[HE LOOKS SO SEXY THERE. tell me what the article said while I stare at his photo /rubs self on screen]
( It wasn't an article, it was an opinion piece. Just said that America is doing a Sherlock series. )
( Lucy Liu is Joan Watson. )
[WTF they are? o__o i live here and i dont even know lmao. I live under a rock....]
( I didn't know until recently. I anticipate it's going to be horrible. T_T )
( They changed Watson's GENDER for crying out loud. Ughhhh. )
[i apologize for my country's stupidity. you know I saw this coming lol I saw a post on tumblr with Nicolas Cage as Sherlock as a joke.]
( Your country isn't stupid. XP I wouldn't have known either until now if someone hadn't told me. )
( But yeah, this...ewww. Benedict will always be the best Sherlock. Please don't tarnish it, America.
[i won't even watch it lol it seems horrible. i like the bromance between sherlock and john.]
( I might watch one episode to confirm that it's as bad as I think it will be, haha. )
[i probably won't have time xD if they were going to change john's gender if should have been a hotter actress.]
( I guess they were going for sophisticated and smart, which an asian stereotypically is XD )
[i'm azn and i'm far from the regular azn. i suck at math. I can drive. I have big eyes.]
( Hollywood won't approach you then D; not unless you're like Lucy Liu! )
[i'm sexy. ;D no i'm kidding. i'm way too sexy. that's right.]
( too sexy for hollywood? Woaaaah XD)
[yea. i dont want to be famous. that would mean i have too many fans plus the fans i already have >D]
(you have 2 fans in your house. you just never turn them on...)
( ........ /interpreted in the wrong way )
((oh my o.o why I feel that the american series version will turn out horrible :S ))
( Because they usually are? /biased )
( I must agree with you x_x oh well woman Watson... is that means they were against the fanservice and just choosed a woman instead a man?))
( I'm not sure, but I think americans generally don't support gay marriage? IDK )
( So I guess they don't like the homosexual implications...
(( hm :S well they just prove the gay thing with their action..I think ))
( Whatever their intentions, if it turns into another romance-crime thriller... =_= )
((ugh :S do not want...though the possibility is high
[depends which state lol most of the older generation won't support it, but the newer ones will]
[watching sherlock dance like that...
[i should get off tumblr...]