creeps down. Damn. Slendy on the brain x_x;; ))
12 years ago
paused for a moment. The man didn't look threatening, and Scotland was kind of close to Iceland, so perhaps he could be trusted. "Einar."
12 years ago
smiles, trying to place the name. He was never good with these things though. 'You want some fairy dust?' he asks, as a small offering to_
12 years ago
show the other he wanted to be friends. 'I promise the Fae haven't done anything to this batch...' Just the other three.
12 years ago
blinked. "... Fairy dust?" He wasn't as familiar with fairies as he was with trolls and elves, though this man didn't look like any_
12 years ago
fair creature he'd seem before... "How did you get it?"
12 years ago
says, with a somewhat sad smile, 'It was a leaving present from some friends back home.'
12 years ago
nodded slowly, taking a cautious step towards him.
12 years ago
takes out the bag from his pocket, opening it up so that he can give the elf some. 'So where are you from?' he asks.
12 years ago
"Iceland," he said lightly.
12 years ago
smiles, ' Fairly close to Scotland then... Do you have something to put this in?' he asks... he's not sure he has a bag small_
12 years ago
enough for the elf.
12 years ago
frowned and ran to a tiny wet jacket that had been hung to dry on some dense spiderwebs. He rummaged through one of the pockets for a small_
12 years ago
pouch that he carried for collecting things like shiny strings. He held the small bag out to him.
12 years ago
fills the bag up completely, 'If you're finished by the time I meet you again, don't hesitate to ask for more.' He hands him the little bag_
12 years ago
back, smiling. It was nice to talk to someone small, even if they weren't a Fae.
12 years ago
took the bag back, eyeing the contents with ill-masked excitement. "Thank you!" He hadn't been given such a nice gift in quite some time; he
12 years ago
may have a new favorite human, now!
12 years ago
grins at the poorly veiled excitement, 'My pleasure Einar.'
12 years ago
couldn't tear his attention away from the dust; he was entirely transfixed with it. He'd probably be like this for a few days now.
12 years ago
pats his head with a finger, before standing up. 'You always live here?' he asks.
12 years ago
shook his head, glancing up at the large man. "Humans are noisy and annoying." He frowned; he usually tried his best to avoid them.
12 years ago
snorts in amusement, moving to sit on some rocks. 'I'll try and keep the noise down from now on then eh?'
12 years ago
smiled a little bit. "Thank you." Though this man seemed nice enough, and his voice wasn't nearly as grating as the other's had been.
12 years ago
is glad the other seems to be warming up to him. He always found elves, 'You know in Scotland elves called brownies will clean your house.'
12 years ago
scoffed quietly. "That's because elves like cleaning." Mostly because you could find shiny things people had forgotten about when cleaning,_
12 years ago
or sneak tasty food...
12 years ago
hums, an amused smile on his face. 'Does that mean I could maybe tempt you into cleaning my house?' he jokes.
12 years ago
rolled his eyes. "Where do you live?" He probably wouldn't mind; he had given him a lovely gift, after-all.
12 years ago
blinks, 'I was only joking... I'm afraid you'd get lost in my mess mate... I sometimes do.'
12 years ago
furrowed his brows. "I don't get lost in messes." He huffed proudly. Well... He had gotten lost, quite frequently, actually. But he was_
12 years ago
usually able to find his way out...
12 years ago
thinks about this, 'You can visit, if you want and judge for yourself.'
12 years ago
"... Do you have... any honey? Or sweet food?" Hopefully nothing frosting related... he may have been permanently traumatized by frosting..
12 years ago
grins, 'I have honey, and tablet - which is a very very sweet Scottish sweetie.'
12 years ago
nodded. He would have loved to visit him!! He might purposely get lost so that he didn't have to leave!
12 years ago
hums, wondering how he should go about getting the Elf to his house. He didn't want to offend him by offering to carry him but....
12 years ago
pulled on his jacket. He was still wet, but thankfully one of the perks of being so small was that his clothes dried quicker than larger_
12 years ago
people's did. He glanced up at the man. "Are you going to offer to carry me, or am I going to have to walk myself?" He asked dryly; if he_
12 years ago
had to walk by himself, he'd probably never get there, and would forget all about him.
12 years ago
is glad he didn't have to ask, 'Of course!' He holds out a hand for him to walk onto, 'Where do you prefer to sit? Shoulder, hand. Top_
12 years ago
of the head...' He was listing the places the Fae liked to perch themselves.'
12 years ago
thought about it for a moment. He didn't hitch a ride on people very often, so he wasn't sure which would be the most comfortable..._
12 years ago
"Shoulder." He said after a moment's hesitation.
12 years ago
holds up his hand so that Einar can climb on, careful not to move too quickly. 'Alright... Secure?'
12 years ago
climbed in to his hand. He trusted this man much more than the one that tried to kill him with a cupcake.
12 years ago
soon lifts him up to his shoulder, not going too fast as to scare the little guy. He seemed a bit skittish, 'So... how are you finding the_
12 years ago
12 years ago
hopped on to his shoulder and made himself comfortable. It was kind of nice being this high! He could see more things! "It's horrible!_
12 years ago
Everyone is loud, and they keep throwing my houses in the river!"
12 years ago
hums, 'I think that's what you call skimming stones...' He starts walking, soon finding the path that would lead back to town. 'But everyone
12 years ago
is loud huh? I think that's why Demons can hide so well.'
12 years ago
started to nod but froze. "Demons?"
12 years ago
blinks before giving a slow nod... 'Yeah... that's why I came here. I'm a hunter.'
12 years ago
"... A hunter?... of demons?" He hadn't even known that there were real demons here...
12 years ago
nods, 'Yeah... someone has to do it you know?'
12 years ago
"There are demons here?" He had to fight very hard to keep his eyes widening with fear.
12 years ago
watches him for a moment before giving a small nod... 'They tend to be more concerned with humans though... so you don't need to worry.'
12 years ago
let out a quiet sigh of relief, that was good to know!
12 years ago
laughs lightly, shaking his head. 'Be careful though, okay?'
12 years ago
nodded firmly. He didn't need to be told twice! "What do they look like?"
12 years ago
hums. 'Nowadays? Just like humans. It's getting harder and harder to identify them...'
12 years ago
frowned a little bit, unconsciously tightening his hold on the man. That didn't sound very encouraging.
12 years ago
gives him an encouraging grin, 'As I said though, they're mostly concerned with humans.'
12 years ago
didn't feel very encouraged. "...Yeah..."
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