I can't take it anymore. I take one day off cause of my wisdom tooth removal, and he makes some stupid excuse to take one off too
He owes 300 bucks to bell for his cellphone bill, but hey, let's sign up for a new one and put our new addresse as the contact info
of course they refuse the new cell but now they call me everyday asking about the money and marti refuses to answer the fucking phone
he insists he owes nothing
and yet he's in a big rush to get his own cell phone, god knows why. He uses mine all the time anyways.
So he gets his dad to get a phone in his name. What the fuck. AND he spends his money so carelessly
we could have avoided having to deal with kittens if he would have not spent his money on a fucking 600 dollar drum set he doesn't evenm use
He's in a huge rush to be getting the computer fixed and everything it's so fucking annoying. I just can't even stand him anymore
he's lazy and messy and just wants to spend all his time partying. He has no aspiration in life but to get high. And he can never
understand that maybe it would be nice if I could have some alone time with nick. I work all week and he does too. He's home before
me and he stays home all weekend.
He's turning 21, and it's like he's the kid in the house. He's incapable of cooking anything, whenever we arent home he just eats toast
And we cook and clean absolutely everything. God damnit.
wow, i wouldn't live with someone like that
em you neeeda do soemthing about him, cuz he is gonna screw u guys over and you DEFINATLY dont want him brining debt into your house
cuz that shit will follow you around & Im sure you dont want that extr a stress and
thouh guys can be fucken assholes to when it comes to shit& depening on what kinda debt he gets into they can reposses shit & you dont want
to del with stupid asshole repo men and try & tel them to fuck off that certwain stuff is your
and not his and then that could end in a whole legal mess & you definatly dont want that kinda shit ;/